The 'Robert Fisks' And The Internet

This is not your medium





The Internet Is Not A Friend To The 'Daniel Pipes'

It's one thing to write for your local Hillel, but certainly not the real world






These People Should Shun The Internet

The internet provides an availability to news that has never been seen before. Instead of your local paper, with a slanted story, you have hundreds of sources, and pictures to confirm it.

The coup de grāce is the ability of people with focused views to gather, which leads to a compounding effect of researchers.









How Can Fisk Actually Write This?

Oh how - when it comes to the realities of history - the Muslims of the Middle East exhaust my patience. After years of explaining to Arab friends that the Jewish Holocaust - the systematic, planned murder of six million Jews by the Nazis, is an indisputable fact - I am still met with a state of willing disbelief.

And now, this week, the preposterous President Mahmoud Ahmadinajad of Iran opens up his own country to obloquy and shame by holding a supposedly impartial "conference" on the Jewish Holocaust to repeat the lies of the racists who, if they did not direct their hatred towards Jews, would most assuredly turn venomously against those other Semites, the Arabs of the Middle East.


Has Fisk Done Any Research

How, I always ask, can you expect the West to understand and accept the ethnic cleansing of 750,000 men, women and children from Palestine in 1948 when you will not try to comprehend the enormity done the Jews of Europe?


Fisk Compares The Crack Waffen SS To The IDF Shooting Rock Throwing Kids

Needless to say, any comparison between the behaviour of German troops in the Second World War and Israeli soldiers today (with their constantly betrayed claim to "purity of arms") is denounced as anti-Semitic. Generally, I believe that is the correct reaction. Israelis are not committing mass rape, murder or installing gas chambers for the Palestinians.


Full Fisk Article






People Like Fisk Belong Speaking At The Local Hillel House

The Israelis are the most brutal, soulless, deviant killers ever put on this earth. In the last four years they have killed 5,000 Palestinians, and lost 40 soldiers. At least 95% were civilians, mostly women and children. Tanks firing into crowds, snipers shooting 8 yr-olds in the head, and just last week they shot twenty mothers, killing two, because they came for their children the Israelis arrested.

Fisk's pen never touched on hundreds of Israeli atrocities. And now we have to listen how SS heroes like Rommel, Paulus, Adolf Galland were monsters, and Ariel Sharon was a gallant General.










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Electronic Trigger
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