Tesco Toys Latest Children's Game







A Pole Dancing Barbie








Sir John Edward Cohen

Tesco's Founder






Cohan's Daughter






Today's Cohens







She Has An English Title








Immigrant Parents

Sir John Edward Cohen, born Jacob Edward Kohen and commonly known as Jack Cohen, was a British businessman who founded the Tesco supermarket chain. He was born in Whitechapel in the East End of London, the son of a Avroam Kohen, an immigrant Polish-Jewish tailor, and his first wife, . 







The Birth of "Sir Jonah Cohen"

On October 1, 1894, Sime Zamremba gave birth to a young hatchling , who was destined to become a Knight of England.






World War One

As many of England's finest decided to fight the 'Hun', young Johan decided he would travel to America for the duration.








Jonah Founds Tesco

One moxie retailer, our young Israelite founds Tesco Toys.


Knighthood Is Bestowed

What a fitting tribute to England's finest.







Cohen's Daughter

She was ordained Dame Shirley Porter, runs Tesco, and is a politician that is one step from 'John Law'. Her son is a fugitive






One Of Many Mansions

The Cohens are super wealthy, Tesco is the Wal-Mart of Europe. They are into banking, internet service, etc.






Pole Dancing Barbie?

Tesco eliminated thousands of small family owned toy stores over the years. The Cohens have everything made in China, and now attempt to pollute some 8 yr-old's mind.

An interesting thought would be to revisit the Bolshevik Revolution of 1918. Take back Russia, put the citizens in charge, re-establish the Pale of the Settlement, and ship these swindlers back there.





Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index