UN Demands Investigation Into Israeli Massacre

Israeli PM Olmert enraged at UN




Israel Massacred Eighteen Women And Children

A bomb destroyed the house and blood flowed into the street





Israel Rounded Up Their Children To Take To The Desert

Mothers went to the Mosque to rescue the children and were killed





Israel Targets The Mother Who Led The Protest

Gaza women act as human shields against bombing raid






Mothers Are Sick Of Their Children Being Killed

Israel will seek reprisals against all involved






Fifty Women Sit On A Rooftop

"Come and kill us, the world is watching"





Israelis Retaliate And Execute A Family

The IDF shot a missile into a mini van full of children








Zionists Are In A Total Rage

Their world image is quickly deteriorating after the Lebanon massacres, and their brutal genocide in Gaza. Their clammy representative, Bibi Netanyahu, who making the talk show rounds screaming "This is 1938, Ahmadinejad is Hitler with nukes", is getting laughed at.

What is worse is the Palestinians are standing up and defying Israel. They publicly dare Israel to slaughter fifty women on a rooftop. Israel, in it's bloodthirsty anger, shot a missile into a minivan on 11/19/2006, killing the parents, and leaving eight children in critical condition.




Electronic Trigger points to Israel
Natalee Holloway
John O'Neill

 Judicial Index