University Of Oregon Caught Up In Nazi Turmoil








The Ugly Claw Of Anti-Semitism Scars School








Music Professor Sponsors Hate Forum








Eighteen People Attended









This Is National News?

Eighteen people attend a lecture at rural university and it makes headlines. And it is a safe bet that half the attendees were Jewish students from the local campus Hillel.








Oregon Anti-Hate Group Mobilizes!

Concerned community members have formed the Anti-Hate Task Force to protest a series of public talks at the University of Oregon that they say are anti-Semitic.









Music Professor Behind It

The talks are sponsored by the Pacifica Forum, a local discussion group founded by Orval Etter, a longtime Eugene pacifist, university professor and music patron.









Valdas Anelauskas Is Speaker

On Friday, Valdas Anelauskas gave a 75-minute lecture on "Zionism and Russia" in which he asserted that Jews were largely responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.







Germar Rudolf Is His Hero

Anelauskas dedicated his lecture to Germar Rudolf, a Holocaust denier imprisoned in Germany.







Anelauskas And The Bolsheviks

His lecture details the Jewish role








 Jewish Community Relations Council

"This has been going on for years, and we think it's time it be exposed, is anti-Semitism, pure and simple" said Craig Weinerman.










Jew's Role In World History

That is a fact.







Etter's Background

A lifelong pacifist, Etter worked for 11 years for Fellowship of Reconciliation, a national interfaith peace group, and later taught a course on violence and nonviolence at the UO. He served for years as staff attorney to the UO's Bureau of Municipal Research, and was chief draftsman for Eugene's 1976 city charter.









Is Israel Committing Another Holocaust

He said he recalls reading a pamphlet that asserted that "what Israel is doing to Palestine is a holocaust."









Etter Praises David irving

Pacifica Forum topics this year have included a lecture by Etter on British historian David Irving and William Luther Pierce.









A White Separatist

Anelauskas, a native of Lithuania, describes himself as "a nationalist and white separatist and racialist."







Admits There Was A Holocaust

There was a holocaust, it was a tragedy, but the 6 million may be high.








Russian Killed Twenty Million

In his talk on Friday, attended by about 20 people, Anelauskas cited sources that focused on Jewish participation in the Bolshevik Revolution. He called the revolution's leaders "the greatest killing machine in history" and said their history is not widely reported in the United States today because of Jews in academia and the media.








Doesn't Deny Anne Frank

" More indicated having read the latter. "It's what is promoted and what is hushed up," he said of the disparity.









Believer In Mein Kampf

During a question-and-answer period, Aviva Sainz called Anelauskas' lecture "anti-Jewish garbage in a tradition that has lasted for centuries." His talk, she told him, "is in the tradition of Hitler's `Mein Kampf.' "

"There's a lot of truth in `Mein Kampf,' " Anelauskas responded.









Critics say the programs in question included two that blamed Jews for Kristallnacht, the 1938 pogrom against Jews in Germany.







Anti-Hate Taskforce Worried

Michael Williams, an Anti-Hate Task Force member who has monitored the forum for several years, says  it's all about  anti-Jewish themes.








University Won't Shut It Down

UO officials are aware of the Pacifica Forum and have no plans to take any action, said spokesman Phil Weiler.








Local Jews 'Found it chilling'

Nadia Telsey, another task force member, said she attended Friday's lecture and found it "quite chilling." She said history has shown that anti-Semitism is cyclical, and can erupt quickly if early indicators are not challenged.








This Is How Hitler Started

Jewish Students are frightened!!







Another Hate Hoax?

Since when does 18 people in a room equal national attention, especially since half were probably Jewish. I almost have to wonder if this a stab at more Zionist victim hood.







Natalee Holloway
Electronic Trigger

 Judicial Index