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23,000 institutional/child abuse MKULTRA victims?

We members of the MKULTRA targetted community cannot support such a high number at the present, however, author Whitley Streiber claims these numbers were given ath the Senate hearings in 1977. If someone can research the archives, please email me with document numbers and page and paragraph numbers for further verification., Eleanor White.

Alleged excerpted data:


Hearings by the Select Committee on Health and Scientific
Research of the Committee on Human Resources, United States
Senate (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, l977).
Use the whole reference.

And the facts listed are:

+The CIA spent more than 26 million dollars on this
 notorious program.
+The undertaking involved:
    l86 researchers in the academic community
     l5  foundadtions
     l2 hospitals and clinics
      3 prisons
        numerous pharmaceutical companies.  In the early l950s,
          the CIA ordered one hundred million tabs of LSD 
          (EA-l729) from Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, enough to dose
          half the American population
    l49 Subprojects
    23,000 victims

(Background for the following direct quote from the Hearings:

"Dr. Jose Delgado developed the stimoceiver.  It is rumored
that this device evolved into a technology known as radio
hypnotic intracerebral control and electronic disolution of
memory (RHIC-EDOM), inducing a hypnotic state via radio

Quote from the Hearings:  Senator Richard Schweiker (D.Penn)
questioned MKULTRA administrator Dr. Sidney Gottlieb whether
"any of these projects involve something called radio hypnotic
intracerebral control." Gottlieb replied they did not.  But
when Schweiker pressed him, he stated that "there was a
current interest, a running interest, all the time, in what
affects people standing in the field of radio energy."

MKULTRA went from 1952 to 1972 - So this "interest" was
already in place for those 20 years.

Someone who could look up Supreme Court decisions could find
the decision in l986 for us that the CIA did not need to
disclose the names of scientists and institutions involved in
MKULTRA.  Which may mean, depending on the wording, that the
CIA has the legal right to hold back all documentation
involving mind control.  It would be interesting and a help if
one of our legal eagles could do that.

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