PERPETRATOR Questionnaire

January 22, 2005

Click Here for the actual form

Below are selected responses to this form. Since the form is emailed to me, Eleanor White, from a third party anonymous email server, there is no way to know the source email address, and no way to know whether any given response is from a genuine mind control perpetrator or not.

The sheer importance of the New World Order mind control issue makes it worth at least asking for anonymous postings from the perpetrators. The visitor to this page will have to judge the postings below as to their possible authenticity. I will post below those submissions which seem to have at least a 50% chance of being genuine.

I would suggest that if an anonymous perpetrator really wants to convince us that he/she is authentic, while remaining anonymous, that perpetrator could tell me something that no one other than myself could know about.

Finally, to the perpetrators, I include you in my prayers.

SUBMISSION - January 8, 2003

Q. Can you tell us how you found work as a harassment agent?

"I was serving in my nations air-force, when I was invited to
a recruitment drive for our 'secret service', mainly because of my
doctorate in neurophysiology. I spent 6 years with the service before
being granted leave to work at a large multi-national investment bank.

"My work here relates to the manipulation of the stock market in such a
way that when trade information is displayed on most of the common
trading systems, various 'subliminal' messages are relayed to brokers
in order to maximise our profits. My tenure here is coming to an end,
and I plan on retiring in the next few months.

"I guess I was motivated primarily by curiosity and intrigue
at the advances in neuropsychology being employed by these
agencies, and it was only recently that I began to realise
the nefarious side of my employment. To be honest, I am only
human, and as such a pawn in the greater scheme of things,
and the financial remuneration has been significant. In
essence, I have 'sold out'. Those in my field are on
salaries equivalent to US$1 million+ per annum.  My base
salary is only US$200,000 (which is typical for a long
standing employee of an investment bank), with the remainder
being paid through various off-shore accounts. When I retire
I hope to publicise my information."

SUBMISSION - January 8, 2003

Can you tell us how you found work as a harassment agent?

"Ad in the paper. Sounded like interesting work, so I said
'Why not?' "

Can you tell us why you find this type of work satisfying?

"Pays really good, and since there are so many of us we get a
lot of vacation time.  Unlimited Power."
Can you give us some idea as to how and how much you are paid?

"Cold hard cash, and lots of it. It's easy to say we need expense 

Can you tell us what you know about future plans for us?

"Wait until you see what we got planned for next March."

[EW:  I suspect he/she may mean THIS March, 2003.]

SUBMISSION - February 11, 2003

I wanted to be in a position of control. The feeling of having so many
lives at my fingertips is just a rush. I used to run a small arms deals
business outside of San Fransisco, until the feds finally had the evidence
they needed to storm my building. Specifically, my prints on stolen goods.

But I was able to elude them for so long, and they were impressed with
the organization I was able to build, so they made me a deal. Federal
prison, or work for them. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure
that one out.

At first, the control that I was able to extend to those assigned to me
was a rush. Every time I made a decision that could make or ruin a life,
I just got a run of adrenaline. The feeling was astounding. That feeling
only lasted for the first few months. My superiors have since then
tightened our restraints to ensure that we can't contact the outside
world. They insist that no one know we exist and anyone who knew me
before had thought I had died when I was recruited. This conspiracy goes
much deeper than you think it does.

The government is little more than a front for an even large organization,
and those people are ruthless.

[Eleanor White talking:  Most of us have figured out that whay you say
about the visible government being just "window dressing" to cover for
a larger, invisible organization must be true.]

More ruthless than I or anyone I work with. They could just as easily
sentence a room of 5 year olds to death as they could shower in the
morning. Hypnosis isn't even the begining of it, although we have used
hypnotic techniques to make some forget of our existance, we mostly
operate through covert operations. Terrorism, seemingly illegal acts.

Consider this: when you see a news story about a man who killed his
neighbor and was arrested, that neighbor is most likely one of the
people my superiors doesn't want to exist, and the person who did it is
one of our operatives, and I can guarentee that that person never went
to jail for a second, rather, he was brought back to the nearest mobile
command center.

We are paid well, there is no question about that, but with all the
security measures we must go through, there's no where we can spend it.
I can't even go to Wendy's without risking being recognized, just like
many other of my co operatives. So our money mostly goes to purchasing
supplies and ordering food and things from places that will deliver food
or that we have an agreement with.

I only have about 5 minutes left to type before the counter-IC programs
go down, so I'm going to have to make this quick. You must know about
the new static field generator that my agency is developing. It distorts
all light and sound waves that pass through it creating an illusion much
like invisibility coupled with a dead spot of noise. In other words, you
won't be able to hear or see whatever is in the radius of the static

[Eleanor White talking:  This sounds like the "circle of silence" which
witnesses in areas where 'bigfoot' is seen or similar 'spiritually
intense' sites are.  Temperature changes, either up or down when one
enters these circular zones, and once inside the zone, no sound, even
if the wind is strong outside the zone, can enter.]

The thing returns false radio, UV, IR, and thermal signals, as well.

We've field tested small models that can cover a single individual, and
have had no real problems with those, but soon we will be developing
larger ones to hide aircraft and large artillery. I think my superiors
are going to stop the war with Iraq before bush even knows what happened.

I have to go now, the counter-IC is nearly exausted. Viva freedom.

SUBMISSION - February 12, 2003

About 12 years

[Eleanor White talking:  I don't have a question asking "how many years"
so I'm not sure what the responder means by "About 12 years".  Probably
the time he's been in the biz.]

I get to mind f--k simpleton's such as yourself. This helps forward our
plan for world domination by the secret group known only as the JAV. In
the blood of freshly killed goats. Involves Potatoes and a small Yak.

SUBMISSION - February 17, 2003

I was approached while in college. I never completed school and instead
went into training with the monitoring and enforcement group.  I worked
with agents at a now-closed facility in middle Georgia (east of Macon)
where I went through five years of extremely intensive training, sometimes
going two or three days at a time with little or no sleep.

Many people would say that power is the main reason they do this.  While
this is certainly a part of it, I do this because it gives me a chance to
help make this a better world.  How many other people can honestly say
that they go to work every morning and make actual changes in how the
world at large works?  If all goes according to plans, the world will be a
very different place after the next ten years, and I will be extremely
proud to be able say that I played a part in it.

[Eleanor White talking:  So you think that lifetime torture, destruction
of relationships, quality of life, and careers makes the world a better
place?  Don't the persistent reports from those who have had near death
experiences suggest to you that just maybe you should consider what a
career in torture might imply for your experiences in the next life?]

I also enjoy the travel- I've been to all fifty states and thirty other
countries, including every continent except Antarctica.  I spent quite a
bit of time working at a behavioral research and modification facility in
Nigeria where I was able to work on some cutting edge technology and see
firsthand how well it worked.  I expect some amazing things to begin
happening here in the US very soon as this technology begins to be used

I am not paid extravagantly, but I am comfortable.  I recieve a salary
from a federal agency and pay taxes as everyone else in the country does.
My salary is based on the standard government pay scale and as a front I
have a cover job with a public government agency.  My first year of
training I recieved a flat stipend of $3000- the idea is that people
recruited for this service realize that they're here to serve their fellow
man and not to become wealthy.

If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.  It's hard to comprehend some of
the changes that have been planned and I'm sure there will be some
resistance at first as change is always difficult.  I think that everyone
will agree afterwards that all the changes have been very beneficial and
that our new transhuman future is so much better than our current lives.

Eleanor, I have done some investigation of some of the allegations on your
site.  I believe that your 'sabotage' problems are not the result of our
organization.  We do not break chairs or wear holes in underwear, nor do
we loosen door hinges.  I can assure you that the work we do is much more
subtle and extremely difficult to detect.  My colleagues and I believe
that you may be suffering mental issues which may or may not be the result
of earlier projects.  I cannot give more information than this, but I
would strongly recommend that you see a psychiatrist.

[Eleanor White talking:  I have, in fact, twice, and the report was no
signs of mental illness.  And since mental illness doesn't sabotage things,
and since psychiatrists know nothing about even MKULTRA, never mind the
current day stuff, they are not qualified to even begin to do anything but
mis-diagnose, and heap more torture upon us.

If your organization isn't doing this, rest assured someone with equally
powerful backers IS.]

SUBMISSION - March  7, 2003

I was contacteed through a pay phone by a man calling himself "John Smith".
He told me to come to an address which I can not disclose with you.

I do not find it satisfying.

$100,000 per year

The money is wired to a private bank account with no name.

[Future plans are] Confidential

How do you know all this?

[Eleanor White answering:]

   1.  I've been a target for this activity for 23 years.

   2.  Almost 2,000 other targets, world wide, have collectively
       assembled the information on my web site and others.

My prayers are with you.

SUBMISSION - March 27, 2003

I was first approached during my employment at NASA.  Specifically
while I was in Florida at the Kennedy Space Center working on low level
sound wave communications.  First designed for submarine communications
over great distances, the technology now has grown towards potential
use as an instant communication conduit and as a non-lethal weapon on
crowds or populations.

My superior, a man that rarely talked to the employees and was overall
very shy, called me into my office to "discuss my future."  After 10
minutes in his office, it was clear to me that I had no choice but to
work with his "organization."  That was 15 years ago, and I have hated
myself ever since for not telling him no.

I don't find this work satisfying in the least, but what can I do?

The pay is the only good thing about this place.  About all of it.
I think the typical pay for someone in my position is $150k to $200k a
year, but that is just speculation since topics of pay and job specialty
are prohibited.  Accounts are setup for us.

I dont know much outside of my own specialty, but I do get a kick out
of it whenever I see something on TV about the "Taos Hum" I know.  It
was sound people, low level and sub-sonic.

Features?  I dont understand this question.  Being able to target a
crowd of people and cause discomfort or even a euphoric rage, I would
not call that a feature.

One day I would like to see a list of the companies and people that
have my superiors scared like rabbits.  I would like all the people to
see it.  See it and put a stop to this insanity.  This domination of
decent people.  This inhumanity.

May 13, 2003

What:  I'm not sure.  It is very compartmentalized.  Individual operators
are only given enough information to get the job done.

Why:  I am being blackmailed.

Future plans:  As I said earlier, I only know what I need to do my job.
Questions are not permitted.

Controlled:  If you consider blackmail a form of control, then yes.

Fear:  My life and the life of my children.

Trapped:  Yes.  I killed a young woman in a drunk driving incident and
the operators helped the problem "go away"  In return, I am tied to
them for life.

Enjoy:  No, I never knew the pain I was causing until I stumbled here.
The is a great divide between what I was told and what is actually going
on.  I was told the project involved criminal rehabilitation.  Now I
know it is much more than that.

Questions:  No, just my apologies.  Please realize that most operators
are very low level and have no idea that they are helping to torture
people.  Most of the other operators are much like myself.  They are
everyday people that have made a pact with the wrong side and when they
realize it, its too late.

May 26, 2003

What: I don't really know.  Let's get this straight right off.  I 
don't create "alters" or "manchurians" if such things even exist.  I 
simply train "persons" in the ability to retain information, 
tremandous ammounts of information.  I suppose what I am building is 
a spy who does not need a camera, but I don't think so.  Possibly a 
depository of information, Someone who can keep an entire bank ledger 
in his head, no paper trail, no evidence.  

I don't know, I complete the training and I never see my subjects 
again and I'm never told where they go or even who they are for that 

Why: I was taught the system I teach others in university by another 
student.  He was older than your average college punk. He approached 
me at a time we were lab partners in an entry level course, somehow 
he could tell I would be succeptable to it and would pick it up 
easily.  He made me an offer I couldn't refuse, straight A's.  Later 
he recruited me to teach the technique to a few "refferals".  I was 
paid quite well for my services, and still am for that matter.  

I don't consider myself an agent of any kind.  I don't even know who 
it is I really work for.  A fact that troubles me.  I never thought 
much of it in the beginning, the money was good, as far as I knew I 
was just helping my fellow man better himself.  

I'm beginning to wonder now.  I'm older now, maybee a little smarter, 
and able to detect lies with a greater degree of proficiency.  I hear 
alot of lies now and even more silence and words unspoken.  The 
secrecy is indicative of something, I'm not sure what.   

Future plans: I can only tell you about my students.  They are young 
and naive but incredibly focused, almost cold, by the time they get 
to me.  I suspect they have recieved some sort of training to focus 
their minds before they are given to me.  They see to be for the most 
part amoral, calculating, not necesarily overly intelligent but not 
stupid either.  They are dedicated, in any event, and rarely reveal 
anything about themselves.

At lighter moments I sometimes try to make small talk to get a feel 
for who I am dealing with.  I'll ask them about the weather, a 
ballgame, they never have any oppinion on even trivial matters.  
Every word that seems to come out of thier mouths is crafted to be a 
guarded non answer or a lie.  A question like "where ya' from" always 
elicits a New York, Toronto, Beijing response.  Try to find out 
anything about a John Doe from New York.  Good Luck.  All I can say 
is that these men and women are probably up to no good.  

Controlled:  Not in that sense.  I am controlled by the "don't ask 
don't tell and you won't have to consider the consequences of such, 
if they even exist" type of atmosphere.  You just know by the way 
people act, that you don't want to know.  I know the consequences are 
not good, but I have no idea how bad they might be.  Fear of the 
unknown if you will.  

I suppose there is a possibility I am being controlled in a more 
direct manner, but reason dictates that if that were true, I wouldn't 
be typing this right now.

Fear: Yes, though I have no concrete reason to give you.  As I said, 
fear of the unknown.

Trapped: I was drawn in slowly, to something that seemed to be not 
only innocent at first, but quite constructive.  Something like Adam 
and Eve eating from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good an 
evil, I have slowly been awakened.  My relationship with my "masters" 
over that time has devolved from a "father/son" type realtionship to 
a much more uneasy worker foreman type arrangement.  I fear the 
relationship has not yet hit bottom.  Again more fear of the unknown 
to ensure it never get's that far.  

It is almost as if they can read my mind, or at least my state of 
mind.  They know I am something of a threat to them now.  But in a 
sense, what threat?  I don't know anything.     

Enjoy: I loathe it.  I don't know what kind of killers, or theives 
I'm dealing with and am helping to perfect on a daily basis.  I 
thought I recognized of my trainees from about 6 years back a few 
weeks ago.  Her picture was on the net standing in a crowd of anti-
war protestors.  I am certain it was her she was a little older and a 
little heavier, however I am certain it was her.  I never forget a 
face, or a name, or a phone number,  It's my job after all. 

I can't for the life of me figure out why she would have been there.  
Like I suggested earlier, none of them could care less about such 
things.  She must be there for a reason, who knows what?  All I know 
is that I am not creating upstanding members of society.  I 
manufacture ghouls and goblins and it makes me sick to think of it.  

Questions: You'll never win.  I'ts too late.

June  3, 2003

what:  Despite what you may believe about grandiose, mysterious
internationalist cabals and shadow governments, I worked with the
governments of Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and on four occasions with
the Consiglieri Nacionale of Italy in various (mostly clandestine)
capacities for twenty-eight years without ever having occasion to
discover evidence of any agencies of the sort which are now popularly
termed the "New World Order". My client states, sponsors, co-workers,
and I were engaged in earnest efforts to thwart the propogation of
communism by whatever means we, at the time, deemed the most expedient.
What we hoped to accomplish, in simple language, was to rid our world
of the plague of leftist thought and action, to identify those who
direct or commit acts of sabotage, to disrupt their organizations and
infrastucture, and to rehabilitate impressionable victims of pernicious
leftist dogma.

why:  While it is undeniable that I have lived a life of relative
material comfort and priveledge in a part of the world where many are
quite poor, I have always been an idealogue and I have chosen to walk
the path I have walked because I believe in the good work we have
committed our lives to complete. I wield little real power, and I am
not even known publicly as a member of the Security Forces of my client
states. I cannot even fix my own traffic citations. All of this is
satisfactory to me, and my conscience is untroubled by the things I
have seen, learned of, or done in the nearly three decades of my
professional life.

futureplans:  I would, of course, never divulge operational details,
or such things as new technologies which periodically become available.
Having said so, I am happy to state that our work continues to evolve 
and to progress, and in ways which are less traumatic to our subjects
than previous, less evolved methods and practices. At the same time,
increasingly satisfactory results are being achieved in terms of
intelligence gathered, as well as long-term control of our
"volitionals" and "sub-volitionals".

controlled:  Having knowledge of the processes by which control of our
subjects is achieved, I am able to say that I am, with every certainty,
neither what we term a "volitional", or a "sub-volitional". It would be
fair to say that I am controlled to a degree by my desire to have a role
in the efforts to bring about the eventual demise of communism, as well
as my desire to have a role in furthering the cause of National Socialism.

fear:  If you are asking whether I fear reprisal for any failure on my
part to continue with our work, then the question is both naive and
irrelevant. I am very gratified in my professional life. However, I live
with the knowledge that certain governments would kill in order to ferret
our secrets, or to prevent my client states from possessing these rarefied
abilities to win friends and influence people. I take such precautions as
I reasonably am able to take, but otherwise I live a normal, comfortable
existence when I'm not working.

trapped:  Absolutely not. My father was an officer in the S.S. during the
Second World War, and a number of my mother's family were members of the
Hungarian Arrow Cross Movement during the same time. They met in Spain
after the war while living in one of the communities of expatriates which
evolved in response to the nuisance of Soviet occupation, Nuremberg-type
inquiries, etc., and subsequently married and then settled in Uruguay
under new names.

I was born there in 1953, but was sent to be raised with the family of my
"Onkel", who was not actually a relative, in British Colombia. My parents
maintained regular contact with me, and I spent my summers with them and
three younger sisters on our farm in Uruguay. My parents, as well as my
"Onkel" remained believers in the National Socialist Cause, and thier
hatred of communism was galvanized by the events following the war. One
may say that the torch was passed to me, and I have nurtured that flame
in my heart throughout my life!

Following my university education, I served with the United States Navy,
and Naval Intelligence. It was during this time, and in the capacity of
my duties that I first had occasion to work with my current client states
and in a similar kind of role. I believed (and still do) in the beneficial
effects of our work, and was able to prove my aptitude for the sort of
projects with which I was involved. I knew then that I had found a way to
serve the world doing something I found challenging and interesting. (I
deliberately do not wish to employ the word "enjoyable" out of respect for
the suffering and upheaval occassionally caused by my work upon the lives
and psyches of our direct subjects and those others indirectly affected.)
After a period of honourable service, I resigned my Naval Commission, and
have since that time worked semi-autonomously in the trade with the
Security Forces of my client states. I accept responsibility for my work
without mitigation or hand-wringing.

Likewise, I accept credit for my share in what we have been able to
accomplish in a spirit of gratitude that I've had the priveledge of
having opportunities to make a bit of a difference in an increasingly
chaotic world.

enjoy:  As I have already made clear, I feel that the word "enjoy"
would be less appropriate, less accurate than an alternative word or
phrase. None of my colleagues are sadists, and neither am I. We are
proud of what we are working toward, and we are proud of the underlying
moral and political motivations that guide us in our efforts. Kindly
pardon what you may consider fussy semantic distinctions, but take into
account how closely a question of semantics bears upon the methodology
of Persuasion/Compulsion/Conditioning.

questions:  I doubt very much that your belief in the rights-of-the-
individual would be altered at all by whatever I might offer here for
your consideration.  Let me simply leave you with this: We do not 
undertake the initiation of any new subject-file lightly, or
arbitrarily. If you found yourself the object of the attentions of my
Works Program, it would be because of your own demonstrated opposition
to the interests of my client states. Believe or disbelieve any part of
this submission as your own faculties and proclivities dictate. I'll be
sleeping contented and vindicated regardless. Auf Wiedersehen.

SUBMISSION - June 9, 2003  ( form)

[Can you tell us how you found work as a harassment agent?]

I didn't find it as much as it found me.  I think I was supposed to be
a victim, but my advanced intellect made that difficult.  I was able to 
counter every attempt initialy made against me.

I was asked by a high ranking member of the air force if I would be
interested in taking part in a program for national security.  I wouldn't
have imagined what it actualy meant.  I figured that I would, at best,
review low level reports from covert millitary personel.

[Can you tell us why you find this type of work satisfying?]

I don't.  If we were using it on subjects who knowingly accepted to be 
tested, or if we were using this technology on enemy combatants (which 
is possible -- I don't know everything that goes on), I wouldn't mind. 

This is not the case. I, and I presume everyone else in the program, are 
paid the same as any other federal employee.  We get checks which we 
deposit into our bank accounts. Those who can leave the site are free to
spend as they see fit.  Of course, we are watched.

[Can you give us some idea as to how and how much you are paid?]

We are paid VERY well, as you might imagine.  I've only been with the 
program for a little over five years and am making slightly more than 
$50,000.00 a year.  I also get full (military) benifits at no additional 
cost.  I can, if I wish, live "on base" for free.  I've elected not to 
do this, but many others have. 

[Can you tell us what you know about future plans for us?]

I don't have access to that information.  I have heard rumors, but I
have no way to confirm them.  

The most recent rumor I've heard deals with March of next year.  I have 
no real details, but I understand it's not going to be pleasant.

[Which features of the electronic equipment do you especially 
enjoy using?]

I like "The Walkman" as we've come to call it. An oporative will carry what
looks like a standard Walkman radio.  It is in fact a transmiter that is 
tuned to a specific subject.  We can send thoughts, sounds and images to 
the subject "on the fly" as it were and no one would suspect a thing.

If you see, hear, smell something odd and there is someone with a walkman
type player, they may be sending you the information.  Asking them about 
it is pointless since with the flip of a hidden switch, it will work like 
a standard Walkman. Is there any way to get out of this?  I'll sign a 
secrecy document and pretend I was never a part of the program.

[Eleanor White's comment:  I suspect that the "walkman" is in fact a
remote terminal, linked to regional harassment bases.  This is the only
way the perps could exercise enough control to prevent personal "hacking"
use by perps on people who are not enrolled as victims.]

I would write more, but the counter measures I've put in place wont go
undetected for much longer, and it's not pretty if anyone is found to
have spilled the beans.

July 11, 2003 at 11:55 EDT

July 11, 2003 at 12:29 EDT

what: Information.  The implants are really not so much for mind-control, as
you may have been led to believe.  Some unscrupulous agents among us have
been known to use the devices in this manner, however.  The transceivers
actually harvest certain types of sensory input, which can be relayed back
as data.  Data, which when coupled with such mundane collection methods such
as wiretaps, tracking devices, and checking listings in the TV Guide, can be
quantified into useful information.  Surely you've realized there was more
to the VCR+ numbers than met the eye, yes?
It's easiest to think of it as a high-tech census.

why: Certainly.  We do not believe this to be a conspiracy, at least not by
the same definition.  It it merely an exercise in covert data collecting.  I
am merely a collection agent, for lack of a better, or less classified word.
The pay is good, we get vision, dental, and prescription coverage, and two
weekends out of three off.

futureplans: To the best of my knowledge, there are no future plans beyond
the continued collection of data.  Due to the nature of the devices, we
could not suddenly cause any percentage of the populace to stand up in
unison and become an army of robots.  That's just not how they work.

controlled: Technically, there is no 'control' per se.  When the devices are
improperly used, they can generate feedback, which can be altered to cause a
form of suggestion, but no more.  Generally, the feedback only results in a
headache.  Sorry about that.  The truth is, the suggestions generated cannot
seriously alter a person's behavior - it is much like with hypnosis - the
subject will not do anything they are not predisposed to doing.  The devices
cannot induce a person to kill, unless that person had homicidal tendencies
to begin with.

fear: No more than most any other people who carry classified information.
In this case, the story is so fantastic that it would be pointless to go
public, as we would be dismissed or ridiculed by the public at large.  Which
is just the way we like it.  There's no point in spilling the beans on a
story nobody wants to hear, eh?

trapped: No.  It came as a sort of natural progression from my previous,
somewhat related field.  Obviously I cannot disclose that field, but suffice
it to say there are enough people in it to keep us happily staffed for quite
some time.

enjoy: Eh.  It has its days.  Most of the time it involves reading graphs
similar to EEG charts, checking GPS data, and cross-referencing other
sources.  Most of it is quite dull, really.  But as I said, it pays well.

questions: None to speak of.  I wish you luck in your endeavors.

July 11, 2003 at 14:22 EDT

what: Our activities are not about what we want from you. They are about
what you want from yourselves. The people of the earth desire peace of mind
and security, conditions that could not possibly exist without the actions
of our organization. We do not seek power. We seek to serve the human race
which demands our existence.

why: I resent the term "harassment agent" and refuse to answer a question
worded in such a way.

futureplans: There are no "future plans." Our mission is not to drive the
human race toward some secret goal. Our mission is to maintain the security
enjoyed by the human race today. Just as in wartime, there are truths which
must be kept secret in order to save lives. For obvious reasons, I cannot
tell you what they are.

controlled: The idea that we are "controlling" individuals is overstated.
Our work does not involve altering people's conscious thoughts. At times it
unfortunately requires selective memory control and close monitoring of

To answer your question, then, no. I am not controlled, nor is my memory
altered. I could not perform my duties if it were.

fear: No, thanks in large part to our organization's work.

trapped: I am honored to serve the people of earth through my work. Some
deception was required early on while my loyalty was determined, but I was
not "trapped" in any way.

enjoy: Just like any soldier, I have rewarding parts of my job and
regrettable parts. Whenever individuals must be harmed to protect the
greater good, it causes me great personal pain and sadness. But the good I
am able to do far outweighs the bad, and so I make that sacrifice for the
benefit of everyone.

questions: You may have heard many conflicting stories about the work we do.
I urge you not to believe everything you hear. Many of the supposed
"victims" of our organization are frauds seeking attention. Others are
people that we have legitimately dealt with, but are criminals against
humanity and not to be trusted.

The movie "Men In Black" is not a serious movie, nor are the men in black a
real organization, but I like to use the movie as an example of a useful
change in perspective. The mythical men in black have always been portrayed
as repressive, cruel, and heartless. In the movie, the filmmakers chose to
show the situation from their point of view and suggest that perhaps these
men in black have good reasons for acting as they do.

Our organization deserves a similar look. If you knew all the details, you
would be more willing to give us the benefit of the doubt. All of us are
humans, just like you, and we are doing our job because we believe it is the
right thing to do.

July 11, 2003 at 16:17 EDT

what: While many of "you" people claim to have implants, internal monitoring
devices, or "lost time", these methodologies were slowly phased out with the
coming of the mid 70's. The project I work on has to do with subversion of
"devious/potenitally criminal elements as related to public, social, and
economic security." As a result of the infrastructural work done in the
60's, and mid 70's as stated above, the project has taken on a
self-propogating nature. In effect, relatively few tasks are actually still
performed on subjects. Many do not fully know they have been selected. Ohter
think they have, but usually suffer from paranoid/schizophrenic delusional
disorders, or are simply to imbued with a deviant psychological make-up to
be told that in fact, they are not a test subject. It is interesting to note
however, that many of those that think they are subjects but are not, and
are *not* delusional, are usually "blue-marked", in which a small amout of
SAT-IV time is marked t!
o track out a daily logistic chart, should the need ever arise.We do this to
keep the nation running in a generally orderly fashion, with few outbreaks
of public backlash, or subversive elements chipping at the infrastructure
that we all depend on. Our government has invested consideralbe time and
money in this nation and the ways and means it runs on, and they do not
intend to let a tiny minority ruin it for the majority of citizens.

why: Incredible pay. Benefits. My childrens grandchildren will be set for
life. I made a personal choice 15 years ago to go this course, and while at
times it is a rocky road, for the most part I feel what we do is of a vile
but necessary nature.

futureplans: Audiological technology is the next wave. Currently researched
by DARPA, the technology is easily researched and still in the public
domain. Unlike microwaves, whose wavelengths tend to cause bodily harm,
Tangent Aural Directioning seems to cause little if any bodily harm, and
only a mild discomfort. It is essentially sound whose physical properties
are those of a beam, almost similar to light, and this beam can be tightly
focused and directed, unlike conventional sound waves. The end-game of this
technology is to allow deviant behavior to be controlled passively, without
fear of reprisal or discovery. Project also known as PSAD,
Pseudo-Subconsious Aural Direction, essentially a high-tech voice in
subjects head. Timeline is for F.Y. 2007, pending funding

controlled: Yes, to a certain extent. I feel the responses you have are not
a genuine nature, as in no way have I ever heard of, or am fearful of my
life should I neglect my duties or become traitorous to the project.
However, jailtime and financial ruin are the main elements to punishment
that we have been told of. We have also been informed that should we go
absent prematurely, these consequences will go down approximately two
generations, depending on family ties. This is guaranteed.

fear: Ironically, more so from the subjects we research and blue-tag
(blue-tagging involves sometimes having to physically follow a subject to
get general coordinates for the sat) than from upper echelons in the
hierarchy. Physical pain and the fear of reprisals in the form of murder or
death are not thought of as fitting the nature of our project.

trapped: To a certain extent, but nothing like the "car accident" fellow. I
am a high-level software and hardware designer, I was elected by my
management into the position. Initially the project seemed much like
everything else we did, only without the civilian control aspect. However,
as time progressed, people would expose me to more and more ideas that
showed the fundamental nature of what we were accomplishing. By that time
(yes, the cliche is true), I was "in over my head". However, I have come to
realize that the work, while not simply benign in nature, is not overtly
harmful to people, and I feel that I will be able to keep my end of the
bargain to my superiors if they keep theirs.

enjoy: I would say yes, with a but.
Yes, I do enjoy the technology that we have at our disposal, if we were able
to bring it into the public domain, medical science would be advanced by a
decade overnight. I am not the only technician to wrangle with the moral and
ethical implications of what we do, but sometimes I can clearly see the
social implications of our work, in a disaster averted or a company saved.
Needless to say, the scope of the "problems" we solve is vast. It still
boggles my mind to hear of the work done by other sectors. (Five in all)

questions: Where in gods name do these conspiracy theories get cooked up
from? Some of the literally, complete crocks of shit, that we have seen are
simply hilarious. However, we have seen three examples that speak of a
high-level leak, and these were investigated. I feel comfortable telling
about the Aural Directional Technology simply becuase the equiptment is in
the public domain, it is an up and coming technology, and the overt
publicity to many people implies a sense of domesticity that covers up what
it can be used for.

July 11, 2003 at 16:31 EDT

what: Its very difficult to tell you anything. I know that I was aquired at
birth .My father was in the military and they tested radiation on him in the
pacific. My programming started when they stimulated my brain with
electrodes and at the age of 4 days I found myself being fully aware and was
able to think and converse on an adult level. They also did this to my
children as well.
As for myself I thought that all the  theatrics was total bullshit They
appeared to want to convinvce me that I was a reincarnate of some one from
the Illuminati, They had extensive theatrical makeup actors actress and
people that wished to anger me enough to hurt them They wanted me to think
that I had super powers. But the most uncanny thing occured I saw thru it I
dont know exactly how but i did. But it was the fact that I could. No one
has been able to explain to me  where that knowledge of this came from.
I learned later in life that they had coerced my mother and bribed her into
selling my soul to them.Later they murdered her after years of torment to
her and all of our family.
I dont know what the ultimate goal of these things are.Theres so many
different programs the do and so many outside contractors whom are employed.
One of the big ones were at the Mcmurral Building in Ok city. Mcveigh was a
product of this stuff but it WAS not A company job. It was some one else
other than that wanted to take out Ok. cities computerbanks and training
ccenter. thats were the big one was.I know we have someone else in play
here,  I know that for years one guy has been the real sick puppy. The shit
he does to us and other and fuck he is one major fucking nutcase himself. He
is programming people for political assainations. against the very people
that fund him.

why: I cant find help outside of this to get away from them. Everyone I know
is to scared or has been bought off.This really sucks but after they bury yo
in the ground and take your soul who can help you/

futureplans: Mass extermination of 97% of the worlds population

controlled: All the above and then some.

fear: understament I fear for your more. Im already dead.

trapped: like I said my parents opened the door to this.

enjoy: We are trained not to think about it not to feel anything. But I work
with some really sick fucks whom make me puke. Most of us are aquired we
dont want this shit no more than you do.

questions: Do you know of anyone that can help us?

July 11, 2003 at 17:23 EDT

what: As best I can sum it up in one word, I would say "security".  It's
fear of those that they cannot stand against.

why: I was in the army and used to work at the White House providing
communications for the president.  I was selected because I had a strong psi
factor.  The tests are done at the same time as the eye and ear tests before
basic training.  I did not know about the tests or what I had scored until I
was recruited out of the White House.  I thought I was going to be part of
the CIA psi-ops department.  I did not realize that the group I worked for
was under the command of a far reaching agency that used the CIA almost as a
branch office.  That's how I got here, it's a little tougher to explain why
I stay.

futureplans: Most of the design personel and those in leadership positions
are incredibly intelligent. But, like we've seen, as the brain grows in
function, the body loses strength.  Most of them simply want protection
against others who are stronger.  What amazes me is they do it by selecting
a few "special cases" who are chosen for their already strong evidence of
mental powers.  They use these few to spy on others around them.  From what
I have been able to find out, the long term plans are just to keep the
strongest minds, bodies, and spirits under their control.

There was talk of providing slave soldiers for someone elses war, but I do
not know who or when.  It was cancelled because the cost of having to
replace so many implanties was prohibative.

controlled: No, They would have a tough time getting feedback from me.  I am
a receiver, all of the implant recipients must be both senders and
receivers.  Also, any form of metal on or in my body would interfere with
the ability for me to interface with my host.  They even removed the
fillings from my teeth and replaced them with fibro-plastic shells.

fear: Only if you are not honest about there being no way to trace me.  Like
I said, they do not monitor us, only certain gifted people can be monitored.

trapped: They fooled me into monitoring someone, just to see what it was
like.  After that I was hooked.  I could never leave because I would miss it
too much.

enjoy: It is hard to explain.  I am not a transmitter, I don't control, I
just monitor and report what I see.  When I am monitoring the feeling is
incredible.  I only do audio/visual recording so if it causes pain I do not
know about it.  When I am in a host's brain, looking out their eyes and
hearing through their ears, I am seeing and hearing more than I am through
my own body.  The data is actually interpreted through two brains, the hosts
and mine.  I can see each grain of sand that they look at, and hear each
note of music in a song.  Because the host first interprets the data, I even
get the benefit of their skills and talents.  If I am looking through an
artist I can see things in a painting that I miss otherwise.  If I am
hearing through a musician then I can hear each instrument in an orchestra.
They do not monitor me because they know it would kill me if I lost this
stimulation.  I am addicted.

questions: This is a basic overview of what I do.  If no one from work
questions me about this for a month or so then I will write again.  I might
even provide an email address from one of the safe servers so we can

August 13, 2003 at 3:31 AM EST

what: Hosts are chosen from a specific list of people who fit a profile
which we need to do our research.  A suitable host is typically a person
with access to confidential or classified information.  Upon passing through
certain types of technology based security check-points, the probe can read
and transfer to us some types of information.  Such information is sometimes
used to gain access to the secure location.  Different probes serve
different purposes.  One probe is very sensitive and detects vibrations in
the skull caused by speech.  The signal can be transmitted and the original
speech pattern can be reconstructed.  This technology is similar to that of
a laser reflected off a window where vibrations caused by speech are
detected and reconstructed.  There are even other probes which you have
speculated the effect of.  I will not divulge their functions at this time.
Basicamente, lo que buscamos es la informacion.

why: I believe in the cause of our organization.  That is all you need to

futureplans: Information which is not accessible to us will continue to be
gathered.  Those that have already served as hosts (and know it) will not be
used again.

controlled: My actions are only know to the organization to the extent that
is necessary to maintain a secure environment.  Security for us is

fear: No.

trapped: I was recruited when I was in college because of my beliefs, ideals
and skills.  While I did not know everything about the organization, I was
advised of the seriousness of my future position.  I knew about what I was
getting into, even though I did not know the details.  I do not feel as
though I was deceived in any way.

enjoy: I do not enjoy all aspects of my work, however, I do believe firmly
in the greater cause which encourages me to continue.

questions: I may be inclined to answer more questions if they are of the
appropriate nature.  For this to be possible restate and answer the
following request on your website.

State the legal name of one "harassment agent" whose identity you have

Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 7:20 PM

       |           ** ELEANOR WHITE TALKING **                    |
       |                                                          |
       | This submission appears to be from SOMEONE involved      |
       | in working with aliens and UFOs and their impact on      |
       | humanity.  No doubt, some of what we call "mind          |
       | control" is involved in that work, but he is definitely  |
       | not aware of what is going on with us.  He says there    |
       | is no harassment, and that's not true of us.   And he    |
       | is obviously unaware of the non-electronic street        |
       | theater, breakins, sabotage, rumour campaigns.  This     |
       | is an interesting letter, but not relevant to us.        |

NOTICE: This message may not have been sent by the Sender Name
above.  Always use cryptographic digital signatures to verify
the identity of the sender of any usenet post or e-mail.

I was unable to post to your Perpetrator's Questionaire, and wish to share
the information I have.  Below you will find my answers to your
questionaire.  Use them as you see fit.

Each of the responses have some truth to them, and the differences in tone
and content reflect the different philosophical underpinnings and charters
of the different sub-organizations to which those responding belong.

The program had its beginnings about a week after the Roswell incident in
mid July 1947 when the wife of Mac Brazel reported to Colonel William
Blanchard that "Mac was acting funny."  Air Force medical personnel visited
the Brazels and found Mr. Brazel to be quite disoriented.  His
recollections of the previous 4 years were very sketchy and he actually
thought it was the summer of 1944.  His last vivid memory was of radio
reports of Eisenhower touring the killing fields of the Falaise Pocket.
Other than his mental confusion Mr. Brazel was found to be in good general
health for a man in his late 40s.  There was no follow up, though all the
principles in the Roswell incident were covertly tracked at a low priority.

Upon Mac Brazel's death in 1963 (I think), clandestine medical examination
was made of the body.  X-rays revealed a foreign object in the brain.
Extraction was made through the back of the eye socket.  The object was
turned over to ARPA researchers a few months later.  This is when I became

Close study of the object revealed that it was a transceiver of some sort
communicating on what we now call X-band microwave.  The device created
quite a debate among the scientific staff.  It was quite some time before
we all reluctantly agreed that it was of alien origin.  There was no way
that it could have been manufactured with the current human technology.

Of course this started a flurry of activity and ARPA resources were
diverted to a re-examination of artifacts recovered at Roswell.  With the
remote and base transceivers in hand we speculated that a mind-control
effort was being directed against humans by alien intelligence.  What role
poor Mac Brazel played over his four "lost" years was never discovered.  It
may have been as simple as giving the craft a relatively secure place to

Aliens mucking about in the heads of humans was a disconcerting discovery,
and a crash program was started to, first, create a means of detection, and
second to create a jamming technology.  Detection turned out to be
relatively easy as at the time X-band microwave emissions were not common.
In the U.S. in 1968, 1023 transceiver "carriers" were detected.  World-wide
about 4050 were detected, though a few more were suspected.  Surprisingly,
the oldest transceiver was found in a woman's grave somewhere in Virginia.
She had died in 1917 and was 86 at the time of her death.  The transceiver
was still echoing query signals.  about 80% of the units were in living
victims, and the early units differed in design from the later units,
implying some sort of development project.

My most important contribution to the program was in designing a method to
jam the alien microwave transmissions.  I thought that if we could find a
way increase the X-band microwave general background noise we could swamp
the low-power alien transmissions.  I designed an automatic door opener
that operated by X-band microwave.  The earliest automatic door openers
operated by infra-red detection and the early designs were prone to
spurious operation.  My design was basically a simple radar system.  Beam
out X-band microwaves and anything causing a sufficiently strong reflection
would operate the door.  By turning the reflection detector sensitivity
down we could actually use a relatively strong microwave signal.  Since the
radar doors operated more reliably than the infra-red doors, the technology
caught on.  Over a short span of years the technology become ubiquitous and
flooded the airwaves with spurious X-band microwave emissions effectively
jamming the alien microwave mind control signals.

Unfortunately, alien development continued and the primary motivation of
the 1972 redesignation and reorganization of ARPA to DARPA was to ensure
the security of the mind control "arms race" that was ensuing on earth.
The good news is that the alien development is much slower than ours, and
despite their advanced technology we have managed to counter each of their
redesigns, first with "radar ranges", that is microwave ovens, and finally
with microwave communications and high-frequency cell phones.  Cell phone
networks have permenantly shutdown the alien microwave mind control efforts
in the civilized world.  North America, Europe, and most of Australia all
now live in a protective sea of microwave cell phone signals.  However,
alien development continues and we are worried that they may be working on
particle beam communications systems.

There is no harrassment.  Why would vast resources be committed to simply
harassing U.S. citizens?  To what end?  Believe it or not, we are the good

[Eleanor White speaking:  NO HARASSMENT?  Buddy, you must NOT be part of
the group this survey was posted for!]

I was recruited out of college in 1962 by ARPA.  The work was fascinating
and the resources immense.

I retired in 2001.  All the time I was involved with the project it was
protective in nature, the motivation was to protect humanity, and in
particular Americans from the alien mind control.

CONTROLLED?: ------------------------

FEAR: --------------------------
Not from the project or government.  I have cancer and probably only a few
months to live.  I might see Christmas - I hope I do.  This is why I have
decided to share this information.  What can they do to me now?  Kill me?
What with the chemotherapy, that might actually be a kindness.

No.  I gladly accepted ARPA recruitment and stayed in for nearly 40 years.

I did until I retired.  We have thrown a big wrench into the alien plans
for silent conquest.  When their efforts were discovered they were just
starting a program of political infiltation.  Most of the victims we found
were test cases and "convenients" - people who could physically help the
aliens operate on earth - travel home is difficult and infrequent.

Keep up the web site.  Keep your support network going.  There are residual
effects from implantation related to the general microwave background.
Implants may respond to random microwave signals and this may be
disconcerting to the victim, but at least you should no longer respond to
targeted instructions nor information queries.

Hang in there.  My heart goes out to those afflicted.  You are casualties
of an invisible struggle.  Without you and your suffering we never would
have discovered the alien scheme.  You are silent and unsung heros.  Know
that you are cared for.

May God have mercy on us all.

Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 11:35 AM

what: I don't want anything. It's my employers. I can't say their name
but they are connected to the British, US, and Nigerian governments. Few
in any of these governments know who they are. They contacted me in 1972
when I was finishing my PhD in Electrical Engineering at MIT. My
dissertation was going to be on bio-electric manipulation. I was recruited
in 1973. I don't want this to sound like the movie "A Beautiful Mind,"
which I highly recommend, because it's not.

why: I find the pay amazing. I have seen the most beautiful, and I mean
most beautiful, beaches in the world. Some are not on any map that any
normal person can access. Amazing women, too, of all ages. It is true that
my private life is not so private, and that I cannot be as free as I'd
like: I need to be fairly discreet, but since all of this will become
well-known in less than 2 years, according to the plan, it really doesn't
matter. I don't really harass people, so I politely must object to the
term "harassment agent." We have only faked UFO abductions maybe 20 times
over the past 30 years, -- the rest is hysteria. Four of those times we
actually sent people out to physically abduct people, and I feel sort of
bad saying this, but those were only the really fine looking women and men.
Some of our personnel did, in fact, sexually fondle the prisoners, but that
was a big scandal and those goons were punished with an impotence drug and
a desk job. We've done a few Virgin Mary sightings, and the like, but only
a few. The rest were either hysteria or, maybe there really is a God. I am
not sure. It's a tough one. I really am sorry if images I've sent, like
the one where the patient thinks he is flying on a cross through space with
the planets circling below him, have gotten people really upset or pushed
them over the edge.

I feel really bad about the insect images I sent people. If you don't know
what those were, let's just drop it. Anyway, I haven't really done
anything bad. I don't think the Organization wants to do evil, really:
it's just a combination of greed and the love of scientific experiments.

futureplans: Well, I don't know how it's going to go in the long run, but
if it succeeds -- and it might not, in which case a lot of countries will
go bankrupt because they are relying on the monies that we pay their
citizens to develop this utterly massive technology -- here is the outline.
The first phase is to leak out that this technology exists and to lionize
persons who have invented it because it is quite amazing. Then we get
everyone to admit that the natural drive for human beings is
acquisitiveness and get them to think that we have been only doing this to
enrich ourselves. Then we sell you all to space aliens. Just kidding.

There might be space aliens but they don't want this world, the light is
all wrong. What we want is to have a stateless world, which we have already
begun to suggest through the environmentalists, who are (despite their
intelligent concerns about caring for the land) our patsies. Then we want,
not complete restriction on thought, but a moderate restriction on violent
or antisocial thought. Right now it takes one researcher to observe the
thoughts of ten people at a time, and that's not too efficient. What we
want to do is to get people to admit that we would all be better off
without certain thoughts allowed, such as murder, and then we segue them
into believing that it's better to have all their thoughts monitored and
nice thoughts put in. It's an end to depression: we can take away negative
thoughts and put in pleasant ones. Everyone will get along better. The
one and only really unfortunate thing is that beautiful artwork will never
be made again, because it requires a state of mind we can't replicate and
suggest. But we have already been working on the, shall we say,
expectations of the public, in this regard: notice that over the last 30
years artwork has been getting steadily uglier and more bizarre. And who
listens to beautiful music anymore? We absolutely do not control the
musical and art scene (that would be impossible!) but we are, if I do say
so myself, cleverly using them for our own ends.

controlled: I don't know. If so, it's with a mechanism far more powerful
than the ones I know about.

fear: No, because I am absolutely NOT in the highest echelons of our work
and have done nothing wrong in the sense of controlled assassinations or
anything like that. Mind control is on a low level at this point. All we
can do is introduce images. Our favorites are crucifixes (no, I am not
religious, nor are the people we work for -- in fact, their irreligiosity
sometimes disturbs me, to be honest, as my parents were both good, devout
episcopalians, one a Communist and one an arch-conservative, but great
people nonetheless, may they rest in peace) and images of obsessive sodomy.
These can make people nervous, and can make some people get upset, but we
stop before it gets too serious -- and we can easily monitor this. The
only thing I know that is dangerous is the names and faces of a few
people. None are well-known except for the circle surrounding a particular
billionaire with a cruel fascination for currency speculation in Malaysia.
His circle's involvement in this technology is so well-known at this point
that it's a joke. The other famous group that used to be involved with us
is a wealthy organization that has formed churches following the ideas 
of a particular science fiction writer from the 1970s, and I am NOT
talking about Philip K Dick, although I find him interesting too --
although insane. (He had a few correct ideas, though! But was too
pessimistic.) That bunch left us in 1999, I think because they thought
they had bigger fish to fry, but they claimed it was a policy disagreement.

trapped: Absolutely not, unless the girls they send me are holograms! I
think I can tell the difference between suggested images and real life
really, really well, actually: I think anyone can who is able to stop
himself in a dream and force himself to wake up. If you can do that more
often than not, you're probably all right. It's something to practice if
you think we are controlling you too much. Also -- if we are being harsh
-- just ask us to stop. We can see your request on our screen. We almost
ALWAYS will stop if you really want us to. We are not sadists. (Actually,
one of our guys here is. I wish he would calm down.) However, while I'm
on the subject, le

[Eleanor White speaking:  The original email was truncated here.]

enjoy: It is fascinating and slightly pathetic to see exactly what someone
is thinking or fantasizing about from 10,000 miles away, and to be able to
suggest a thought to them.  Once we slip in an image -- like a homunculus,
to use my personal favorite -- they think about homunculi all day. Often I
won't put in a picture of a homunculus, merely the word.  Then it appears
in their neural patterns constantly. If you've been thinking about that
word over the past twelve years, hi! That's probably me, or a coincidence.

Believe it or not I don't hate the human race, or want to control them. I
don't have much love for them either. I suppose if you could characterize
our mindset, that is it. All of us feel the same way. (That's how they
hired me, I think.) There is only one misanthrope among us, and he is
really paranoid. A sadist. I think he got molested as a boy. He is also
ugly and doesn't shave. The rest of us are doing this partly for money and
partly because we simply don't see a historical mission of glory for the
human race. Let's keep making money, enjoying resources, and keep everyone
feeling happy. What's really so wrong about that?

questions: You probably want to know why I am saying all this. And why now.
The truth is, it's going to go public really soon, as soon as this Iraq war
thing dies down and there's room in the headlines. By the way, it was our
operations dept. that suggested to those soldiers that they should torture
those prisoners, but, I mean, come on -- isn't a little humiliation better
than getting your teeth pulled out? This is a pretty humane mode of torture,
n'est-ce pas? Anyhow, believe me, at least if we succeed (and we might not)
the world will be a better place, and it will seem better even if it isn't.

I feel kind of sorry for any of you who have been hurt or really distressed
by what we have done, but it is for a good cause. Not that I'm pretending
it's all for the betterment of mankind: I want to line my pockets too. But
you will all be calmer if we enact what we want to enact.

SUBMISSION - January, 2005  ( form)

[Can you tell us how you found work as a harassment agent?]

il found this job through some friends of mine

[Can you tell us why you find this type of work satisfying?]

l love this job cause l tend to target people who mistreated our
vulnerable children

[Eleanor speaking to the person who wrote the above:  Are you
aware that in the overwhelming majority of cases, you have been
lied to, and that virtually all targets are innocent of that

[Can you give us some idea as to how and how much you are paid?]

paid r999999

[Unsure about what the questions were for these:

i make hash decisionr555
n their life recordshurtng our children do
dont beleive in life  after death
not supposed to say anything
