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2025 - Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability

Duplicated at the Federation of American Scientists' Web Site,  2025 - Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability reveals US Air Force plans to implant electronic equipment operators with microchips to interface them with computers.

Kathy Kasten, who sent in the link, says:

Go to Chapter 4, sections IIC and Microchip Implantation. McVeigh was telling the truth about being implanted with a microchip for the Gulf War. However, the report paints a very rosy stance (and never discusses the possibility of taking the altering of perspections out of the hands of the ground personnel). Also, in the "Out of the Box" Report (of 9 chapters) from the Air University with many citations/footnotes make historical references to past achievements in technology. Some of them are absolutely mind blowing. Especially the reference in Chapter 3, citation #36 and the discussion of RPV/UAVs being developed in the 30s by the British and shipped to be utilized in the US. So much for UFOs and ET scenarios.

Kathy Kasten's E-mail is   KKASTEN@pathology.medsch.ucla.edu

The original report is part of the United States Air Force's Air University web site.



Resources and information for survivors and those seeking to understand them

ABUSE is Bob King's web site. In his own words:

ABUSE is an overview linksite designed to provide pointers to general resource sites and sites that deal with various issues in depth. It includes pointers to Mind Control, Ritual Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Therapeutic Abuse, among a good number of other topics. Links are actively solicited.

Bob King's E-mail is   firewheel@geocities.com

[Note: The capital letters in his web site url are required.]

ABUSE lists MCF as a 


ACLU Echelon Watch

Led by the NSA in the US, the Echelon project of the US, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand electronically intercepts at least most electronic communications in Europe. Super computers analyze the contents and save those messages and conversations containing suspicious keywords for analysis.

The ACLU has launched, in November 1999, the _Echelon Watch_ web site based
on the European Parliament's "Intelligence Capabilities 2000" report.

Against Electronic Mind Control

A Finnish activist web site devoted to the study and resistance to implantation of human beings with neuroradio brain implants.

This includes reader participation, "the Pretest Neurotelecommunication Gallup!"

Part of the site, the Neuroradio Publicist is a very fascinating digest of neuroradio news of many kinds.

E-mail:   petri.ticklen@pp.inet.fi  or  ticklen@hotmail.com


Dr. Pedro Albizu-Campos

Puerto Rican Remote Radiation Victim

Though not a mind control web site, this one shows how a great political prisoner was irradiated and burned from outside his cell by a US sponsored government back in the 1950s.

Home Page
Radiation Experiment Page


The Alpha Team

The Alpha Team web site features a section on psychotronic mind control research.

Email:   alpha_team550@hotmail.com


alt.mindcontrol Usenet Group

Besides the alt.mindcontrol newsgroup, alt.conspiracy, alt.privacy, and alt.government.abuse are relevant. misc.activism.progressive is terrific.

Though lots of unrelated stuff appears here, watch for some major postings on the mind-control conspiracy.

Some great authoring is done by Alan Yu. Alan was a top financial officer in the Taiwanese armed forces and found himself with a purchase order for parts for remote mind-control machines purchased from the US. He is crusading to inform the American public so they can stop the gross invasion of their "freedom of privacy and thoughts," as Alan puts it.

Victims who have not yet networked with anyone often post here and make contacts. They should be prepared for disparaging comments from lesser netters who think they're crazy or pranksters.

11-98 update.  Be aware that all your posts become permanently part of the DejaNews archive, so be sure and think before posting. You can find older posts there.


America's Line - Victim's Web Site

America's Line is a site comprehensively documenting the horrible adventures of an engineering student who began his professional career being drugged and made the object of radiation experiments.

As well as the site, America's Line has produced a video which has shown on several cable stations.

Email for America's Line is:  wem11@hotmail.com


Angels Don't Play This HAARP

Book by Dr. Nick Begich

Sharon Shea sent an except from, ording information for, and a graphic of the cover of Angels Don't Play This HAARP, a book about an array of transmitters in Alaska that can change the weather, knock out electronics, and so forth while supposedly being for military communications.

I heard author Dr. Nick Begich on the radio talking about the subject of his book. An airline pilot called in to say that while flying near the HAARP site all three autopilots in the plane he was flying went out of order until later.

Sharon scanned or keyboarded a part she feels is important -- the plans by the US Department of Defense to share it's electro-magnetic "non-lethal" weapons projects the domestic law enforcement:

"The term 'adversary' is used above in its broadest sense, including those who are not declared enemies but who are engaged in activities we wish to stop. This policy does not preclude legally authorized domestic use of the nonlethal weapons by United States military forces in support of law enforcement."

Here's the link to the MCF HAARP Page.

For much more on HAARP, visit  HAARP's Covert Agendas  and  The HAARP Game


BBC News

A view of the world beyond the US capitalist-controlled media.


Walter Bowart's Freedom of Thought Foundation

The author of the classic Operation Mind Control has a web site in the name of his Freedom of Thought Foundation. He may still had a few copies of the new limited researcher's edition of the book for sale there. One copy of the old one was reportedly offered on the used market for $100.

The site features what could be the world's biggest mind control bibliography.


Tannie Braziel's Web Site

Tannie Braziel is a paralegal in Los Angeles, California, USA. She is a Black professional who owns her own paralegal and publishing business, Amazon Paralegal Services.

She is also the victim of a particularly vicious electromagnetic attack involving racially and sexually slurring voices and battering sensations. They are ordering her to give up her business.

Tannie's web site Amazon Web World thus includes several Mind Control sections; therein Tannie describes her situation, gives some valuable history and legal precedents regarding the experiments, and includes the letter she wrote to the Federal Communications Commission. She also includes numerous useful links.

Her story is also available here.

Tannies Braziel's email is   tbraziel@amazonco.com


Brian's Government Psychiatric Torture Web Site

Note: The site has a new address

Psychotronics victim Brian has engineered his new Brian's Government Psychiatric Torture Web site where he has pictures of his MRI scans (in "The Torture" section) showing a system of implants which most likely dumped drugs in his brain upon remote command, as well as playing with his mind.

The site is a work in its own right, and an excellent reference work with an extensive history of mind control and the men and agencies involved.

Once you've seen the implants, you'll love the Usenet responses (in the Archives).

Brian can be reached at:

resistor@mk-resistance.com  or  brian@mk-resistance.com


CAHRA - Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse

Organization and Web Site

Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse was formed by a group of victims of alleged nonconsensual human experimentation involving electromagnetic and neurological weapon testing programs by the U.S. and other governments. It's purposes are:

Read this announcement from Cheryl Welsh herself: Membership Cards for survivors!

The contact person is Cheryl Welsh  -  E-mail:  welsh@calweb.com

CAHRA maintains its own  Web Site  at   http://www.calweb.com/~welsh


Center for Defense Information

CDI is a membership organization that works to inform the public of military-related mattes with a more broad perspective than usually found in the mainstream media.

From the CDI web site:

Founded in 1972 as an independent monitor of the military, the Center for Defense Information is a private, nongovernmental, research organization. Its directors and staff believe that strong social, economic, political, and military components and a healthy environment contribute equally to the nation's security. CDI seeks realistic and cost effective military spending without excess expenditures for weapons and policies that increase the danger of war. CDI supports adequate defense by evaluating our defense needs and how best to meet them without wasteful spending or compromising our national security.

CDI has many retired high-level military officers on its staff. It's weekly newsletter is featured at its web site, which also tells where to find its tv and radio shows and how to join.

E-mail   info@cdi.org

The Center for Defense Information
1500 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20005

(202) 862-0700


Center for Neural Communication,
University of Michigan

Actual implant technology is shown and explained at this university web site devoted to "probes ... being developed for acute and chronic recording and/or stimulation of the central nervous system."


CNN Mind Control Video

Here's the CNN "American Edge" Mind Control segment with activist Cheryl Welsh. It features your editor for a few seconds. The beams messed up my speech, and they didn't use it.

The great thing is that, maybe since the CNN crew was touched by the beams from my controllers but couldn't say it on the show, they did a neat job of showing that the beams really could be torturing Cheryl and other victims, using archival footage of government experiments.

You'll need the VXtreme plugin installed in your browser. The link to it at CNN doesn't work. Use this link. Note that it doesn't support IE 4.

See also CNN 's Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control.


DisInformation Archive and Search Engine

A fabulous web site on what the media don't tell us. The mind control-illuminati section is reachable from the home page, and links to this very site as well as to others.

The incredible feature is the super-hip search engine which fetches over 1000 items on mind control, all with reviews, from the DisInformation database! Try typing in "mind control" (opens in a new window):

Search for information on

Disinformation has awarded the Mind Control Forum its Four Grenade Site Award:


Thomas A. Dorman, M.D.

Mind control victims are often labelled mentally ill and exposed to toxic drugs. Thomas A. Dorman, M.D. is one of a number of pioneering physicians who are educating the public as to the truth about medicine.

Dr. Dorman's newsletter Fact, Fiction, and Fraud in Modern Medicine is available from:

Dorman Publishing
216 Railroad Ave. N
Kent, WA  98032
(253) 854-7050 - Phone
(253) 854-6135 - Fax

His web site gives details, some free articles, and the general ideas behind his work. Among the freebies are these works on psychology and toxic drugs which I have imported to the MCF.

Dr. Dorman's E-mail is   tdorman@nwlink.com

For more from MDs and other health professionals on mind control see the CKLN-FM series.


EEG Spectrum Biofeedback

In her CKLN interview, Brice Taylor says:

I would say that the EEG biofeedback equipment and technology is the closest I know to help victims with memory retrieval and deprogramming - it is gentler, kinder and without so much body pain memory. It's EEG Spectrum and there are affiliates all over the nation and it is 1-800-789-3456.


Electronic Warfare Links

From James William Elger  elgersmad@email.msn.com

Half of the evidence is motive, the other is physical.

Who rules will cross your mind after reading the documents in these links. I am sure that the Presidency is not more than the National Enquirer's version of Big Foot.

Motives and admissions

Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Support to Psychological Operations
Glossary Department of Defense Military and Associated Terms
Navy: N64 Mission Statement
Command and Control Warfare (C2W)
Psyop, Military & POW/MIA Links


The EMF Safety Site

EMF is used against mind control victims, but is also a health threat from the electrical fields around us.

The EMF Safety Site from Practical Producs in New York, USA, covers the environmental factors and offers meters to measure EMF and microwaves. They also offer shielding.

Many mind control victims have tried various shieldings, and the usual response from the "controllers" is to blast them harder.

Practical Products
26 Valley View Lane
Ghent, NY  12075

Order Toll Free in U.S.: 1 (888) LESS - EMF
Outside U.S. & Fax: +1 (518) 392 - 1946

E-mail:   lessemf@lessemf.com


Lawrence W. Fagg
Electromagnetism and the Sacred At the Frontier of Spirit and Matter

Lawrence W. Fagg is Research Professor of Physics (retired) at Catholic University in Washington, D.C.  As well as the author of over 70 articles in physics journals, he is the author of Two Faces of Time and The Becoming of TimeRead about his new book, available now.


Fascist New World Order Home Page

Now offline, the Fascist New World Order Home Page was a grand collection of links for those studying abuses by authority (as well as Neo-Nazis).

MCF maintains a copy of the page. Many of the links on it have expired.

The site quoted the US's most liberal founding father, Thomas Jefferson, as saying:

"Those who give up freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one!"

Here is the ultimate use of the net - to expose the anti-democratic crimes of authorities and thus risk their wrath and retribution.

Of the 140+ links available, some categories are:


Federation of American Scientists

Cheryl Welsh found this site. As of 9-96 it is at http://www.fas.org .

She recommends thier Cyber Strategy Project, Intelligence Reform Project, Military Analysis Network, and Space Policy Project.

See also 2025.

Cheryl can be reached at welsh@calweb.com .


Flatland Books by Mail

Here's a reader's bonanza! The mind control section of the Flatland catalog features authors such as Betsy Russell-Manning, Alex Constantine, Jon Rappoport, etc. and titles like U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments on Children, Whistleblowers, Cross Currents, and The Manchurian Candidate. Fllatland also has its own magazine.

For a free catalog: send snail-mail address to  flatland@mcn.org

Web site:  http://www.flatlandbooks.com

Flatland Books
POB 2420
Ft. Bragg, CA  95437




Feeling blue from microwaves, flashbacks from hell, or the burdening knowledge of mind control conspiracies?

Just download[folkbeep.exe - MISSING] and run Folkbeep! Freeware from your editor. It's a tiny applet for DOS or Windows.

If you click "download" above and your browser doesn't offer to save FOLKBEEP.EXE to disk, try right clicking the link instead. You may get a menu with a save option.


Free America Web Site by Henry V. Martin

Free America (at http://www.sonic.net/sentinel) is the web site of the Napa Sentinel and North American Investigative Journal.

It's brain child is Harry V. Martin:

...former publisher of Defense Systems Review and Military Communications, and former Editorial Director of Defense Electronics, International Countermeasures Handbook, Military Electronics and Countermeasures, Microwave Systems News, and Military Science and Technology. He is an elected public official...

This is where the Napa Sentinel article on mind control, in the MCF Archives, came from.

Other topics there include the incredible story of how FEMA can, and possibly will, completely take over America through executive orders not yet used, suspend the constitution, and never reinstate it!


James Henry Graf's Home Page

Psychotronics Victim James Henry Graf's well done Home Page is written in a beautifully literate fashion. It not only covers his predicament, but also the organizations behind it, some of which he ran into at work before being disabled.

Throughout James Graf's writings is a thread of justice and human decency.

JH Graf's Human Rights Forum

From James Henry Graf:

I created an online Forum on Delphi. We'll be using this as an online meeting place.

With the message board, you can view discussion topics quickly in the left-hand column and read up to 20 messages at a time. You can even attach files (such as pictures and programs) directly to messages -- just like E-mail. It's fast, easy, and efficient.

As the Forum "Host", I control the specific features of the Forum. The other options include real-time Chat (not currently enabled), announcements, and custom web pages. I can also choose to make it public or private.

I've chosen to make this forum public so anyone on Delphi can participate, so feel free to tell your friends.

The best way into my forum is at the following URL:


There are thousands of forums on Delphi. You can use the personalized "My Delphi" feature at http://my.delphi.com to keep track of new messages in this forum and any others you may enjoy.

In order to provide personalized services and access control, you'll need to go through a quick registration if you've never used Delphi before. It only takes a minute and it's free!

I'm eager to hear comments and suggestions. Let's get the conversation started!

Best regards,


E-mail:    jhgraf@gowebway.com


The HAARP Game

HAARP is a transmitter in Alaska that can target areas of the Earth via the ionosphere. It can be used to knock out electronics, cause weather disasters, impede humans, etc.

This web site is a goldmine of information on HAARP and on electromagnetic warfare in general, pointing out actual manufacturers and so on.

The site is at:  http://www.micronet.net/~lb/hc/game.html

The author, Jann's email is:  HAARP@micronet.net

Jann sent this message:

An immense geomagnetic storm enveloped Earth on January 10, 1997, knocking out AT&T's Telstar 401 satellite. Does anyone have any info on personal experiences for that time period?

As HAARP scientists say, "There's nowhere to run."

For more on HAARP, visit  HAARP's Covert Agendas  and  Angels Don't Play This HAARP


Hambone's Conspiracy Research,
Parapolitics, and Fringe Culture

"Brought to you by Dr. Doc Hambone - Research Director"

This site is getting packed! It covers mind-control, conspiracy, and other interesting things such as ethnic concerns. The Archives by Author section is a good place to start browsing.

There are a great number of links there too. The mind control ones are listed under psychiatric abuse. And wouldn't you know it - you can get back here from there!

Doc, who is doing heavy research, writes his own history of mind control in The Hambone Files.

The URL is:  http://www.io.com/~hambone/

You can email Doc at  hambone@io.com


Healing Woman - Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors

In their own words (November 1997):

If you have any need for a good resource for survivors of childhood sexual abuse, their supporters, and/or therapists, please visit our brand new web site then pass along this invitation to others in your address book.

Web site:   http://www.healingwoman.org/

E-mail:   HealingW@aol.com

The Healing Woman Foundation
PO Box 28040
San Jose, CA 95159
phone - 408 246 1788
fax - 408 247 4309


The International Council on Cultism and Ritual Trauma

With an emminent Board of Directors, the ICCRT - International Council on Cultism and Ritual Trauma - is dedicated to educating related professionals and the public about all aspects of ritual abuse in order to create a helpful and respecting environment for survivors.

They sponsor a conference every two years at which such issues are dealt with.

ICCRT now has its own web site.

Their Mission Statement, Directors List, and Conference plans are in the MCF ICCRT document.

E-mail:  Pamela Perskin - RABuster@aol.com - address may change - check back


Information Unlimited

Catalog of Electromagnetic, Laser, and Psychotronic Weapons

Information Unlimited in Amherst, NJ has both a printed and an online catalog of weapons systems that can do things many victims of electromagnetic attacks and psychotronic control have experienced, plus even more serious effects. The printed version can be ordered from 800-221-1705.

Someone who recently ordered one of their kits says that it requires prior knowledge of electronics assembly and alot of mechanical fitting.

 Here are some excerpts:


David - Postal Inspectors,
Mind Control and Harassment

Victim David'spersonal web site introduces his mind control adventures with the US Postal Service. The site's title is Postal Inspectors, Mind Control and Harassment.

E-mail:  david@goingpostal.org

David doesn't have his own computer, so including a phone number or address in an E-mail message to him will help him respond.


Gun Jones Commentary Page

The Gun Jones Commentary Page  is victim William Sherman's personal site. Planning to continually expand it, he has put his own special views there.

Click William's name in the preceding paragraph to find his story.


The Kats' Web Site -
Welcome to the World of Human Guinea Pigs

The Kats family, Claudia and Ed with son Jay, have established a web site detailing their experiences with the brain implantation of their son at age four and their desire to publicize it and have the offending devices removed. They are extremely lucky to have an xray of the implants from Stanford Children's Hospital.

The Victims section contains a previous version of their story, and the implant xray.

Their own web site is more complete, and still under construction. It's called "Welcome to the World of Human Guinea Pigs." It offers complete details of the story. Artist Ed offers T-shirts with appropriate graphics.

The Kats' would like volunteers to help them translate the story/site into other languages.

The Kats family email is   edwardj@jps.net


Martti Koski's Web Site in Finland

Check Martti Koski's Web Site for information on illegal human experimentation.

A victim of electo-magnetic mind-control, Martti Koski has set up his relavant web page. He will be expanding it with time. We will be staying in touch with Martti, an international victim.

Martti couldn't escape remote mind-reading technology by travelling, the usual experience. This would indicate that the equipment is in airplanes linked by sattelites.

Martti knows lots of victims and is including definitive references for students of the conspiracy. His story, My Life Depends on You, is available as a web page at his website and is also was the very first text file in the MCF Archives.

You can email Martti at:  makako@netti.fi


John Lambros' Web Site:  Boycott Brazil

Arrested in Brazil, American John Lambros became a brain implant victim. The joint CIA - Brazilian project tortured him for ten months -- both with beatings and electro-magnetic beams. He is now (10-96) in Leavenworth Prison in the US.

The first link at the site is the story - "Congress Asleep at the Switch Again." This includes images of documentation such as medical reports from MRI scans showing implants.

The second, "Anyone Out There Have Implants?", is an organizational message to all implant victims and anyone who was involved in the program.

Browsing down the links we find lots of correspondence with victims, researchers, authorities, and so forth, as well as links to other sites. And, of course, a boycott of Brazil!

The great Boycott Brazil web site is at:  http://members.aol.com/BrazilByct

You can email John Lambros at:   BrazilByct@aol.com


Dr. Helmut Lammer
Military Involvement in UFO Abductions

Take a hop over to the MCF Archives to read about this landmark work.


Dr. Helmut Lammer
MILABS:  Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction

Information about this book which shows in detail evidence that human military agencies are involved in alleged alien abductions.


Leading Edge - Biomanipulation Patents

Val Valerian [E-mail: trufax@trufax.org] of the Leading Edge web site recently sent out this announcement:

We have now created a special page with links to some of the more interesting mind-bending and electromagnetic manipulation patents involving this subject:


The page is a long, comprehensive list of links to patents in IBM's patent database which could be used to manipulate the mind!

Kudos to the researchers for compiling this resource!

You might save it to disk for use in case it ever goes offline.

Some hints in using the patent pages from IBM:

  1. At the top a link to "view images" gets you photocopies of the patents complete with technical drawings.
  2. The "EXEMPLARY CLAIMS:" link (halfway down the page) produces a nice summary of what the patented invention is supposed to do.

One researcher thinks that patent No. 4,858,612 is important to check out.


Lee Books and Media

Mind control books by mail order

Mind control victim David Lee of Scotland has set up a mail-order bookshop.

To see what he is offering, visit his web site. He has some good information about and from activist Harlan Girard.

If you like, read David Lee's story. It's here at the MCF.


Microwave Hazards

The microwaves section of Wolfgang Scherer's web site covers the biohazards to living things from this radio-frequency energy. This includes thermal effects, "microwave hearing," accumulative exposure, safe distances, and the hazards of microwave towers, which have been known to debilitate nearby farm animals.

This tends to make one favor fiber-optic cables over microwave towers, and it also relates to microwave transmissions to the brain in psychotronics.

Also see the Archives section on Wolfgang's letter about implants and microwave concerns.

E-mail:    w-m-a@reach.net   or   scherer@reach.net


Paul McGinnis' Military Secrecy Page

What a link! Mind controlled people who are prisoners of airplanes will love browsing around here. I've only just begun to explore it.

Of course, the whole "black budget" of billions of wasted dollars is unknown to the American public, from whom it has been stolen.


Mind Control Is No Longer Science Fiction
Compilation by Cheryl Welsh

Mind Control is No Longer Science Fiction; A Report on U.S. Government Experiments, is the new compilation by Cheryl Welsh, ED. (1997)

A set of two bound-xerox volumes, comprised of articles, news clips, essays, bibliographies and letters on official stationery, a real treasure trove of documentation on government mind control experiments. Some of the copy is difficult to read, since they've passed through several generations of copies through fax and xerox, but much of this material would be hard to come by anyway. Self-published, samizdat raw data. bound, xerox, app. 400 pages MCNL $39.00

The volumes are available from Flatland Books.


Mind Control Within the United States
A book by Kai Bashir

It's April 1998 and the first edition of Kai Bashir's new book, Mind Control Within the United States, has been released. A victim herself, Kai's book has been acclaimed by experts in the field, who say that it is a must read.

Kai sent the MCF an announcement with three reviews and ordering information.

Kai Bashir
P.O. Box 30366
Cincinnati, OH  45230



Mind Control, World Control
by Jim Keith

Review Received by MCF

Jim Keith is the internationally acclaimed author of such works as Black Helicopters Over America, The Octopus, OKBomb!, The Gemstone File, and Secret and Suppressed, and has been interested in, and written on the topics of conspiracy, and mind control for many years. He has appeared on the Art Bell Show, HBO, NBC, MSNBC, BBC, and other international forums.

Keith's new book, Mind Control, World Control, is one of the most comprehensive works on the subject to ever appear. Accessing a wide variety of sources including high-level military informants, the book covers such topics as:

According to conspiracy author Adam Gorightly: "I've read plenty of books on mind control, but yours is the best I've yet seen. That includes Operation Mind Control, The Control of Candy Jones, Trance Formation of America, books by Alex Constantine, and all the others."

Mind Control, World Control is $14.95 plus $2 shipping and handling. It and other books by Jim Keith are available from:

IllumiNet Press
P.O. Box 2808
Lilburn, GA 30048

or at IllumiNet.com

Their toll free number is 1-800-680-INET

E-mail for Jim Keith:   JPKMIB@aol.com


Mind Control, Technology, Techniques, and Politics

These pages contain documents, links, references, and commentary related to mind control.  Mind control is the term in common usage to describe covert behavior modification techniques and the use of neuro influencing technology.  The main focus of these pages is mind control using electromagnetic and acoustic devices, though the use of drugs, hypnosis, and induced trauma also appears.  Focusing too closely on one technique can obscure the fact that the methods may be used in concert with each other, and focusing too closely on the technology alone can obscure the tactics which employ the technology.  The political aspect of mind control concerns its use in a "free" society:  The testing of the technology on nonconsensual subjects, its use in political persuasion and in suppressing dissent, as well as how the very existence of the technology is covered up and concealed.


MindNet Document Archive

Mike Coyle was the proprietor of the Vericomm BBS and MindNet ftp archive and email subscription service. Having spent countless hours keyboarding text files from articles, his ftp site housed more than a hundred files relating to mind-control.

The Mindnet document archive site is in browsable form. The documents are now web pages with white backgrounds and links back to the index file.

Mike's email address was vericomm@idiom.com.


More Than Conquerors Online Forums

Online Forum for Victims

MTC is the sponsor of the new location for the MCF web site. MTC also manages MCF on behalf of Ed Light.

Disclaimer:  MTC provides online support group forums via e-mail and the web. MTC does not offer counseling, crisis intervention, or any kind of emergency services.

More Than Conquerors Online Forums runs a web site :

More Than Conquerors is a caring online forum created by survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse/Ritual Abuse, Mind Control victims, Victims of Mind Control Experimentation, or Programming, and/or those facing a dissociative condition.

We as survivors understand the rejection and pain that is a part of living life as a survivor of Any kind of Mind Control, Physical torture, SRA/RA, and/or facing a dissociative condition. Our hope is that here all survivors can find safety, validation, support, hope, and courage.

MTC offers resources, referrals, web forums, online e-mail list servs and lots of links to information and resources. Support is also provided to family members and the helping professions who need support or information in order to help a survivor. MTC does not provide counseling. MTC is owned and maintained by volunteers who are survivor's themselves.

Their list servs, web forums, email groups for survivors, are covered on the Services page of the web site.

E-mail:   MTCForums@apexmail.com


Mind Control Forum UK

The Mitchells, victims of psychotronics and a cervical implant, have set up the Mind Control Forum UK Web Site. In David Mitchell's words:

The aim of my site is to provide a contact and support point for victims and any supporting professionals, who wish to address this very important issue.

Another objective of the site is to gain media attention for the victims of this evil technology. What we are dealing with here is the biggest human rights issue since the second world war. The freedom and liberty of everyone is at stake.

Be sure to note Tracey's MRI Scan, showing an implant.

New (6-98) E-mail:   dmitchell16@hotmail.com   [Don't use the old addresses]
New additionally:   dmitchell16@email.msn.com


Mind Control and Psyops Mailing List and Archive

The Mind Control (MC) list, moderated by Wes Thomas, deals with mind control and psyops (covert psychological operations intended to influence mass beliefs and behavior). It is intended as a clearinghouse for exchange of news and information among researchers. Messages are accessible by email or on the topica.com Web site, where the list is also archived back to December 1999.

To subscribe, send a blank message to: mc-subscribe@topica.com

List rules are at http://www.sonic.net/~west/mc/listrules.htm.


Pat Mougey's MKULTRA Continues Web Site

Pat Mougey is a mind control victim who has an informational and inspirational site on the web. She offers you this design for a pin-on button, then goes into details on the human rights situation.

A copy of the monument to mind contol victims, and a message of forgiveness to the torturers highlight her digital domain.


National Legal Professional Associates

Legal Work for Mind Control Victims

Cheryl Welsh sent in this memorandum by the "NLPA," a ground-breaking law firm that will do pre-trial preparation for mind control victims. It explains their position.

Cheryl says: "Norman Rabin is working with them on a court case and if anyone out there has substantiating information, lets all help us to get closer to a class action lawsuit. If anyone is interested in pooling their funds for a class action lawsuit, contact welsh@calweb.com (12-96).

A less-favorable report comes from Vicki.


Neurophone Sites

Perhaps you've run into the Neurophone in mind-control literature? It's an electronic invention by Patrick Flanagan that transforms sounds into a pattern that bypasses the eardrum and stimulates the brain directly, allowing deaf people to hear.

The fact that the National Security Agency confiscated the device and the Defense Intelligence Agency "slapped a secrecy order" on the patent for a digital version would indicate that they wanted it for their mind-control operations, with non-consenting experimentees unwillingly doing the testing.

The T.H.R.O N E website that was the MCF link for Neurophone information is no longer in service.

But inventor Patrick Flanagan now has his own site, Flanagan Technologies, that covers it thoroughly. He bills it as an electronic telepathy machine "that can successfully program suggestions directly through contact with the skin." Note that you can actually buy one from him!

He makes this statement about his work for the US Navy which vindicates those victims who "hear voices":

In the Dolphin Project we developed the basis for many potential new technologies. We were able to ascertain the encoding mechanism used by the human brain to decode speech intelligence patterns, and were also able to decode the mechanism used by the brain to locate sound sources in three dimensional space. These discoveries led to the development of a 3-D holographic sound system which could place sounds in any location in space as perceived by the listener. In other words it could be sent in a way where the sound appeared to be coming right out of thin air!

Plenty of Neurophone information and links are available at The Unusual Library of Bob Paddock, which has the Neurophone Page.

Aqua Thought shows a commercial application of the Neurophone in virtual reality equipment.


Nico Ntumba's Victim's Site:
Xenophobic Persecution in the UK

Psychotronics victim Nico Ntumba's web site, Xenophobic Persecution in the UK, is a psychotronics and harassment victim's expose of the MI5 and its vendetta against him. His story was covered by Lobster magazine in 1992.

E-mail:   nico.n@virgin.net


Non-Lethal Defense III Conference Transcripts

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Feb. 25-26, 1998

These transcripts are from experts involved in the non-lethal weapons program. A sampling:

Dr. John B. Alexander - Introduction to Non-Lethal Defense III Proceedings
Lt. Gen. Martin R. Steele - Non-Lethal Weapons and the Warfighter
Mr. Charles Swett - Department of Defense Non-Lethal Weapons Policy

The link to this page was found at the Defense Industries web site.

The transcripts are in Adobe Acrobat format. You can download the Adobe Acrobat Reader from the transcripts page. When I installed it on my Windows 3.11 machine last year it removed all the fonts installed in Adobe Type Manager and installed its own. I had a backup copy of my atm.ini file which I copied over the new one, restoring my installation.


Pacifica News

Progressive World and US News in Real Audio

The Pacifica Foundation has been broadcasting enlightened world and national news from its several listener-sponsored FM stations for years. They don't accept corporate funding, so they don't have to disguise anything like PBS does. For instance, when have you heard on PBS' news hour that 1000 children die a month from the sanctions on Iraq?

Pacifica news won an award and became a feature of listener-sponsored stations nationwide.

If you have a sound card, you can listen over the net using the free Real Audio player.



MKULTRA and CIA documents

The Parascope web site is a really great conspiracy information source.

Actual photocopies of the source documents, with transcripts, lend needed credibility to many articles on the undesirable antics of some of our powerful agencies.

Of special interest to mind control victims are the MKULTRA documents, and the CIA manual on torture.

ParaScope web site home page 
MKULTRA Documents
The CIA's KUBARK Secret Manual on Coercive Questioning

Also, the KUBARK manual is here at MCF.


The People

The online version of The People (new web site) gets to the meat of how our system of economic rule by an elite class produces our insecurity, deprivation, and loss of freedom, and offers a democratic alternative - the people democratically order production for their own use.

They would never produce remote mind control equipment!

Quite often The People has articles about how the capitalists conspire to condition us to accept the way they've organized our lives, to be handy producers of wealth for them, as normal and worth supporting. This propaganda is mind control. The People helps you understand where it is all coming from.


Tom Porter's Web Site:

Government Research into E.S.P. and Mind Control

[Tom Porter changed internet addresses 1-98]

Tom Porter has built a comprehensive web site on mind-control which, like this one and Martti Koski's, will be continually growing. He has nifty clickable graphics.

On my initial visit I found that I could link to the entire text of Martin Cannon's classic article, The Controllers, in typeset quality html. It's well worth downloading, and if you read nothing else about mind-control for your entire life (heaven forbid) you'll find this text to be an adequate foundation to understand what's going on!

Tom has a current legislation page there. http://www.mindspring.com/~txporter/legis.htm

To reach Tom Porter, click on his email address:    txporter@mindspring.com


The Postal Justice Project

Victim Ronald Roose details the horrors he experienced at the hands of postal inspectors and seeks other victims, as well as to educate the public, at his website, Postal Inspectors On The Rampage: ThePostal Justice Project.

The site includes a Journal of Harassment section

E-mail:   X959@webtv.net


Project Open Mind

Are Some Alien Abductions Government Mind Control Experiments?

Katharina Wilson believed that her abduction experiences were by aliens from UFOs. With the help of Austrian Scientist and UFOlogist Dr. Helmut Lammer, she has exhaustively researched the possibility that they were military experiments.

This is an excellent work, as Katharina has immersed herself in mind control references and passes on lots and lots of them. One complete page is devoted to mind control authors.

To find it go to The Alien Jigsaw site and click on Project Open Mind.

A new section on military involvement in abductions was added in early 1998.

The latest news as of October 1998 is of another new section, Between Two Lies. Katharina especially recommends the Journals there.

E-mail for Katharina Wilson:   info@alienjigsaw.com


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