
This page contains commentary, editorial articles, and essays related to mind control.

  • This is a three-part series on mind control issues by Allen Barker, the editor and owner of this web site.  The series title is Domestic U.S. Mind Control (32,33,34,35,36,37,38).
  • Part I: Motives for Mind Control
    Part II: Resisting the Mind Control State
    Part III: Mental Firewalls
  • Is "mind control" the best term to describe the sorts of technology, experiments, and human rights abuses such as are discussed on these pages?  Or is there a better term, more descriptive and with fewer drawbacks?  Those questions are discussed in this essay, "Terms Other Than Mind Control."

  • This essay is about the larger picture of "American Human Rights."

  • This article discusses "Prison Experimentation and Mind Control."

  • The following article is titled "Remembering Astronauts and Nonconsensual Human Subjects."

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