CBC-TV Program on
Dr. Ewen Cameron

Sent by Eleanor White

Special thanks to Rob Reaume and Nancy Buss for this piece of information.

I will attempt to tape these shows, but my harassers are leaning hard on me at the moment, so please contact any Canadians you might know and ask them to tape these shows.

Eleanor White

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Subject: Dr. Ewen Cameron's brainwashing/CBC-TV program

(i.e. MKULTRA in Canada)

I just learned more details re the MKULTRA/Dr. Ewen Cameron brainwashing drama is a 2-part miniseries titled "The Sleep Room" - it will be broadcast on CBC-TV on Sunday, Jan.11, 8-10 pm(Part 1), and Monday, Jan.12, 8-10 pm(Part 2).

I just learned "the fifth estate", CBC-TV's excellent investigative magazine, is featuring an update re Cameron's MKULTRA brainwashing experiments including a survivor (name?). That's scheduled this Tues., Jan.6, 9 pm. Here's the promo blurb in the Toronto Star TV Guide:

"The update, some 17 years later [after fifth estate's first program on Cameron], is timely because it sketches in what has since been learned about the incident. In 1980, nine surviving subjects of the Cold War experiments in brainwashing sued the CIA. American civil rights leader Joseph Rauh fought for them in court for the next 10 years.

"CBC reporter Linden MacIntyre shows the Canadian govenment was even more involved than was known in 1980. All this is seen through the experiences of one former patient who had her memory erased. In 1992 Ottawa grudgingly paid her and other victims $100,000 each."

I believe Dimitri Pivnicky, a psychiatrist who knew or worked under Cameron and father-in-law of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, may also appear on the program. Pivnicky was probably involved in the Canadian government's protection of Cameron and subsequent coverup including official denial of its legal and moral resp[onsiblity to the brainwashing victims.

Here's an excerpt from lawyer Joseph Rauh's letter to Mulroney dated June 2, 1986,later published in full in the Canadian Dimension.

"Many others keep muttering about your father-in-law, Dr. Dimitri Pivnicky, an avid Cameron disciple who still practices at the Allan Memorial Institute, and wonder whether he has improperly influenced your Government's policy. I still do not know the answer to the question "why?".

But one thing I do know -- it's a hell of a note when a 75-year old U.S. civil liberties lawyer cares more about these injured Canadian citizens, now in the twilight of life, than their own Government."

Mulroney never replied to this letter. Stay tuned...

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