Victim's Stories Continued


William MacIntosh

American Defense Electronics Professional - Psychotronics Victim

In Sonic Non-Lethal Weapons, William MacIntosh tells his story of being attacked by descendants of devices which he himself worked on!

In his own words:

During my 20+ years of working with the DOD and DOE I've had the pleasure of operating, maintaining, and repairing many a varied electronic device.

The BQN3 sonic beam had a "pencil profile" (@1deg) and the system had an excellent accuracy even at the extreme depths of the Pacific Ocean

It seems that the modern descendant of this technology is now being used against the civilian populace with a total disregard of human rights.

Since @1990, when I was working for Stanford Linear Accelerator, I have been literally tortured by some organization with the use of this exact technology.

William MacIntosh's E-address is:    As of 12-18-97, he may be having email jamming problems.

[I delivered a 40' sea container to the Stanford accelerator once, in the mid-1970s. I drove along a dirt road next to this long, long tunnel. At the end were some guys, kind of like a model railroad club playing with their toy! - ejl]


Martin C. Mack

American Victim of Remote Electronic Tortures

Upon checking into a hotel, Martin C. Mack found that the tenants next to him were doing remote electronic torture experiments, and picked him as a guinea pig. He moved, but the tortures have followed him.

Martin experiences alot of bodily tortures, plus exquisite reading of his subvocalizations. He has managed, through the tortures, to compile a summary and technical description of his experiences.

Martin does not have an Internet connection, and so requests correspondence through the following address:

Martin C. Mack
2008 Westlake Ave.
Seattle, WA 98121

206-340-0410 (please leave a message)


Tom McClelland

Victim of Covert Drugging and Microwave Weapons

I am a victim of covert drugs and microwave weapons assaults.  Currently, I am a full-time music therapist working in a hospital setting in New York City.  I have been a musician since my early teens, when I began learning to play the guitar and sing.  I am also a Viet Nam era veteran.  The covert drugging began while I was in the service during the early 1970's and has continued against me up the present time in New York City.  I trace the Electronic Microwave Weapons Assaults to April of 1990 and those assaults have continued to the present day.

I am interested in corresponding with anyone who has had similar experiences as I or anyone, especially from New York City, willing to corroborate their experiences with me.  I would like to also correspond with anyone who knows how I can get some of my personal possessions that have been contaminated with toxic chemicals tested for the drug, "scopolamine" nicknamed, "burundanga" and commonly known as "the voodoo drug".

I can be contacted at my email address which is:



The Mitchells

UK Psychotronics and Implant Victims

David and Tracey Mitchell and their son are in the thick of it with incoming electronic warfare trained on Tracey's nonconsensual cervical implant, and the three of them.

According to David:

I discovered that covert harassment of ordinary citizens is a worldwide phenomena. I started by making contacts in the US, but there are people in the UK now, who are slowly starting to recognise the problem.

The most serious aspect of my partner's situation is that her previous partner implanted her with some sort of electronic tracking and torture device.

The details are at the Mitchells' Mind Control Forum UK [not part of MCF]. Be sure to note Tracey's MRI Scan, showing an implant.

9-98 - The Mitchells are appealing for funds to help their case.

New (6-98) E-mail:   [Don't use the old addresses]
New additionally:


Lewis F. Montgomery

American EM Mind Control Implant Victim

Lewis was working as a security guard when perpetrators stole his brain, and began using him as an involuntary science experiment. In a complete disregard for human rights and democracy, he was implanted with classified technology using EM radiation which has tortured, mutilated, and enslaved him. Now living in Sacramento, CA, Lewis writes this summary

E-mail: or

Daniel Moore

My name is Daniel Lee Moore and I am a non-consensual experimentee of electronic surveillance and mind control technology by the Department of Corrections in the state of Delaware.

I ask for anyone who reads my story to pray for me because I am engaged in a war in Delaware and I need all of the prayers that I can get to strengthen me so that I can continue. I know that there is strength in prayers or else I would still be incarcerated and unable to tell others of what is occurring here in Delaware. My addresses are; 9 Terminal Avenue, New Castle, Delaware 19720 and  Thank you for your Time and God Bless. Sincerely, Daniel L. Moore


Lynne Moss-Sharman

Canadian Ritual Abuse Victim

Lynne Moss-Sharman would like to get in contact with other victims of the infamous Jose Delgado! For information on him, check out Brian's Government Psychiatric Torture Web Site and click on "The Torture Experts."

For Lynne's story see the CKLN-FM interview.

Lynne is one of the founders of ACHES-MC, the Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind Control. Follow that link for more extensive information.



Pat Mougey

American Psychotronics,
Electronic Sabotage, and Break In Victim

Pat Mougey is a working professional who, in her story, describes how she began to hear a never-ending barrage of psychotronic voices. Her late mother was also targeted.

Included is a detailed account of the outrageous things they did to her appliances! Thank gosh they don't go that far on the MCF home computer or it would be shut down (it was unable to upload for a couple of weeks straight, but usually for hours).

Neighbors and co-workers are involved in the harassment, and her apartment has been broken into. In fact, she found a hot iron on some cloth in a closet, about to start a fire; the same iron that the controllers had stopped from working at all by using some sort of beams.

New for August 1997 is Pat's mind control web site

New for November 1997 is US Senator John Glenn's letter (from the letter archive) to Pat about his Human Subjects Protection Act (from the Archives). Pat points out the contact information he sent.

For June 1998 Pat sent a letter to her from the DOD.

Pat Mougey's email is


Mr. Abuse

"Government treats addition with mind control technology"
"Contains minor adult content in relation to my treatment and actions"

Mr. Abuse says: I sent this URL to the chief of police where this happened, he knows what was happening to me and will probably be looking for my story.  I don't believe these government people tell the police everything. (They may be able to help me get rid of them) Believe me I've been punished more than any human should be.  He can be reached at . He is using the alias of "Mr. Abuse" in order to protect himself.


Susan Mullen

American Genital Mutiliation Victim and Mind Control Elements

Susan is an American woman from Seattle who was the victim of genital mutiliation when she was very young, probably in the first 11 days of her life.  She has found no medical reason for the procedure; her medical record has been destroyed.  Earlier this year Susan began experiencing such mind control techniques as electrification of her head with an associated "twanging" sensation and hearing clicks in her home when no one else has been there.  Susan would like to talk with other survivors about these events.  You can read her story and find out what has happened to her.

            Susan Mullen's e-mail is


Robert Naeslund

Swedish Brain Transmitter Implantation Victim

"Luckily" (for his credibility), Robert Naeslund has actual proof of being implanted with brain transmitters by the CIA and Swedish authorities.

Click here to read his story and doctor's report, including a description of bio-medical telemetry, a wireless connection between a person's mind and a remote computer (usually without the subject's consent). The address for R.N. is old - his present one is below.

This page shows medical photos of the implants.

Literature Available from Robert Naeslund

Robert Naeslund distributes a wealth of mind control documentation from:

Mediaecco & Contact Network International
Organization for Political Research
Box 136
114  79  Stockholm


Stephen("Steve) P(Paul). Naghdi, BA.,MA

MC Weapons Victim

Steve Naghdi would like networking with others who can write at: His web site can be viewed at: Added statement: Stephen believes the evidence is available for a United Nations investigation, Congressional Hearings, and investigations of the USA by world organization against torture and amnesty international.


Nico Ntumba

English Victim of Psychotronic
Implants, Torture, and Harassment

Londoner and businessman Nico Ntumba tells his story of the result of being targeted by the MI5 in Britain:

The security services advised the former Premier Minister Margaret Thatcher to decide the death penalty for me because they believed (without evidence) that I was a agent provocateur working for China. In fact, I was doing my import-export business...

As a result, he was made an experimentee for the psychotronics project. His thoughts are projected to other people, and provocateurs and ordinary people recruited by MI5 badger him daily.

For April 1998 Nico sent in this update with xrays showing his implants, as well as mental health and CIA documents.

In addition to the MCF story page, see Xenophobic Persecution in the UK, Nico Ntumba's web site. His story was covered by Lobster magazine in 1992.

Also see the letter from the International Network Against Mind Control to John Major on behalf of Nico and the Lobster Article about him.



Richard G. O'Neal

American Psychotronics and Poisoning Victim

West Virginia, USA, resident Richard O'Neal tells in his story, which includes his picture, how his college roomate initiated him into a phychiatric nightmare. Soon he was stalked and branded mentally ill.

According to Richard, a hospital he was in is wired with psychotronics. It cost five times what it should have, and he includes the name of the suspected contractor.

Richard lists a number of weapons used by local operatives. Like a percentage of victims, he feels he is a victim of nearby operatives with psychotronic devices, as compared to satellite-based equipment.



William Peck

American Psychotronic Implant Victim

William Peck's story is from an ex-U.S. Air Force veteran who was implanted with psychotronic devices as he left the service. Teeth that were in good health were pulled and the devices put in.

William's father had been a government agent and suffered a hospital death that looks like an assasination.

Passing too close to CIA drug connections, he is made to pay the price, as he says:

Records and the prior seven years my life has been destroyed by involuntary psychotherapy and behavioral modification and it's standard operable methods of harassment and tamperings to possessions and careers combined with besetting occurrences with government agencies and authorities.

William Peck's email is
His fax number is  (216) 257-8036


Don Phillips

American Psychotronics Victim

Don Phillips' story is from a Christian whose beliefs are being challenged by microwave controllers playing God. He believes that his faith is getting him through the ordeal.

Besides playing with Don's mind, the controllers made him fall asleep at the wheel of his car and run into a field!

The torture features the all-too-common harassment by bystanders, and the usual bodily discomforts and sensory experiences.

Don Phillips' E-mail:


Paul Pietzonka

American Psychotronic Implant Victim

Little did Paul Pietzonka know what receiving flu shots at the University of Iowa would do to him. In his story, he writes:

... I know now that the first shot was some type of transponder or tracking device because they can seem to find me any where I'm at and the second was a tiny crystal similar to what would be in a radio transmitter for the purpose of interfacing with my brain and a computer ...

Paul goes on about perpetrators, the technology, failed attempts to shield from it, and how to fortify the body against it nutritionally.

If anyone has any advice or contacts for the removal of the implants, Paul would appreciate hearing from them.



Robert Pollack

American Psychotronic Implant Victim

Robert Pollack's story tells of continual lambasting by psychotronic voices via electromagnetic implants. He says:

These verbal assaults are made possible through an implant in the auditory canal and are transmitted directly to the brain through the auditory nerve center, with the result being a very positive and yet faint voice.

This sounds like an adaptation of the Neurophone.

As is their usual way, the "controllers" have destroyed Robert's personal and professional lives.

Robert would like to correspond at:

Mr. Robert Pollack
PO Box 14503
Younity Unit
Lexington, Kentucky   40512-4503


Norman Rabin

American "Sattelite Signals" Victim

Norman Rabin was working as a software engineer when he took home a paper which he apparently shouldn't have read. Ever since he has been assaulted by "signals," as he calls them, and he believes that he's an unwilling part of some sort of international deal.

Click here for Norman's Press Release.

See also a supportive letter from US Congressman Gary L. Ackerman.

Added 9-98: Norman Rabin's Court Case!

To contact Norman, send him a message via Cheryl Welsh at .


Rick & Tina

Rick and Tina's story tells of their experiences as victims from E.L.F. & or microwave harassment, since 1996. Both would like contact with other survivors or victims of E.L.F. and Microwave harassment.

Rick and Tina can be reached at:


Rob from Michigan

American Mind Contol Victim

For now, Rob is posting this appeal to hear from those in Michigan with related information:

My name is Rob. I am 41 and from Redford Township, Michigan.I have been used in some bizzare mind control operation since at least 1973. I`m looking for anyone from around the Detroit area who would verify that the spooks are here.




Ronald Roose

American Electronic Weapons, Harassment,
and Chemical Assault Victim

As Ronald Roose says in his story:

The use of threats and coercion by the postal inspectors is a matter that is well documented by my union, the American Postal Workers Union.

These inspectors retaliated when Ronald discovered evidence of defrauding postal employees out of their due benefits for on-the-job injuries.

The retaliation consisted of organizing other employees to harass him, directing electronic weapons on him, delivering chemical and biological poisons into his food at home and onto his workspace, and interfering with all the registered mail he sent in relation to his claim. They even poisoned his cats. Eventually the electronic weapons had him disabled.

Ronald would especially like to get in touch with other postal victims.

See also Ronald Roose's web site, Postal Inspectors On The Rampage: ThePostal Justice Project



Bill Rosser

American Psychotronics Victim

Bill Rosser's story is like quite a few other victims of electro-magnetic "less-than-lethal" weapons controllers. They started off subtly manipulating him and having provocateurs terrorize him, and finally came out and tortured him with the beam weapons.

As usual, Bill finds himself cut off from people by the incredible appearance of his story.

Bill began to understand the project as it progressed. He sees it as "a Holocaust style psychological and brain study as well as scientific experimentation on humans with this new technology and general politically motivated human rights abuses."

Bill writes:

The survival of American democracy and of democracy on the planet depends on the people quickly identifying and responding to new threats to our liberty. This new weapons technology must be understood for the threat it is; probably greater than the threat of nuclear weapons because of the people's present lack of ability to detect their abuse.

You can reach Bill Rosser at:


Bill Rosser
Box 12576
Berkeley, CA  94712


Sara Schaeffer

American Drugging and Harassment Victim

In Sara Schaeffer's story, she shares insights on the "Illuminati" behind the mind control capers. Her reccomendation is that the more victims make the proper, non-Illuminati authorities aware of their plight, the sooner those authorities will come out of denial.

Sara has lots of experience with provocateurs, and says that she has been drugged to be hyper-sensitive to sounds. She has also heard things relating to her on the commercial media.

Your editor hears these things too, and they have exposed themselves to be broadcasts, probably from sattellites, to his local radio receiver, somehow convincingly imitating the true broadcast, the tone of which must have been absorbed by a super-computer.

Ms. Schaeffer also relates her views on the relationship of God to the mind control situation.


Sara has a personal web site too.


Charles Schlund 

Torture Victim

My name is Charles Schlund and I would like to submit my lawsuit against the United States for others to view to aid them the filing of such
lawsuits against those torturing them.

I am under heavy torture and my freedom of speech is almost totally
removed under this torture in retaliation for the filing of this lawsuit
before the Supreme Court. Chuck


Lloyd Schrier

Canadian CIA Foetal Victim

Canadian Lynne Moss-Sharman of ACHES-MC sent this information about the son of one of Dr. Ewan Cameron's victims. He was in the womb when she was drugged and electroshocked, and would like to be compensated but is running into the usual stonewalling.

Cameron carried out his "psychic driving" experiments in Canada for the CIA and a group of the victims have been compensated, a rare occurrence. Cameron has been president of both the Canadian and American psychiatric associations.

To contact Lloyd Schrier send email via Lynne Moss-Sharman:


Rev. Bob Shannon

American Military Mind Control Testing Victim

By reading Military Human Experimentation one realizes that medical testing on soldiers is widespread and routine.

Rev. Bob Shannon tells his story of how, in the sixties, he, after becoming upset with the military while a serviceman, was subjected to mind control testing which has left him disabled. Typically, his attempts to get help through veterans' services have been rebuffed.

Bob would like to correspond with others who have had related experiences.

You can email him at:


Sharon Shea

American Psychotronics Victim

The daughter of educators, Sharon Shea found her life brutally interrupted by remote mind control. She could no longer be herself or trust her emotions to be her own.

Here is her personal account of how she has sought to free herself from the grip of the experiment which has altered her.

Sharon has been doing ongoing research into the hidden controllers, as well as the corporations that are involved in producing the equipment and, she thinks, in directing the experiments.

Sharon's Story

Also, see letters between Sharon and U.N. General Secretary Boutros Ghali, and the U.S. Department of Defense.

To contact Sharon, send a message care of Ed Light at


William Sherman

American Poisoning/Remote Thought Control Victim

William Sherman's troubles began with recurring symptoms of poisoning. What happened to him when he went to hospitals for help he recounts in his story, updated February 1998.

After the physicians abused him, he wound up on the so often encountered electro-magnetic remote mind control broadcasts.

In speculating on the possible reasons for his position, William feels that his journalistic positions could have something to do with it.

As of 4-96, the story has been updated and concludes with recommendations for other victims.

As of 2-97, William has opened his own web site, the Gun Jones Commentary Page at .

You can email William at:


Joan Siegemund

American Psychotronics and Mafia Victim

Joan Siegmund's story begins with her mother being drugged in order to steal her inheritance. When Joan began to protect her mother she experienced burglaries, phone interference, and psychotronics. She says:

Mind control was preceeded by strange kinds of vandalism calculated to induce wonderment and terror. This was followed by micro and other waves that were traceable by Gauss meter to a neighbor and presumably to a more remote unspecifiable source.

Also see Joan's page on tin foil as an electromagnetic beam detector, and her page on her mysterious arm wounds. Both pages feature photographs.

The latest from Joan (6-98) is her wonderful visit to the West Los Angeles Police Department Open House, where she found an officer with the same kind of EM burns!

You can email Joan Siegemund (net name:  Bluebird) via her husband at .  Be sure to say that the message is for Joan.


Steve Smith

Canadian Victim of "Nazi-Style Experimental Psychiatry"

This story is a collaboration between Steve Smith and author Alex Constantine, so it's magazine-quality. Steve was incarcerated at the Oak Ridge mental hospital and received sadistic treatments which may have been part of a CIA experimentation program.

From Alex's introduction:

Smith appealed to Canada's Health Professions Board and submitted the hospital records to support his complaint. ... "I have copies of the correspondence between the Board and the College [of Physicians and Surgeons]," Smith says, "and they have become quite critical, applying to the former such terms as 'not serving the public interest.'"

Along with the story is a page of the text from and images of supporting documents obtained by Steve Smith through the Canadian Access to Information Act.

Steve's story appeared in Canada Dec. 19, 1997 on the CBC, exposing the CIA !!!

Steve Smith's email is:


Jason Snitker

American Psychotronics Victim

Jason Snitker has sent some of his personal documentation and written his own introduction:

I would write something to the effect of i am a former computer hacker, was a fugitive for 2 1/2 years from the secret service for computer crime. During Operation Desert Shield, I broke into an american defense contractors computer network and made a network access user-id and password (IRAQ-DEFENSE) that connected to a system run by a corporation that does an annual report for the State department. (That is what I am claiming mind control on, the main point... it was a treasonable offense i didn't know why I was doing it, and I even took the password down two and half weeks later, was never charged or questioned about it at all.) in 1993 there was the article which mentioned the Clinton administration.. (you may remember me from before I tried to send you the images of it) in 1994 there were a Lot of things which are detailed in the fbi.ltr, including the drugging with the powder, and the incident at the american consulate in Tijuana.

I had a real bad time during the '96 election Ed, I hurt really bad. No one can tell me the secret service wasn't involved, because the president spoke at the place where I stole that document clinton.ltr he spoke on the actual court house steps of monterey county right outside the office of the board of supervisors. I had e-mailed that letter to, and i'm pretty sure that's why he did it. Also it looked bad because I had been interviewed for another book (about computer hackers of course) that was being published in Australia, and the author in Melbourne had called the DC secret service office to verify some things about my previous case with them. All of this happened last year during the campaign.

Jason Snitker's email is
His Net Name is ParMaster


Brenda Sperry

Mind Control/Stalking victim. As stated in her story, Tyranny of a Soul: "My own experience with the Clinton Administration took the form of sleep, silence deprivation. Numerous agents would stalk me at every turn. Invasion of my privacy and mind. These agents recorded my private readings to clients, invaded my work and home environment. Forced me from my very home and even attempted murder."

Brenda can be reached at: 



Leia Jessira Starfire

American Victim of Ritual Abuse
and Psychotronic Implants

The personal story of Ms. Starfire is a really tragic saga. Her father was part of government psychic experiments, and her mother, a civilian psychic, was taken over by him. Leia is the result of his rape. Eventually her mother was killed.

Leia escaped periodically, and eventually married and lived in England. She was abducted back to the US and brainwashed to forget everything. Her husband came after her and found that she couldn't remember him. He returned to England, after which xrays showed damage from a car accident that he had been telling her about.

Her story tells how she hopes to find her husband again, about the psychotronic implants she has from the government, and lots of advice for fellow victims about how to protect themselves and their documents from invasive tactics by the government and keep their heads together.

Also see Leia's plans for a homemade RF shielding cape. She says that hers gives relief from her implants responding to incoming signals.

Contact information:  Please check back


Carol Sterling

American Psychotronics Victim Driven to Suicide ?

Carole Price sent me a letter about the apparent suicide of mind control victim Carol Sterling, whom she had personally networked with.

Carol was in her forties, the surviving twin of another twin who committed suicide while in her teens claiming someone was "trying to take over her mind."

Carol's problems began after a UFO meeting, and this bears out theories that UFO abductions are mind control experiments in brainwashing, etc. For more on this topic see:

Project Open Mind
Dr. Helmut Lammer - Military Involvement in UFO Abductions

About a month or two after I posted the above I found a letter from Carole Sterling which I had not gotten to answer, what with hassles and moving to a new town. Thankfully, it contains her story and relevant information. I wonder if answering the letter would have helped prevent her apparent suicide. It certainly explains how she was being tortured unbearably.


Steve from New York

American Psychotronics Victim

Steve writes:

Steve from New York (suburbs), a subject of "electronic disturbances  (EMF)," is interested in "Human Rights" and would like others to contact him from New York, Connecticut, or New Jersey.



Steve Tueting

American Psychotronics Victim

Steve Tueting writes that he has been a target of psychotronic beams for a long time. They cause him physical pain, with many miserable symptoms, and keep an abusive running dialog going with him via the mind-penetrating signals. On top of all that they jam and alter his moods.

Steve is doing research on the technologies involved and would like to corraborate.

Besides Steve Tueting's story, he has a short version sent previously.

As of Oct. 1997 Steve is offering a draft of a letter to senators for feedback.

You can email Steve Tueting at



American Harassment & non-lethal Sonic Weapons Victim

UltraSonic says: he is trying to bring attention to a serious problem that is occurring where I live, Camden County, New Jersey and possibly other states in the USA. I've been targeted for over a year now by a harassment group that consists of private American citizens operating above the law. This group has access to the most advanced surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons I've ever seen. The equipment and weapons should only be available to special military and special police divisions. The group used this equipment to do illegal surveillance of me and then the group attacked me with non-lethal weapons. I was informed that this group is funded by real estate companies and/or a government agency, such as HUD (Housing and Urban Development). If it is a government agency that funds this group, then the funds are most certainly being illegally diverted from a government program.

Possible candidates for this group to target are people (men, women, and children) with criminal records, criminal behavior, mental disorders, and/or non-conforming attitudes. A person's race and sexual orientation could also qualify them as a target. Please remember that this group is operating above the law, which means no warrant is needed for this group to target a person. When this group targets a person, that person is on their own because law enforcement will do little to nothing to help. Please access the links below to read about my experience with this group and learn about this technology and weapons.
 UltraSonic's Other Web Pages:

Click here to read "Responses to My Story"

Click here to read about "US News 07/07/97: Wonder Weapons"

Click here to read about "Non-Lethal Weapons"

Click here to read about "Unclassified Harassment Technologies"

Click here for a picture of a "Spook Apartment"

Click here for a picture of the "Acoustic Heterodyne System"

Click here to read about "Through Wall Imaging System"

Click here to read about "Military Non-lethal Sonic Weapon"

Click here for "Mailing Lists and Other Links"



American Harassment Victim and Witness of "Black Ops"

Witnessing activities she wasn't supposed to know about, "Vera" (not her real name), living with her parents in the San Fernando Valley,  found herself the target of stalkers and technical persecutions. Her family acted to silence her, and she left to live in the woods.

In the summer of 1996 she came off the streets of Berkeley, where she had found some refuge from her situation, to keyboard this account for the MCF web site: "Suburbia, Satanism, and Subterranean Secrets! What's going on in the Valley and beyond?"

Working day and night, "Vera" output a 60 page document that is in a wonderfully personal style.

You'll want to save the page to disk (use Save As) after you load it so that you can read it off-line (use Open File). It is made of easy to navigate hyper linked sections, each of which has a return link to the table of contents at the end.

Updated E-mail address:


Vicki from Michigan

American Psychotronics Victim

Vicki from Michigan is a professional mother of two young boys who found that experimenters were tuning into her. Over a period of time they began relating to her over the radio connection and commenced to ruin her life.

The experimenters harassed her verbally, altered her moods, physically tortured her, and hurt her mental capacities.

She presently has wound up unemployed and has lost, temporarily or permanently, the joint custody of her children due to her ex-husband believing that her symptoms are insanity.

Vicki has sent her story, Documentation of My Experiences with Mind Control Reasearch.

Vicki's E-mail is


Russ Warwick

Target of Electromagnetic, microwave and electronic emitters. I have informed Canadian Authorities many times about the on going electromagnetic harassment and torture for many months now. Amazingly, the torture in Canada continues and investigations not forthcoming and the wife and babies remain stranded.

Hello, My name is Russ. I hope this will outrage you. If this can happen to my family, it can happen to yours. I fully understand the information may be sensitive in some circles, but


For a recent update from Russ, please view this page.


Ken D. Webber

American Psychotronics Victim

In Ken D. Webber's story he uses his background in avionics to tell us how electromagnetic mind control can be done, and his studies of economics to explain how it came about.

Ken is victimized by voices, dreams, and holographic illusions. He used to be a victim of intense forays by actor-agents on the street, but that has subsided since he moved to the country.

Ken's economic studies led to findings of secret societies and conspiritorial monetary control of the public. He thinks that his efforts to publicize his data led to his being targeted.

A table of brain frequencies shows that interfering with the brain's electronic tuning can completely disrupt one's life. The story shows how brain frequencies can be generated by ultrasonic tones using difference frequencies, and covers chemical reactions in the brain.

E-mail for Ken D. Webber:


Lila Wellings

American Psychotronics -- Car Crash Victim

Lila Wellings sends this appeal:

I am facing the need to pay damages on a car I was not responsible for harming and I wish to present as much information as possible as to why this is so -- why I am not responsible.

Do you know others that have been in car accidents for which they know they are not responsible? I wish to speak to them.

I only receive interference with electrical machines and equipment, so I don't use them. Please spread my message for people in car accidents for which they are not responsible on your web site. I'd like a letter or a call.

Lila Wellings
2914 Dey Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 32001


Cheryl Welsh

American Electronic Mind Control Victim

Cheryl Welsh coordinates efforts by victims and supporters to end oppressive mind control activities. Look for her works in the Archives and Resources pages.

In her story, Cheryl tells how she has been a victim since 1989. She says:

I would like to prevent victims from experiencing much of the pain that I went through by telling my testimony within the framework of background information and history on government weapon testing programs, especially radiation experimentation.

Also see Cheryl's section in the Archives, her CNN interview, and the CAHRA organization and web site.

You can email Cheryl at

Cheryl will be offline through August 1998. To phone or write her see her web site (click on CAHRA, above).


Eleanor White - "Raven"

Canadian Victim of Electromagnetic Burns and Sounds

Founding a Demo Weapon Building Project

Eleanor White, who for a long time went by her net name of "Raven1," is a working professional engineer who is experiencing electromagnetic batteries from within her apartment building. Using home-made and home-modified instruments, Eleanor has found electromagnetic activity corresponding to the spasms. For her trouble, she has been receiving burns and has been targeted by microwave hearing -- false sounds to the inner ear.

Eleanor has a web site at entitled "FREEDOM ISN'T FREE" .and it mainly deals with the technology and tactics for public education and persuasion.

She is starting a project to build demonstrator elecromagnetic weapons to prove that they can do the things she's experiencing. Needed are a vhf transmitter, antenna, cash, ham radio gurus, and the services of a modulator circuit designer.

Eleanor has given up her efforts to develop shielding from remote electromagnetic experiments that she and many, many victims experience.

Update:  Recording Psychotronic Voices

You can e-mail Eleanor at

Be sure to check out the Eleanor White section in the Archives.


Jim Whittle

American Psychonics Victim

In his story, Jim Whittle says:

I retired from a high-tech aircraft/missiles and space company in 1975. ...

The only connection to my being on the micro-radiation hit list is that I chose not to participate in a well-accepted sex-for-hire arrangement at work after my wife died. When my refusal became emphatic, the local enforcer growled in my ear that he was going to "ruin me". Shortly thereafter, I began to be "hit".

Having worked in high-tech, Jim is able to intelligently speculate on what sort of systems must be in use to target him and the other victims of psychotronics. He also makes appropriate comments about the social control involved, and the attitudes of targeted individuals.

Jim's new web site is Radiation Rape is Real

Jim Whittle's E-mail:


Michael Williams

American Political Torture Victim

Michael Williams was a political activist and musician who worked with the assasinated John Lennon. In his story, an E-mail to Lennon's son, Michael tells how he has been destroyed by the FBI; he feels that Lennon was killed by a programmed assasin.

Many psychotronics victims, including myself, have had their pets killed by remote beams. In Michael's case, the FBI came to the remote mountain home in which he and his family were living and shot his young daughter's puppy in the head, then brutalized the people.

Now Michael is in exile and estranged from his family, which happens to victims so often. His web site contains more background, including the "unauthorized biography of George Bush," who figures heavily in the story.

E-mail:  Williams Institute


A. M. Wittebrood

Dutch Psychotronic Electro-Shock Victim

In his account, updated 4-98, A. M. Wittebrood relates how he suffered depression after losing a job as a mathematics instructor and sought professional help. The unforseen result was that he became a target for remote, hypnotic electro-shock beams.

This happened in 1980 and has continued since. The "controllers" try to get him to kill himself.

Mr. Wittebrood says that he has all the symptoms of microwave radiation.

Contact information:

A. M. Wittebrood
Rijksstraatweg, 113
2121 AD Bennebroek


Aleksander Zielinski

Polish Australian Psychotronics and Torture
Programming Victim

Aleksander Zielinski sent his story of mind control extremes. Not only has Aleksander been subjected to the typical electromagnetic remote-control tortures, but he was actually convinced to emmigrate from his native Poland to a den of secret torture agents in Australia.

Drugged and severely beaten to augment the electronic mind control, Aleksander's personal and family lives were ruined. He is engineered to not be able to keep a job, the typical treatment.

At the story's end, Aleksander says:

I wish to everyone who has lasted long enough to read this, all luck in searching for just normal life. When we will get the right to that, the most important battle of Humankind will have been won.

Aleksander has founded a mind control web site in Polish and English - Kontroli Umyslu.

You can email Aleksander Zielinski's at

Aleksander Zielinski
8/115 Hubert St
East Victoria Park 6101
Western Australia


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