Steve Tueting
Abbreviated Story

October 1977

Ed Light:

Really glad to find your site. For years I suffered not knowing what to do. Finally I have turned to fight, getting on the net and discovering the reams of data, some a little bizarre and some exactly where I am.

I will send in a piece to your newsletter as soon as I can but I still lack the real target of my inquiry. That is I am still trying to narrow the field as to how this is being done.

Since October of 1994 I have had a running dialog with these people. The language for two and a half years has been terribly abusive but has eased some since I have contacted others. Finally someone to talk to who doesn't call me delusionary. This has been coupled with emulation's of physical pain, sometimes extreme, major mood aberrations including rage and apathy, vomiting, nausea, partial pulmonary dysfunction, a constant irritation of the penis often resulting in extensive sleep deprivation and much more.

Before I put together a comprehensive short story I would really like to narrow the field on the instrumentation. Flanagan's Neurophone is one avenue but it doesn't cover the body irritation. David Beauchamp in New York has an interesting evaluation of MWave, could be. One aspect is that they can read my thoughts and we dialog through thought. This can be echoed inside to be enormously irritating or the thoughts have been emulated so others around me can hear. How is this being done. Can you help me narrow the field. I have been diving to over 150 feet in salt water and still held a crystal clear conversation. Only ELF could do that, but what about the other physical irritations, deep underground as well, rules out ultrasonics.

Please give me a shout back at . I could sure use a hand on putting together a comprehensive case and would love to join in the fight. I have prepared a letter to lend support to Glenn's Bill S. 193. Attaching a copy as I would love to have someone to critique it. So far no one has said a thing. Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks, Steve Tueting

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