
Here is where I keep any pictures of phone related things. If you have a contribution, please e-mail Magma, and i'll throw it up here with recognition.

Thumbnail Description Picture

view Picture of the Paytel Cocotview
view Picture of the 2 Canadian Telecomm Cocotsview
view An elevator phoneview
view AT&Ts payphone view
none Unhappy Customer? view
view Large Telco box closed view
view Large Telco box open view
none Payphone Booth view
none Small Brown Box Closed view
view Small Telco box open view
view Telephone network Interface closed view
none Interface open view
view Large Green telco box closed view
none Large Green telco box open view
none Telco switch - Doesn't get any closer than this, folks! view
none A look inside the top of payphone booth view
none .. and the bottom of the payphone booth view
none Another picture of an elevator phone view
none Late night at Construction view
none Grey telco box closed view
none Grey telco box open view
none Another picture of a large brown telco box open view
none A very pretty Elcotel payphone view
none A large grey telco box. (Padlocked, so we havent' had a chance to open or play with it.) view
none tty payphone closed view
none tty payphone open view
none Unknown payphone view
nonenone Misc Pictures of things that look pretty.
nonenone Ice in the city.view
nonenone Ice Waterfallview
nonenone Sky Lightsview
nonenone Winter Drainview
nonenone Steel Snowview
nonenone Night fog lights over waterview