March 25, 2009

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From $1 trillion in debt
to $4 trillion in debt
in six weeks








The Deficit Obama V. Bush
Who's Really Running The Country? Last night, Obama upgraded his teleprompter (TOTUS) to giant TV monitor to feed him his talking points during the news conference. (video)

Breitbart reports that "He read that opening statement from one massive TV monitor from the back and middle of the East Room.  White House officials removed the normal glass teleprompters that usually are positioned on both sides of the podium.  That change likely a reaction to the focus on the President's heavy use of teleprompters."

I remember the liberals spent 8 years telling us how dumb George W. Bush was. However, Bush was in charge of his White House and wasn't afraid of answering tough questions from a hostile press.  Bush, love him or hate him, was real.

Now we have a clueless idiot whose handlers and bosses won't allow him to answer any of the soft-ball questions lobbed at him from a supportive and fawning press.  Nearly every spoken word is spoon-fed to this affirmative action poseur by TOTUS.  This guy is a complete phony.

What I want to know is this -- who is the wizard behind the curtain?  Who's really running the country?  I know nobody voted for him/her/them.
Obama’s National Security Wrecking Operation Frank Gaffney believes that Obama’s stewardship of the national security portfolio to date amounts to a wrecking operation, a set of policies he must understand will not only weaken the United States but also emboldens our foes.  After all, the Communist agitator Saul Alinsky, a formative influence in Obama’s early years as a "community organizer," made Rule Number One in his 1971 book Rules for Radicals: "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have."

According to this logic, the various steps Obama is taking with respect to the armed forces and the foreign battlefields in which they are engaged, will not only diminish our power, they will encourage our enemies to perceive us as less powerful -- with ominous implications.  Consider some illustrative examples:
Iranian Lobbyists Have Penetrated The Obama Administration The number of significant pro-Iran lobbyists has grown and key players have gained access to the Obama administration, a report said.

The Center for Security Policy said veteran Iranian lobbyists, several of them former government officials, have been granted access to the Obama administration.

"A complex network of individuals and organizations with ties to the clerical regime in Teheran is pressing forward in seeming synchrony to influence the new U.S. administration's policy towards the Islamic republic of Iran," the report, titled "Rise of the Iran Lobby," said.

"Spearheaded by a de facto partnership between the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other organizations serving as mouthpieces for the mullahs' party line, the network includes well-known American diplomats, congressional representatives, figures from academia and the think tank world."

TThe report, authored by Clare Lopez, said the lobbyists have been funneling money to key members of Congress as well as penetrating the Obama administration.  The lobbyists were said to be supported by the highest level of the Iranian leadership.
Documentation At SCOTUS Yesterday, Dr. Orly Taitz was in Washington DC with WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah. Among their tasks in DC was visits to the Department of Justice and to the Supreme Court.  It has been learned, proven, and now documented that many of the signed receipt documents sent in since December have not been received.

WND reports that the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Justice Department today confirmed that documentation challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be president has arrived and soon will be evaluated.

Confirmation came from, the foundation through which California attorney Orly Taitz has been working on a number of cases that raise questions over Obama's birth, and therefore his qualifications to be president under the Constitution's demand that the office be occupied only by a "natural born" citizen.

According to the blog, Taitz was informed by Karen Thornton of the Department of Justice that all of the case documents and filings have arrived and have been forwarded to the Office of Solicitor General Elena Kagan, including three dossiers and the Quo Warranto case.

"Coincidently, after Dr. Taitz called me with that update, she received another call from Officer Giaccino at the Supreme Court," the posting said.  "Officer Giaccino stated both pleadings have been received and being analyzed now."

The report from the Supreme Court also said the documents that Taitz hand-delivered to Chief Justice John Roberts at his appearance at the University of Idaho a little over a week ago also were at the Supreme Court.
Getting Paid To Cause Trouble At Obama's web site, you can find a list of Organizing for America (OFA) events in your area.

On April 4, at Roosevelt University's downtown Chicago campus, there will be a workshop entitled "Getting Paid to Cause Trouble: Careers in Organizing for Social Change (Community Service)."

"Organizers from Illinois AFSCME, UNITE HERE, UFCW, Communities for an Equitable Olympics (CEO), Center for Community Change and other unions and community groups will be here to talk about jobs and internships available NOW!"

AFSCME, UNITE HERE, and UFCW are all unions.  The other two groups are "progressive" Alinsky-model advocates for low-income people.  Listed as a sponsor is the Chicago Center for Working-Class Studies, also a labor-oriented group.

"Come meet organizers from local community organizations and unions ‘walking the walk'," the page encourages.  "Learn about careers in grassroots organizing."

There's more . . .

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