June 21, 2009

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The Birth Certificate Question An Open Letter to Shephard Smith at FOX News -- Saturday, June 20, 2009 5:44:05 PM · 99 of 113

We have no proof of where Obama was born.  Anyone who claims that he was born in Hawaii is suffering from COLB  Derangement Syndrome.  Hawaii never confirmed that he was born in Hawaii, never confirmed that he has a Hawaiian long-form birth certificate or any other US birth certificate on file, or even if they have anything tangible beyond a computer record.

Most of all, Hawaii confirmed that they never released a copy of Obama’s COLB to anyone in June 2007.

Einstein could have called himself, "Humpty Dumpty," and hid his face, but that would not change the fact that he discovered E=mc².   Likewise, Obama’s 2007 COLB would be just as nonexistent as if I had never discovered that it was nonexistent.  But, it is a good thing that I did.

It's positively amazing the amount of effort that people have expended in defense of this piece of crap COLB image that the Poseur-in-Chief now admits to posting online.  There is only one reason why, after more than a year, that only one scan image of one side only has ever been made from what is alleged to be Obama’s 2007 COLB: it doesn't exist.  Obama’s 2007 COLB is a forged fake, fabricated in Photoshop, and nothing that anyone says or does can change that fact.

There is absolutely no reason, whatsoever, that the Obama Campaign would not make another, more detailed scan, including one of the reverse side of the COLB, and send that out to quiet critics.  No reason, EXCEPT that the document does not exist in the real world.  It only exists in the unreal, virtual world of Photoshopped fakes.

BTW, a digital photo is not the same thing as a scan image, and it most certainly cannot be used to validate a scan image.  Certainly not when the document object is photographed at a steep angles from the capture device (which were intentional).

Remember that Factcheck.org did not take a digital photo of the reverse side (all that Factcheck photographed was only 1/4 of the entire back page, and only 2/3 of the Seal).  Why was so little of the back page shown?  Because what was photographed belonged to a different COLB!!  Check it out for yourself: the Seal on the reverse side does not match the one on the front side.  It is one of several, new discoveries I've made after revisitng the Factcheck photographs.

A year later after the bogus scan image was posted, THAT is exactly what people are still talking about.  They are referring back to the original forged image on Fight the Smears and Factcheck.  They are quoting Factcheck -- the co-conspirator in this birth certficate scam -- as having "verified" the bogus "scan image."

Recall that Factcheck claimed they photographed the same object that the Obama Campaign scanned two months earlier.

They took these photos SOLELY IN DEFENSE of the scan image that they alleged to have "validated," and to fend off the widespread criticism of the COLB as a forged image.  However, they failed to "debunk" the critics.  This was all part of an elaborate ruse to create the illusion that Obama had released his genuine, certified original birth certificate to the public.

What is hard to believe are the people in high places who actually believe that this document exists, but of those, here is a segment who also discount it as being proof of where Obama was actually born.  COLBs are incredibly easy to get with little documentation required.  And, yes, it is a well-documented fact that Hawaii was giving COLBs to foreign-born children.

But the bottom line is that the original "scan image" is what people are still talking about today, and it is an indisputable fact that Obama, or anyone else, does not have a genuine 2007 COLB document.  What is posted online is as bogus as a four-dollar bill.

Obama ascended to the position of President by fraudulent means, including document fraud, Internet fraud, voter fraud, and campaign funding fraud, to name a few.  The only question at hand now is whether he will be removed by invalidating his election, or by the articles of impeachment.  If I were a Democratic Congressman, and I was going to be implicated in this fraud, I'd be calling for impeachment in a New York minute.

FReeper Ron Polarik, Ph D
Always Organizing Michelle Obama is kicking off a White House push to underscore the importance of volunteerism in San Francisco on Monday.

Michelle will visit a community playground service project at Bret Harte Elementary School in San Francisco, and then deliver the keynote at Moscone Center, before the 2009 National Conference on Volunteering and Service. That meeting, hosted by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and the Points of Light Institute, will give her an audience of thousands of folks who are leaders in volunteer projects and service projects across the country.

Mrs. Obama's effort marks the start of the United We Serve summer service initiative supported by the White House, which has set up a whole series of events starring Cabinet Secretaries and senior administration officials across the country to mark the occasion on Monday.

"During this summer, the president is renewing his call to all Americans to identify needs in their communities, engage in meaningful service to create change -- and stay engaged with these projects long after September,'' says the Obama Administration press release, which urges Americans to hit the website of the CNCS for ideas on where to volunteer.

Flopping Aces points out that CNCS is the parent organization of AmeriCorps.

It’s the same CNCS that last year suspended Sacramento mayor/Obama crony Kevin Johnson from receiving federal funds after then-inspector general Gerald Walpin blew the whistle on massive fraud and abuse of AmeriCorps dollars for personal and political gain.

It’s the same CNCS that then sat by and meekly watched Team Obama and the U.S. Attorney in Sacramento railroad Walpin after the November 2008 election for doing his damned job.

And now, there is no honest, independent watchdog to raise questions on behalf of taxpayers as the Obama political machine takes over the national service juggernaut.  How…convenient.

And we’re not only talking about a few speeches to the organizations, we’re talking about the First Lady being waaaay to involved in them.

Mrs. Obama’s interest is more than passing.  She ran the AmeriCorps-funded non-profit Public Allies in Chicago from 1993-1996 and served on its national board until 2001.  Like so many of the AmeriCorps recipients investigated by the inspector general’s office over the years, Public Allies was found to have violated basic eligibility and compliance rules.  A January 2007 audit reported that the group lacked internal controls verifying that recipients who received education grants and living allowances were legal citizens or permanent residents as required by law.

And lets not forget that the former chief of staff for Michelle Obama is now a "senior adviser" at CNCS.

First Lady Michelle Obama’s chief of staff, Jackie Norris, is being sent to the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) in what is both a White House shake-up and an indication of the first lady’s sway over the corporation that oversees AmeriCorps, Learn and Serve and the Senior Corps.

Observers believe Norris, who Obama came to know early in the Iowa caucus campaign, was forced out of the White House so that long-time Obama friend Susan Sher could take over. But those same observers see her appointment as senior adviser to the corporation as an overall win for CNCS, believing that Norris still will have a straight line to the White House.

On another note, the FBI is finally investigating Sacramento Mayor Johnson’s obvious obstruction:

The FBI is investigating allegations that an executive at a nonprofit founded by Mayor Kevin Johnson obstructed a federal inquiry into the group’s spending.

Two months ago, Johnson and the St. HOPE Academy agreed to repay nearly $424,000 in federal grants to settle an investigation into whether the nonprofit misused AmeriCorps money.

Acting U.S. Attorney Lawrence G. Brown said he asked the FBI’s Sacramento division to determine whether e-mails written by Johnson were deleted during the earlier investigation.

And lastly, how can we forget how deeply connected these groups in question are with ACORN?

Here's more on Michelle's involvement in Public Allies and Obama's National Security Force.
Putin Thinks Obama Is Nuts Russian strongman Vladamir Putin thinks Barack Obama’s plan to raise taxes on American business is nuts.  Just plain nuts.

Yes, you read that correctly.  The power behind the Russian throne understands capitalism better than Obama.

Here’s how the Moscow Times reports it:

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Monday criticized Obama’s plan to raise taxes on U.S. companies’ foreign operations, saying it would amount to double taxation that will hurt the global economy.

"This is a serious decision for the world economy," Putin said at a meeting of the Presidium, the government said on its web site. "If taxes are imposed on all companies working abroad, then it will mean the total destruction of the system for avoiding double taxation."

This should come as no surprise.  Communists never understand economics as well as former communists.

See the video here . . .
Israelis Understand Obama Paul at Powerline reports, according to a poll conducted for the Jerusalem Post, only 6 percent of Israeli Jews believe that Obama is pro-Israel.  50 percent consider Obama more pro-Palestinian than pro-Israel; 36 percent consider him neutral; and the remainder have no opinion.

A month ago, just before Obama met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, only 14 percent of Israeli Jews considered Obama pro-Palestinian.  At that time 31 percent labeled him pro-Israel and 40 percent thought he was neutral.

The abrupt change in the numbers confirms my view that Obama's position that Israel must not engage in even "natural growth" construction in its established settlements has caused Israelis to view him as less than an "honest broker."  This, in turn, severely diminishes his ability to influence Israeli opinion and Israeli politics.

I take it as a given that Obama would like to see the Netanyahu government fall and be replaced by one that takes a softer line on issues relating to the Palestinians.  But so far, as I have argued before, Netanyahu has decisively outflanked the inexperienced American president.
Obama's Doctor Knocks ObamaCare Dr. David Scheiner took care of Obama for 22 years.  But they don't see eye-to-eye on how to fix the health care system.

David Scheiner, an internist based in the Chicago neighborhood of Hyde Park, has a diverse practice of lower-income adults from the nearby housing projects mixed with famous patients like U.S. Sen. Carol Mosely Braun, the late writer Studs Terkel and, most notably, Barack Obama.

Scheiner, 71, was Obama's doctor from 1987 until he entered the White House; he vouched for the then-candidate's "excellent health" in a letter last year.  He's still an enthusiastic Obama supporter, but he worries about whether the health care legislation currently making its way through Congress will actually do any good, particularly for doctors like himself who practice general medicine.  "I'm not sure he really understands what we face in primary care," Scheiner says.

Scheiner takes a few other shots too.

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