June 22, 2009

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"Islam has always been a part of America’s story"

Barack Hussein Obama




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Obama's Mettle It's bad enough that Obama took off a few hours during the crisis to go golfing, but he also took his self-described foreign policy expert, Joe Biden, with him.   Shouldn’t Joe have been back at the bunker, working one of the biggest foreign-policy crises in this administration, instead of literally puttering around?

Remember, it was
Joe Biden who warned donors at a Seattle fund-raiser last October.

"Mark my words.  It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy.  The world is looking.  We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America.

"Watch.  We're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.

"I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate,"
Biden said to Emerald City supporters.

Well, Joe, it's only 5 months, and Obama has four or five crisis going for him -- and all at one time

•  Iran's Revolutionary Guards say they will crush any protests...

•  Riot police use tear gas, fire live bullets in air...

•  North Korea threatens to harm USA if attacked...

•  Al Qaeda says would use Pakistani nukes on USA...

•  Somali Pirates could take Obama hostage...

 -- and the two of you are out on the links.
Obama Has Failed The 3 A.M. Test Niles Gardiner says that ten days after the fraudulent Iranian election, Obama still looks like a deer in the headlights without a coherent strategy.  His response has been weak-kneed and utterly lacking in conviction.  When faced with his first real test as a world leader Barack Obama decided to press the snooze button rather than take decisive action.

It is hard to imagine Ronald Reagan sitting on the fence while a revolution took place before the eyes of the world against one of the most oppressive regimes on the planet.  Obama finally issued a half-hearted statement over the weekend calling on Tehran to "stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people" only after coming under intense criticism from critics at home for his softly softly approach.  By that time dozens of demonstrators had been murdered by the barbaric "security forces" and their proxy militias and thousands of protestors, including women had been brutally beaten.

Obama did not though question the legitimacy of the Iranian election result, directly criticize Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or outline any change in America’s policy towards Iran.  As far as the Obama team is concerned, the demonstrations are an annoying inconvenience getting in the way of the new policy of "engagement" with rogue regimes, also known more commonly as "appeasement."  Every impression is given that the Obama White House is largely indifferent to the plight of the Iranian people and their suffering.

The most powerful man in the world is acting as though he were the leader of a small neutral nation, rather than the head of a global superpower.  Barack Obama has a clear choice between siding with millions of Iranians who are clamoring for greater freedom, or aligning himself through passive acquiescence with a brutal Islamist tyranny.  Just as the United States openly sided with Russian and East European dissidents who spoke out against Communist oppression decades ago, today it must voice its support for those who are fighting for liberty in Iran.

The United States cannot remain neutral in the face of totalitarianism -- it has to take a stand and be on the right side of history.  It must also seek to isolate Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs that back him rather than continue a fatally flawed strategy of engagement.  Ultimately, short of military action, the West’s best hope in heading off the prospect of an aggressively hostile Iran armed with nuclear weapons is to back a change of regime.

As a world leader Obama is already looking like the Jimmy Carter of the 21st Century, passive in the face of an array of adversaries, and actively weakening America’s defenses by cutting defense spending while adopting an apologetic tone for his country’s past.  In his first six months Obama cannot point to a single foreign policy success.  He should though acknowledge that the Obama doctrine of reaching out to America’s enemies, including Iran and North Korea, has been a spectacular failure.
Maybe This One Anthony G. Martin writes, in my last column I provided a detailed report of various impeachable offenses committed by Barack Obama.  Each one is serious and stands on its own merit.

However, there is one violation of the law that could be the proverbial 'straw that broke the camel's back' when it comes to Obama's survival in office -- an act that points to a cover-up of draconian proportions that may well invite the scrutiny not only of Obama's opponents but his supporters as well.

When Barack Obama was a U.S. Senator from Illinois he helped craft a federal law that granted protections to Inspectors-General who often run up against political opposition in the performance of their jobs.  These persons are charged with the difficult task of investigating corruption in government, and they often face fierce political opposition, even to the point of being terminated, for unmasking those behind the scenes who engage in unlawful activity while working as public servants.

Obama and others in the Congress wished to place a wall of protection around these investigators in order to prevent them from being muzzled and handcuffed by politicians who fear that they get too close to the truth.

One such Inspector-General is Gerald Walpin, who was chosen to investigate and audit the government's agency that promotes and coordinates volunteer organizations -- the Corporation for National and Community Service -- Michelle's project.

Walpin was suddenly and unexpectedly fired by Barack Obama.

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