The Surveillance List Forum

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We have over 7500+ members from 74 countries...

We cover such topics as:

  • Audio Surveillance Technology...
  • Video Surveillance Technology...
  • Investigative Methods & Technology...
  • Computer Surveillance & Software...
  • TEMPEST * Infowar * HERF
  • Methods of Eavesdropping...
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  • Equipment... What works - What doesn't...
  • Who the players are...

    Click HERE to read a few sample issues

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    with the words "Surveillance List" in the "subject" field to:

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    What some people are saying about the "Surveillance List Forum"...

    "BTW, there are no words that aptly describe how well this list is
    administered or how much "public service" has been granted by your hard
    work and honesty. Thanks."

    "Nice, no bullshit list. Glad to see someone out there keeping things useful."

    " I wait every day for this technically correct newsletter. Admittedly I am a retired spook, This is still my life and never know when I might need to be up on the newest techniques..."

    " Thanks for all the work you put into running the list. I always drop whatever I'm doing to read it when it comes in because I almost always learn a thing or two. Keep up the good work! "

    " I just wanted to congratulate you on having the most incredible list that I have ever seen on the net. Very eye opening. Thank you for providing this valuable innformation."

    " This is the best list I've ever seen on the net."

    " This absolutely is the most interesting and useful newslist I've ever seen ! I have been applying some of the ideas ( mostly learning the right attitude ) to security in my gunstore and the return has been great . I'm passing along the letter to associates. "

    " Many thanks for your reply. I understand entirely the reason for the delay. Please excuse me for having bothered you with the query. I had not realised that you distribute the List personally and single-handed. Believe me when I say how much I admire your dedication and hard work ... at least as much as I admire the quality of the List ! "

    " You have one of the best moderated lists that I have seen. "

    " Made my living for 20 yrs in surveillance and detection. Keep my hand in to keep up. I like your style and your list. Now prove you are not "Big Brother."

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