Test Equipment Manuals


Some operation and service manuals for various pieces of test equipment I've used, have access to, or have otherwise collected.

  1. IFR FM/AM-1200S/A Communications Service Monitor  Operation Manual  (5.7M PDF)
  2. IFR FM/AM-1200S/A Communications Service Monitor  Maintenance Manual  (18.9M PDF)
  3. HP 432A RF Power Meter  Operation & Maintenance  (4.1M PDF)  (Catalog Entry)
  4. HP 478A Thermistor Mount  Operation & Maintenance  (926k PDF)  (Additional Info)  (Catalog Entry)
  5. Fluke 1900A Multifunction Counter  Instruction Manual  (4.3M PDF)
  6. Fluke 8010A/8012A Digital Multimeter  Instruction Manual  (7.5M PDF)  (Errata)
  7. HP 8005B Pulse Generator  Operation and Service Manual  (2.8M PDF)  (Catalog Entry)
  8. HP 8620C Sweep Oscillator  Operation and Service Manual  (9.6M PDF)
  9. HP 86222A RF Plug-In (0.01-2.4 GHz)  Operation and Service Manual  (3.1M PDF)
  10. HP 86290B RF Plug-In (2.0-18.6 GHz)  Operation and Service Manual  (10.0M PDF)
  11. HP 423A Crystal Detector  Operation and Service Manual  (1.4M PDF)
  12. Marconi 2018A/2019A AM/FM Synthesized Signal Generator  User Manual  (4.7M PDF)
  13. Marconi 2018A/2019A AM/FM Synthesized Signal Generator  Service Manual  (10.9M PDF)
  14. Tektronix 465 Oscilloscope  Instruction Manual  (3.1M PDF)
  15. Tektronix 465 Oscilloscope  Service Manual  (5.4M PDF)
  16. SG-1144/U Signal Generator  Operator's and General Support Maintenance Manual  (6.0M PDF)
  17. Airborne Instruments Laboratory Type 124 Power Oscillator  (3.6M PDF)
  18. EIP Microwave Model 545A & 548A Microwave Frequency Counters  Service Manual  (47.1M PDF)
  19. EIP Microwave Model 545B & 548B Microwave Frequency Counters  Operation Manual  (4.8M PDF)
  20. EIP Microwave Model 575B & 578B Source Locking Microwave Counters  Service Manual  (6.9M PDF)
  21. EIP Microwave Model 575B & 578B Source Locking Microwave Counters  Operation Manual  (4.3M PDF)
  22. EIP Microwave Model 451 Microwave Pulse Counter  Operation and Service Manual  (6.4M PDF)
  23. HP 3466A Digital Multimeter  Operation and Service Manual  (6.5M PDF)
  24. HP 3455A Digital Multimeter  Operation Manual  (2.0M PDF)
  25. HP 3455A Digital Multimeter  Service Manual  (7.9M PDF)
  26. Calibration Procedure for Digital Multimeter HP3455A  U.S. Army Technical Bulletin 9-6625-2023-35  (105k PDF)
  27. HP 8731/8732/8733/8734/8735 PIN Modulators  Operation and Service Manual  (2.4M PDF)
  28. HP 182T Oscilloscope / Display Mainframe  Operation and Service Manual  (5.0M PDF)
  29. HP 8552B Spectrum Analyzer IF Section  Operation and Service Manual  (HP No. 08552-90088)  (62.3M PDF)
  30. HP 8559A 0.01 - 21 GHz Spectrum Analyzer Plug-In  Operation and Service Manual  (HP No. 08559-90012)  (52.0M PDF)
  31. HP 8569B 0.01 - 22 GHz Spectrum Analyzer  Operation and Service Manual  (30.0M PDF)
  32. AILTECH 727 Spectrum Analyzer  Service Manual  (Email for copy)  (Operating Manual)
  33. HP 54201A/D Digitizing Oscilloscope  Operation and Programming Manual  (HP No. 54201-90901)  (6.4M PDF)
  34. HP 54201A/D Digitizing Oscilloscope  Service Manual  (HP No. 54201-09002)  (4.1M PDF)
  35. HP 1650A/1651A Logic Analyzer  Setting Up the Logic Analyzer  (362k PDF)
  36. HP 1650A/1651A Logic Analyzer  Getting Started Guide  (1.5M PDF)
  37. HP 1650A/1651A Logic Analyzer  Reference Manual  (4.4M PDF)
  38. HP 1650A/1651A Logic Analyzer  Service Manual  (2.0M PDF)
  39. HP 11971 Series Harmonic Mixers  Operation and Service Manual  (1.6M PDF)
  40. HP 3336A/B/C Synthesizer/Level Generator  Operation and Service Manual  (HP No. 03336-90000)  (7.2M PDF)
  41. Wavetek Model 278 12 MHz Programmable Synthesized Function Generator  Operation and Maintenance Manual  (9.8M PDF)
  42. Kepco JQE-Series 1/4-Rack Power Supply  Operator's Manual  (2.5M PDF)
  43. Kepco ATE-Series 1/4-Rack Power Supply  Instruction Manual  (2.5M PDF)
  44. Kepco MPS620 Multiple Output Power Supply  Instruction Manual  (1.4M PDF)
  45. Wavetek Models 5100/5110 0.001 Hz - 2 MHz Programmable Frequency Synthesizers  Instruction and Service Manual  (4.2M PDF)
  46. HP 3478A Digital Multimeter  Operator's Manual  (HP No. 03478-90005)  (3.4M PDF)
  47. HP 3478A Digital Multimeter  Service Manual  (HP No. 03478-90008)  (9.4M PDF)
  48. HP 4328A Milliohmmeter  Operating and Service Manual  (HP No. 04328-90008)  (4.3M PDF)
  49. Boonton Model 92C RF Millivoltmeter  Instruction Manual  (12.6M PDF)
  50. Texscan RCB-3 Reflection Coefficent Bridge  Operating and Instruction Manual  (6.6M PDF)
  51. M/A-Com Super 2MR Portable Microwave Recevier  Instruction Manual  (13.5M PDF)
  52. M/A-Com PAC-4/PAC-5 Program Audio Channel System - Subcarrier Modulator/Demodulator  Installation and Operation Manual  (24.7M PDF)
  53. M/A-Com PAC-10/PAC-12 Program Audio Channel System - Subcarrier Modulator/Demodulator  Installation and Operation Manual  (13.3M PDF)
  54. Tektronix 7B53A/7B53AN Dual Time Base  (070-1252-00)  Instruction Manual  (18.1M PDF)
  55. Tektronix 7613/R7613 Storage Oscilloscope  (070-1365-00)  Instruction Manual  (17.0M PDF)
  56. HP 34401A Multimeter  User's Guide  (HP No. 34401-90004 [1996])  (10.2M PDF)  (2014 Version)
  57. HP 34401A Multimeter  Service Guide  (HP No. 34401-90013 [Ed. 6 - 2005])  (5.2M PDF)
  58. HP 8484A Power Sensor  Operating and Service Manual  (HP No. 08484-90019)  (2.7M PDF)
  59. HP 536A/537A Coaxial Frequency Meter  (HP No. 9018-03004)  (546k PDF)
  60. HP 437B Power Meter  Operating Manual  (HP No. 00437-90047)  (10.1M PDF)
  61. HP 8648A/B/C/D Signal Generator  Operation and Service Guide  (HP No. 08648-90048)  (8.9M PDF)
  62. GPIB Sweep Generator for HP8648
  63. Wavetek 2100 Communications Service Montior  Service Manual
  64. TL866 Programmer Manual
  65. HP 8566B/8568B Spectrum Analyzer  Troubleshooting and Repair Manual  (HP No. 08566-90042)  (38.1M PDF)

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