Re: [TSCM-L] {5537} DOJ: We can force you to decrypt

From: John Young <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 09:24:17 -0400

> How would the Feds prove someone didn't really forget your password?

As well as mistyping a passphrase when encrypting a disk or file. I have two
disks I can't access no matter trying a gadzillion variations.

Keeping the passphrase show off may be good security except for
extremely common mistyping by human thumb-pecking apes.

Rubberhosing, incarceration, truth serum, family death threats,
waterboarding can't reveal what is unknown.

Just how many blank spaces were in the passphrase and where
were they positioned. Underscore or hyphen, upper or lower case,
DOB or SSN, reverse or inverse. Sorry, officer, I must have been
insanely over-cautious paranoid lying SoS.

Hook the polygraph to the dangler.
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