
So, it comes down to this. What the hell do I do now with my spare time? Well, my friends. It's rather easy, once you think about it. I play guitar. I code. I play games. I play deathmatch games. I drive around aimlessly. I work on music. Slum on IRC. I listen to music. Dance around in my underwear. Scream profane words at old people. Play with telephone equipment. Audit code. Drink caffeinated beverages. Skateboard. Beat children senseless with baseball bats. Compete in the Naturalist Decathlon (I got the gold medal for nude pole vaulting) Draw anime. Watch anime. Masturbate. Talk on the phone. Masturbate and talk on the phone. Going hiking. Bed wrestling. (Hi certain someone. ;-). Paint. Paintball. Shooting cows with paintballs. Training puppies. Getting dominated (or wishing for it.) Going to the mall and raising hell. Raising hell sans mall. Did I mention play guitar? Mullet hunting. Mullet shaving. Mullet pulling. Sleeping. Exploring the dreamscape. Mocking people. Snuggling, if there is someone to snuggle with (I'm good at it. Come on.) Watching cheesy B-Rated films. Quoting Ash quotes. (From the Evil Dead Series.) Panhandling and throwing pennies back at the bastards that gave them to me. Modifying my systems in some way. Running around with underwear on my head. Running down the street with just boxers on... my head. Human fishing with the homeless people. Starring in amatuer porn...err. wait a second.