So, you want to know about Chris, eh?
Well, where should I begin? Let's go back a few years to when it all began.
Er, not talking about my parents, well, ahem. Let's start off when I was 6. I got my first
computer ever, an amazing Commodore 64! State of the art personal computer, with 64k of
RAM, 1MHz 8-Bit CPU, and a nice monitor with RCA plugs to boot. What was the cause of
all this? A present, perhaps? Or maybe a tool for the future endeavors of Chris. Hrm...
So, Chris loved playing games. Chris became interested in how they were created.
Enter: The Library. There was a book on programming in BASIC for kids. Amazing. Then he
picked up a book on real-world BASIC programming, and that's all she wrote.
I got interested in the, well, darker side of computing after experiencing BBSing, and
reading about 'hacking' and 'phreaking' (at a young age, which tainted my life) and getting
quite interested, I began to explore... and got in plenty of trouble in the meantime. =)
So yeah. I'm Chris. I'm a geek. I'm a nerd. I'm crazy. I'm energetic. I'm spastic. I'm sarcastic.
I'm a Libra. I'm straightedge. I'm friendly. I'm judgemental. I'm an asshole. I'm mean. I'm hardcore. I'm everything you ever wanted to be. I'm everything you never wanted to be. I'm alive. I'm dead. I'm getting tired of typing this bullshit. I'm going to stop. I'm doing it now. I really am.
I play various instruments. I code in various languages. I drive like a maniac, but I drive safely.
I love animals. I listen to various forms of music. More about that in 'noise'. Yes, the rumors are true,
I am bisexual. Not to jump on some bandwagon, not to label myself, not to make myself feel different.
but only as a truth. I've had relationships with males, so if you're judgemental on that fact, then fuck you. You have no right to judge me. You do not dictate my life. You do not control my life. You do not even sum up as a deciding factor in my life. I am myself. You can't change me. You can't make me something I'm not. And besides, I like girls twenty-fold to guys. They're easier to get along with, and they're more fun. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
I do not believe in a 'God.' I do not believe in an omnipresent formfactor that controls fate, the value of life, how you should live it, what you should do, praying in hope that another being will hear your cries of help because of your weak mind and lack of hope for situations you should grasp hold of or just wait out. Yes folks. I hate religion. I hate people that try to convert me, due to the fact they believe that they're trying to make you a better person, just like them, just like their group, just like their cult. No one gives you the right to change me. I don't give you the right to change me. I am myself. Fuck you. More people have died in the name of Jesus Christ and Christianity in the past few hundred years because of you 'saved' fucks. Ever hear of the Cruisades? Think about how many lives your kind took because of something they believed was just. No, I will not endorse in your trinquets. I will not read a measily book that you assclowns wrote to control the entire lowbreed weak minded population. I'm happy you found God. Really. Oh, and if any of my family is reading this currently, well. I hope you don't think of me adversely right now. I only attended Church with you on various occasions to be with the family. Not to offend you. I would rather see family together then apart. Christmas is a family occasion, not a religious thing for me. Same with everything you all have celebrated in my presence. I love you all, but I do not believe in what you do. I never have, I never will. I seriously hope you are not offended.