UFO Hunter Who Helped Expose Area 51 & Set Up 'Research Center' in Bid to Capture Mystery Craft Dies
"Very sad to hear. Give the man credit, he got mentioned by name in Groom Lake Tower communications: 'Glen Campbell up on the ridge...'
Glen, you've got the best view of Area 51 now."
The Groom Lake Desert Rat -- An on-line newsletter.
Written, published, copyrighted, and totally disavowed by Psychospy.
Direct from Rachel, Nevada, the "UFO Capital" and Las Vegas, the Center of Human Civilization.
The Groom Lake Desert Rat is an online newsletter by Glenn Campbell. It was operational from Jan. 1994 through October 1996, when it collapsed under its own weight. It was reincarnated in November 1997 as The Desert Rat. It then died after only one new issue (not enough time).
- Psychospy: Glenn Campbell
- Spy Two / The Great One: Jim Goodall
- Spy One: John Andrews
- Agent X: Mark Farmer
- Hand: Tom Mahood
- The Ayatollah: Mike Dornheim
- The Minister of Words: Stuart Brown
- Shadowhawk: Peter Merlin
- Issue #1 Jan. 18, 1994
- Freedom Ridge Status, Some Viewpoints Remain Untouched, Field Trip A Success, Men In Black Visit Rachel, Trespassers Plead Not Guilty, Late Breaking News
- Issue #2 Feb. 2, 1994
- Caliente Land Grab Hearing, Throw The Bums Out, Las Vegas Hearing Date Set, Trespassers' Trial Rescheduled, An Ambassadorial Visit, Recent Articles, "Paranoid News" Launched
- Issue #3 Feb. 12, 1994
- Psychospy Suffers Convulsions, Popular Science Cover Story, Groom Tour Info, There Is No Crisis Corner, Fun With Sensors, Sensor Update, In Brief, Wisdom Of Jack D. Ripper
- Issue #3A February 18, 1994. Preparations for hearing including expectations, inspection visits and Las Vegas accommodations
- Issue #4 March 6, 1994
- Report On Las Vegas Land Grab Hearing: A Lawyer Speaks, Anthony Hilder, Wrath of Allah
- Issue #5 Mar. 21, 1994
- Secret Base Cheats Local Tax Rolls, Sheriff's Contract, Toxic Waste Update, Patriot Revealed, Intel Bitties
- Issue #6 April 6, 1994
- Cammo Dudes Raise The Ante (Film Seized from New York Times), How To Trap A Dude, Intel Bitties
- Issue #7 April 10, 1994
- ABC News Loses Camera Equipment, Trial Date Correction, Campbell Seeks Confiscated Film
- Transcript: ABC News Report on Groom Lake April 19, 1994
- Issue #8 May 9, 1994
- Psychospy Goes To Washington, Aftermath Of ABC Seizure, Intel Bitties
- Issue #9 June 1, 1994
- Media Violence Hinted In F.R. Incident, Land Grab Update, "Bombing Runs" On Public Land?, Flat Tire Problems Persist, Landsat Images Available, Trespassers Trial Date June 8, New Mail Order Products, A Pentagon Coup
- Issue #10 July 5, 1994
- Media Communications 101
- Issue #11 July 15, 1994
- A Nuclear Threat and the Alien Conspiracy, New York Times Magazine, Notable Quotes, Intel Bitties
- Issue #12 July 20, 1994
- Campbell Arrested During Second TV Seizure
- Issue #13 August 1, 1994
- Media Communications 102, Freedom Ridge Closure Looms, Proposed Outing, Lazar Timeline Released, Mysterious Larry King Stopover
- Issue #14 August 10, 1994
- A Land Grab Argument, Where To Write, Intel Bitties
- News Article: Groomstock '94 Aug. 29, 1994.
- Issue #15 September 2, 1994
- Subtleties of The Television Talk Show (1 of 2), New Air Force Statement on Groom, EG&G to Abandon Test Site, Janet "N" Numbers, Janet Handoff Frequencies, Groomstock '94, Sound Familiar?, Campbell Arraigned, Larry King Not Cloned?, Mysterious Sign Disappearance, Intel Bitties
- Issue #16 September 16, 1994
- Subtleties Of The Television Talk Show--Part II, New Ben Rich Book, Land Grab Update, Our Readers Respond, Intel Bitties
- Larry King circus comes to town (newsgroup posting, 9/30/94)
- Issue #17 October 13, 1994
- Sensor Wars, A Journalist Replies, Rumor--"Fan Man" Sails Toward Base, Intel Bitties
- Issue #18 November 16, 1994
- Incumbent Sheriff Prevails In Local Election, Larry King Feedback, Dr. Greer On "48 Hours", Our Readers Respond, BLM Environmental Assessment Released, Campbell Trial Invitation, Hazardous Waste Pre-Trial Hearings, Enemy Update, Intel Bitties
- Issue #19 December 7, 1994
- Court Rejects All Motions in Campbell Case
- Issue #20 December 19, 1994
- Ufo Release: Ten Times O.J.?, Campbell Gets Special Prosecutor, Two New Accused Trespassers Plead Not Guilty Legal Fund Established, Land Grab Status / Outing Proposed, More Larry King Comments, Corrections And Updates, Intel Bitties, Ask Psychospy
- Issue #21 January 25, 1995
- Fun With Law, Legal Fund Grows, Case Of The Kidnapped Trespassers, New Product: Vehicle Pass, Freebie: Nellis Range Chart, Cellular Interference, Triangular Aircraft Sighting, Picnic Report, Intel Bitties
- Issue #22 February 23, 1995
- Tales Of The Test Site-Part 1, Knapp Speaks In Las Vegas, Nellis "UFO" On Hard Copy, Another Source Comes Forward, Accused Trespassers Found Guilty, Campbell Trial March 3rd, Series Of Hikes Planned, Intel Bitties
- Issue #23 March 17, 1995
- Tales Of The Test Site-Part 2 (The Story of "Alfred"), Campbell Convicted--And Appeals, Campbell Enemy List Grows, Flame Of The Month, Mt. Sterling Hike April 8, Aviation Week On Black Projects, Intel Bitties, Area 51 Maps Seen On KLAS-TV
- Issue #24 April 4, 1995
- The Story Of "Jarod", All About Boron, Groom in Outbreak, Campbell Banned from A'Le'Inn, Our Readers Respond, Lincoln County in the News, Intel Bitties
- Issue #25 April 15, 1995
- Freedom Ridge Closed, Fundamentals of Democracy, Area 51--The Movie, Tikaboo Hike May 13, Intel Bitty Kitties
- Article: "Arizonans Forming Militias To Oppose Perceived 'Invasion'" Featuring con man and Area 51 conspiracy theorist Bill Cooper.
- Issue #26 May 21, 1995
- Research Center Expands, New Mexico Field Trip, Fiction Meets Reality, Even The Dirt Is Classified, News From Lower Rachel, St. Paul Conference, Ambassador Merlin Faces Opposition, Area 51 Nightclub Coming To Vegas, A Disturbing Prophesy, Intel Bitties
- Testimony: Campbell's Opposition to Alien Highway Bill
- News Article: Secret Base Stays Unnamed
- Anonymous complaint from Campbell's Las Vegas neighbor suggesting he is a possible Soviet spy. (6/13/95)
- Issue #27 June 12, 1995
- Jarod's Simulator, Desert Blast, The Loons Are Winning, Clark's Sighting Questioned, Pop Culture Watch, Mt. Cury Hike June 24, Intel Bitties, Little A'Le'Inn On-Line?
- Wired magazine article on 1994 Desert Blast
- Interim Update (#27A)
- Issue #28 July 28, 1995
- Reality Defined, The Hungarian Connection, More Details from Jarod, Appeal Brief Filed, Cammo Dude Manual Now On-Line, Intel Bitties
- Issue #29 August 18, 1995
- Fun With Folklore, Campbell Confesses to Government Involvement, Executive Correspondence?, Pursuing the Hologram, Our Readers Respond, Intel Bitties
- Parable about the spread of news in the henhouse.
- Issue #30 September 29, 1995
- Turley Wins Critical Ruling, Autopsy Dissected, Road Trip, Follow-Up on "Executive Briefing", Intel Bitties, Our Reader's Respond
- Issue #31 October 30, 1995
- Flying Saucer Crash-O-Rama, Kingman Landing Site, Kingman Points of Interest, Socorro/Zamora Landing Site, Presidential Exemption Granted, KLAS Revealed, Intel Bitties, Our Readers Respond
- Issue #32 December 9, 1995
- The 400 Lazars of Budapest, A Viennese Pilgrimage, Pop Culture Watch, Ask Psychospy, Ufologist Database Inaugurated, Morton on the Warpath, Bechtel Wins Test Site Contract, Dudes Up to Old Tricks, St. Paul Report, Flame of the Month
- Issue #33 February 19, 1996
- Jarod's Organization, Channeling Jarod, The Bob & Gene & John Show, From The Newsroom
- Issue #34 March 1996
- Groom Lawsuit Dismissed, Campbell Appeal Dismissed, E.T. Highway Protest, Nellis Range Overflight, Hular Rules the Universe, R. Nixon, Hero of Hungary
- Issue #35 April 1996
- Cammo Dude Roster, Doubletalk on the E.T. Highway, Our Readers Respond
- Issue #36 July 4, 1996
- Invasion Of The Pod People! - Nellis Range Renewal - Area 51 is Edwards DET 3 - Glenn Campbell of Area 51 Meets Glenn Campbell of Area 51 - From The Newsroom
- Issue #37 Fall 1996
- A Profile in Courage - Strange Gravity
- Issue #38 November 1997 (Final Issue)
- Review of Dan Sherman's "Project Preserve Destiny"
EG&G Non-Cammo Dude (EGG-NCD), armed with radio and loaded Gatorade, |
Knowledge is Power