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- A.J. Liebling


News for 021099

  Scanners made illegal

contributed by Sili
The Wireless Privacy Enhancement Act of 1999 has been entered into the US House of Representatives by Rep. Heather Wilson (NM). This bill will make it illegal to manufacture or sell any device designed or easily modifiable that will receive or decode personal radio communications including, public safety bands (police, fire, etc...) cellular, or POCSAG (pagers). By nature these radio communications can pass through your body but by law you will not be able to listen to them. This bill is being cosponsored by 12 other representatives. The bill has already been referred to the Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade, and Consumer Protection. The time to act is now! HNN urges you to write your congress person and voice your opinion.

Full text of H.R. 514
Rep. Wilson's Web Site
Email your Congress Person

  Analyzer busted

contributed by J Booth
Analyzer (Ed Tenenbaum) the Israeli teenager who broke into Pentagon and NASA systems was indicted Tuesday by an Israeli court. Analyzer and four other other accomplices could face a maximum sentence of three years in prison if convicted. None of the crackers are in custody.

Nando Times
NY Times

  FTP rootin'

contributed by Code Kid
Numerous FTP servers contain a remote buffer overflow that could give an attacker root access. Any system with ProFTPD (1.2.0pre1) or Wuarchive ftpd (2.4.2-academ[BETA-18]) are vulnerable. Wuarchive is installed by default on most Linux distributions.

Netect Security Advisory

  Cyber Spies

contributed by poopf
Discovery magazine has written a major article about spying in the digital age with sections on Information warehouses selling your data, where to buy 'spy' gear, how and where to setup your 'spy cams', and what the future holds.


  Rational says NO to security

contributed by Dr. Mudge
On Tuesday L0pht Heavy Industries released a security advisory on Rational Software's ClearCase product. A sympathetic netizen had a previous run-in with Rational on security matters and forwarded some correspondence with Rationals Support staff. These emails and comments from Dr. Mudge are presented here. Evidently Rational doesn't think to highly of security issues saying that they will not fix the problem. Choice quote from Rationals email ""Very nice. Do you hack government installations and steal nuclear missle launch codes too? How about hacking into Rational's HR database and giving me a raise??"

Rational Software's Response[clearcase.html - MISSING]

  Cracker expresses regret

contributed by Space Rogue
A former cracker issues a warning to the younger generation, "Don't do it." After being arrested by the RCMP when he was 15, Robert Masses, now 24, says what he did was wrong and that he caused a lot of problems.

The Toronto Star

  FBI says danger is Internal

contributed by mortel
A Director of the FBI, Louis Freeh, says that the largest danger corporations face to their data is from the inside. This article quotes from exhacker turned security consultant Dark Tangent (Jeffrey Moss).

PC World

contributed by Bronc Buster
LoU or not LoU
Yesterday HNN posted a story about Legions of the Underground going legit and starting a web hosting/security consulting business. This is the same group who recently declared cyber war on China and Iraq. We received an email from Bronc Buster a member of LoU who said this was not true and that he had no idea what was going on at While the web site does say "Legions of the Underground" on its main page HNN has not been able to contact the webmaster of the site for confirmation.

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Last Updated: 12/17/00 at 20:45

Department of Veterans Affairs (
Horizon Capital Bank (
J.J. Smith Foundation (
Apmanta Gov (EC) (
Chung Ang University, Korea (
Malaysian Rubber Board (
society halls (
State of Washington (
AMTEL Slovensko Ltd. (
Hit Hive (
Software GW (
U.S. Navy Medical (
The Communications Center (
A. Eric Olson (
Alloy Computer Products (
Ian Oliver (

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