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News for 071399

  Back Orifice 2000 Makes Big Waves at Defcon

contributed by Scores
Amidst pounding techno music, smashing guitars, communist imagery, and spinning logos, the Cult of the Dead Cow released BO2K at last weekend's Defcon 7 conference.

The Cult of the Dead Cow
Back Orifice 2000
Microsoft - Security Bulletin. (This is rather funny actually)
CNN - A BO2K Mirror

  NAI Provides Detection Utility

contributed by nvirB
Network Associates is claiming that they have already written a detection utility. This utility claims to be able to detect if BO2K is running on your system and is part of the NAI Total Virus Defense Suite.

A statement released by cDc says that "While Network Associates (and other AV vendors) may well protect against the specific version of BO2K released at Defcon, cDc has said all along that we expect untold mutations of the software to be created in a matter of days, and seriously doubt they will be able to provide effective detection (for all of them)."

Network Associates
The Cult of the Dead Cow
Back Orifice 2000

  1000 copies of Freedom Beta2 Released

contributed by Dov Smith
Zero-Knowledge Systems released 1000 copies of Freedom Beta2 this past weekend at Defcon 7, the computer industry's most eccentric annual conference. Freedom is an Internet privacy technology that will allow users to communicate over the internet in complete anonymity. Zero-Knowledge hopes to introduce an open beta of Freedom later this summer.

Zero Knowledge Systems

  L0pht Announces AntiSniff

contributed by Weld Pond
L0pht Heavy Industries announced at Defcon a revolutionary new proactive tool that will assist IT Managers in protecting their networks. Antisniff will be able to scan for NIC cards that have been placed into promiscuous mode. While this will enable Admins to determine what machine may have been compromised it will also allow intruders to find a company's IDS system. L0pht will release full details on how this product works to the public in the form of a white paper. They hope to have the white paper and the software ready to distribute within a few weeks.

NY Times
L0pht Heavy Industries

  Bruce Schneier: PPTPv2 'sucks less'

contributed by Dr. Mudge
A security paper released by Bruce Schneier of Counterpane Systems, and Mudge, from L0pht Heavy Industries covers the new version of Microsoft PPTP. The paper says that while the VPN product, that ships free with NT, is better than a previous version it still has serious problems. (The good info is down in the middle of the ZD article.)

ZD Net
Cryptanalysis of Microsoft'9s PPTP Authentication Extensions (MS-CHAPv2)

  DefCon Web Page Defaced on Opening Day of Con

contributed by Code Kid
As Kevin Poulsen was giving the opening speech at Defcon 7, people from the group known as ADM Crew where defacing the main Defcon web page.

HNN Defaced Pages Archive

  Capture the Flag Logs Available

contributed by Ron Gula
The folks at Security Wizards took their Dragon IDS to Defcon and let people pound on it for three days. They have posted over 200MB of logs from the contest up on their web site. There is some neat stuff in there. They plan to have TCPDUMP versions up soon.

Security Wizards

  Defcon Stories Cover the Web

contributed by Bronc Buster
Defcon articles will be popping up around the net for next several days or weeks. With over 70 media outlets represented at Defcon you can expect to see a lot of places that will run stories covering the con. We will link to the best of them.

Time - Hackers Take Microsoft to School
Wired - Covers Day one of Defcon
Wired- Broad overview of the Con
The Standard- Nice RoundUp of a lot of articles
ZD Net- Special Report on Defcon
ZD Net - Defcon I
User Friendly - Wicked funny BO2K related cartoon

  Mitnick Sentencing Delayed, Again

contributed by Code Kid
Kevin Mitnick had been scheduled to be sentenced on July 12th. That hearing has now been postponed until July 26th. The issue is restitution. The prosecution wants $1.5 million while the defense wants $5,000. The defense claims that there is no way that Kevin will be able to earn 1.5mil, especially since he will be banned from touching a computer.

ZD Net
Free Kevin

contributed by Space Rogue
No, HNN has not abandoned this section. However, with Defcon, the backlog of email etc, we just have not had time to keep up with the compromised sites. This information will begin to be posted again soon.

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Last Updated: 10/06/00 at 00:30

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