T00lZ for U 2 D0Wn-L0aD

This area is obviously set aside for files you can save to your disk. See... I'm too lazy to setup an ftp site and this seems the simplest way. It might be a real pain for some users, but they can put up a page of their own. Also, if you are running Netscape for MS-Windows, and maybe Mosaic, some of these files will not transfer well... However, most unix browser have no problems. If all else fails, try just using Lynx... The stuff is free and all, so who's complaining..... Anyways, enough of my ranting. Here's the list:

Once again, these tools are NOT "suP3r k-raD" but they are useful. I'll be adding to them from time. If there's something you want to see here, send me an email message..


If you have anything to add to this page, send me email at

Or use this cheap form...