Louisiana Senator
Huey Long

At Age 42

Louisiana Capitol Where Huey Was Shot
to Death by Zionist Conspirator Karl Weiss
Paid Jewish Assassin of
Senator Huey Long

Karl Jacob Weiss
Jewish Mossad Assassin of Huey Long
To Stop Opposition to the Zionist Banking Conspiracy

Had Huey Long Run for
President, FDR Feared Losing the Election
Just Another
Zionist Assassination
Long was assassinated
because he was one of the most charismatic leaders of the 1930s, and
he was going to run for president. He could have easily defeated
Roosevelt, and would have put International Jewry back 200 years.
Louisiana History
Louisiana, because of the
Mississippi, was the gateway to the south, and
Jewish traders arrived as early as
The great Jewish migration of
the1880s swamped the country, and they quickly took control. In1913
they had passed the Federal Reserve Act, started Wall Street, the
ADL, took us into WW1, collapsed the economy in 1929.
They installed Teddy Roosevelt,
Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt.
Who Was Huey Long?
Huey “Kingfish” Long, was governor
of Louisiana in 1928, who became a U.S. Senator in 1932, and
assassinated in1935. As Senator, Long supported Roosevelt in the
beginning but eventually became aware of the depression was a result
of deliberate Federal Reserve policy. He recognized the real
beneficiaries of the depression were certain sectors who were buying
stocks, bonds real estate and American businesses hand over fist.
August 1935 Long Announces
His Presidential Campaign
The wealth was being transferred
from working Americans to these select few. Long proposed the
"Share Our Wealth" program
which said that no individual family could hold more than $ 5
mil in wealth and receive more than $ 1 mil in annual income.
Roosevelt Saw An Enemy
Huey Long, an accomplished orator
and statesman, had pointed out many of the fallacies of Roosevelt
and the New Deal (Jew
Deal), and many people were starting to listen. Roosevelt
had become alarmed at Huey Long, as the Great Depression threatened
to catapult Long into the Presidency.
FDR had actually made some threats,
and in March of 1935 Long made a broadcast and had it put in the
congressional record.
Roosevelt's Controllers
He was controlled by a group of
Jewish advisors,
who were ultimately controlled by the Rothschilds. Names like
Baruch, Oppenheimer, Loeb, Morganthau, Frankfurter.
They weren't going to let some
'Firebrand Southerner' become president at this critical
The assassination
On Sunday, September 8, 1935, Huey
Long was at the capital building in Baton Rouge. He was attending a
session called by Judge Benjamin Pavy, one of Long's political
enemies. As Long walked down a corridor, a Dr. Carl Weiss ( Pavy’s
son in law ) walked up to him and shot him in the abdomen.
His body guards shot the Jewish
doctor over thirty times.
He Was Shot In The Capital
Long was shot, and collapsed in
a stairwell. He was muttering - "Why did he shoot me?"
Rushed To Hospital
He was brought to Lady of The
Lake hospital.
Doctor Vidrine
Huey Long's wound was not life
threatening, but the bullet hit a kidney, and that caused blood
poison. Two surgeons were arriving from New Orleans, when Dr Authur
Vidrine, a Jewish physician declared that he would have to perform
emergency surgery before they had a chance to arrive.
When the two surgeons arrived they
were appalled at Vidrine's obvious and calculatingly incompetent
job. They openly stated he was an accomplice.
Louisiana's Greatest
His state tax system basically used
the wealthy to pay for Louisiana schools. Long took Louisiana's
illiteracy rate from 22%, and brought it down to 5%. The road
system went from 300 miles to 3200 miles of paved roads.
His Presidential Promises
He would restrict the Federal
Reserve, redistribute the wealth by taxing wealthy individuals and
The Historical Aftermath
Today, Huey Long is portrayed as a
corrupt philandering womanizer. There is even an attempt to rewrite
the assassination by a
F Morris Grevenberg, who claims
that Weiss got in an argument with Long, and Long's bodyguards shot
an innocent Jew.
Grevenberg claims
Long was shot by his own bodyguards.
The 1936
Election Was Historically Monumental
The country was in
the depths of the depression, and they would be given two choices
for President. Roosevelt was a wealthy aristocratic Jew, and a
borderline communist. On the other hand, Huey Long was a gifted
self made man, who came from a poor background, had Louisiana's
success story as credentials, and was a superb orator.
If Long would have
won, there would have been no WW-2, and communism would have been
contained. The illicit gains from the 1929 depression would have
been redistributed.
Huey Long had to be
killed. A three minute