Fred Keller Shot His Wife




Keller Stands Trial For Murder








He Had $72 Million

He had four wives, and the first three fled for their lives. The fourth one took him to court, got a divorce settlement, they meet at his lawyer's office, and he killed her.








Born To Loving Parents

Fred was born in New York in 1934 to good Jewish immigrant parents, Ludwig and Elizabeth Bohlander. 







Keller's First Wife

Fred spent his formative years on Long Island, N.Y. where he met Blanche Rosen and married., in 1956. In 1961 as the family was vacationing in the Catskill Mountains he took the three boys—Paul, 2, Eric, 3, and Brian, 7—in the car with him, and he sped off, leaving Blanche behind.

 He told the kids that "Momma died."








Other Wives

Fred developed a taste for Shiksas (non Jewish women). He married a second time, and one day at dinner he told he 'Get the f*ck out of my house'. Realizing her life was a stake, she just left. 

His third wife was a model named Lynn Weatherby, who was nearly 20 years younger than Keller. Fred wanted Weatherby to submit to be insemination by   his biological son.

She declined, and was found dead as a result of a fall.







Fred's Fourth Wife

Fred got a 22 yr old German girl Rose Keil, and brought her to the United States. After eight years with the 70 yr old flea bag, the girl wanted to be put on some property as co-owner, and Fred went nuts.

Rose filed for divorce in 2000, telling a judge "I know this man is dangerous and he will get rid of me," she wrote. The judge gives her a 50% settlement.








The Fateful Meeting At Fred's Lawyers

The fourth wife gets half of Fred's property, they go to a lawyers office, and Fred goes berserk. He pulls a gun and shoots the wife, and brother in law.






Detectives Rush To Scene

The girl has been shot in the head, and the brother is clinging to life.







Fred Tells His Tale At Trial

Fred said he brought a gun because he feared his wife's brother. When Keil pulled out a black object, Fred went for his gun, but the Nazi grabbed it and shot Fred, killed his sister, and then shot himself as Fred struggled.






The Brother In Law Has A Different Story

Wolfgang Keil testified that he was reviewing paperwork when Keller shot him in the chest and then shot Rose in the neck. The two wrestled for the gun, and Keller shot Keil again before Keil finally took the gun away and shot Keller.

Keller was grazed in the cheek, but Rose was bleeding to death. "I went down and tried to hold the blood back," Keil said.







A Friendly Juror

It seems a fellow Zionist believed Fred's story and deadlocked the jury.






A Second Trial

Fred Keller was convicted and sentenced to life. He died in 2006, and his lawyer Solomon Kohn refuses to pay any judgments on Keller's $72 million dollar estate.






The Shenfeld Murders

The Mickey Thompson execution

Ira Einhorn

The Nanny Murders

The Grossman executions

The Gorenberg murder

Judicial Index