Spector And Clarkson Arrive At 3:30







Clarkson Is Killed At 4:20







Chauffer Calls Police At 4:54







Police Arrive At 5:00





Why Did The Chauffer Changed His Clothes?








The Missing Forty Minutes

Who knows the real story. The chauffer said 'I heard a shot, and Spector appeared at the door,' but that puts the murder at 4:54.  In his statement, he said she was on the floor, but when police arrived, she was in a chair. A audio of the call.







Chauffer Called Spector's Manager

In an odd move the chauffer called Michelle Blaine before he called the police. The chauffer said she wasn't home but somehow she was at the station as Spector was brought in.








Lack Of Blood On Spector's Jacket

Spector moved the body from the floor to the chair, so there would be blood all over him, but his jacket had hardly any blood. Did Spector have multiple dinner jackets?








Spector's Ride To Police Station

He made numerous statements to the police about killing Clarkson but none of it got before the jury.











What Really Happened?

Spector promised her some help on her career, she went to his house, he got hopped up on Viagra, and probably ecstasy. Spector came on to her like a dog in heat, she shoved the dwarf, walked to the door, he exploded, got his gun, shoved it into her mouth, and pulled the trigger.

The Missing 40 Minutes

The calls went out to the lawyer (Shapiro?), and the murder scene was rearranged. The chauffeur's story, 'I heard a shot and called the police' (40 min later), is absurd. But, the chauffer lying, or even helping Spector, is fairly logical.







The Trial

The Judge gave Spector forty ways to appeal the case.







The Prosecutor

He never pursued the second jacket, the phone calls to attorneys during the forty minutes, a chauffer in a sweatshirt, the body moved, Spector's DNA on the corpse, etc etc.






Spector's Special Juror

There was basically one juror who said "Clarkson committed suicide". It seems that Clarkson somehow found Spector's gun, and decided to shoot herself in the mouth.







This Entire Thing Was An Orchestrated Charade

First of all, four year delay for a murder trial is a very unusual. The cast was out of Hollywood's central casting. The prosecutors were either inept bunglers or worse, the Judge paved the way for numerous appeals, and the jury selection was highly questionable.

Notice how quiet the Zionist press is about this outrage. Compare this to what happened to the prosecutor of the Duke Zionists.








Spector Couldn't Orchestrate A Flea Parade

Somehow this bug eyed inbreed psycho's DNA wound up on the corpse's breast, and that isn't a 165 IQ dynamo. World Zionism realize what a time bomb this case could be, and every possible stop was pulled out.











Spector Will Never Be Convicted

This is another episode like the  Leo Frank, Leopold and Loeb, and Black Dahlia murders, and Zionists aren't going to let it go into the history books.







The Jury

Spector had the gun in her mouth

Sexual overtones at Spector Trial

Did Spector Take Liberties With The Corpse

The Lana Clarkson Murder


 Judicial Index