Canada's Supreme Court






Canada's Highest Court








Look At This List Of Canada's Top Judges

Beverley McLachlin (nee Gietz) (C.J.C.), Michel Bastarache, Ian Binnie, Louis LeBel, Marie Deschamps, Morris Fish, Rosalie Silberman, Louise Charron, and Marshall Rothstein. At least 50% are Jewish.











Justice Silberman

With Zionofascist-fomented wars threatening the world, can we afford to have a Zionist ideologue on the Supreme Court?

Rosalie Silberman Abella was appointed in 2004 by Paul Martin as part of the heavily Zionist-infiltrated Liberal Party of Canada’s pro-Israel agenda.

What kind of person is Mrs Silberman? Is she a part of the pro-Israel Zionist Occupational Government taking over Canada’s institutions, or is she a competent judge who is impartial and just happens to be Jewish? Paul Martin would not have appointed a rabid Zionist to the Supreme Court, would he?

We don’t have to scratch her worship very hard to reveal some disturbing facts about Silberman.






The Husband

She is married to Irving Abella, former head of the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC). The CJC is one of the many Israel Lobby groups operating in Canada. The agenda is anti-liberty, anti-speech and pro-war for Israel’s interests. They talk about human rights and protecting minorities, but in reality all they are concerned about is that Canada’s ZOG agents be above criticism under penalty of law.







The Canadian Jewish Congress

The excerpt below from Canadian Jewish Outlook September-October 2007 describes the CJC tactic of labeling anyone that disagrees with Zionists and Israeli policy as anti-Semitic.






Bennie Netanyahu

Canada allowed him to speak at a college, and put Israeli snipers on the roof because of Muslim student protests.








Canada's Prime Minister

Steven Harper is a real stain on Canada. When a Canadian Major was executed by Israel, this piece of 'Human Garbage' didn't even attend the funeral.






Canada's Silly Witch Hunts

They sent a website publisher to jail for 18 months because he was critical of Jewish power in the Canadian government.






Tribal Leader Charged With Hate Crimes

David Ahenakew, a war hero,  received a suspended sentence for referring to Jews as draft dodgers.






Who Elects Canada's Politicians

The media conglomerate, Can West, controlled by Israel Asper tells Canadians what to think.






Zionist's Gift Of Multiculturalism

Gone of the Sgt Prestons of the Yukon, today you have politically correct Mounties like Juan Gonzales, and Catherine 'Sissy' Benson.






The RCMP Commissioner

PM Harper appointed a civilian lawyer named Elliot, a stooge trained by Abe Manzankowski  







Zionists Soil A Great Country

These clowns showed up after the country was settled. They quickly became the merchants, financiers, and gained control of Canada's natural wealth. They flaunt the Bronfmans, Aspers, etc., as their contribution to society.





The Canadian Major Executed By Israel

Judicial Index