The Air Wing Commander Of The USS Kitty Hawk Is Relieved









 Capt. Michael P. McNellis, Commander Of Carrier Air Wing 5








The Kitty Hawk Is Based At The Yokosuka Naval Base In Yokosuka, Japan









The Ship Heads Back To America To Be Decommissioned In A Month








Rear Admiral Richard Wren Is The Kitty Hawk Group Commander









This Is An Odd Shakeup

To take a CAG, (commander of an air group), and publicly disgrace him makes no sense, unless you are trying to send a message. This is similar to the Admiral Fallon incident, where President Bush replaced a CENTCOM commander with an incompetent, but obedient, poodle.







Admiral Wren

Navy Rear Admiral Richard B. Wren  is currently serving as commander, Carrier Strike Group Five, Yokosuka, Japan.







George Bush Appointed Him

Navy Rear Adm. Richard B. Wren has been nominated for appointment to the rank of rear admiral.  1







The Kitty Hawk Will Be De-Commissioned

The carrier was built in 1959, and in June she leaves Yokosuka, Japan, and heads to the States, where she becomes target practice for the navy.








Why Relieve An Air Wing Commander Now?

The relieving of Capt McNellis, an air wing commander is a big deal. He is in charge of the fleets entire air commitments of 70 aircraft and 2,000 men.








A Public And Disgraceful Ceremony

Capt. Michael P. McNellis was relieved as commander of Carrier Air Wing 5 by Rear Adm. Richard B. Wren, commander of Commander Task Force 70. The admiral’s mast, a non-judicial punishment proceeding below the level of court-martial, was held Friday at sea aboard the Kitty Hawk.

The Navy described Wren’s findings as a removal from command “due to a loss of confidence, not a punishment.”








Bush And Admiral Fallon

On March 5, 2008, George Bush replaced an Admiral Fallon, commander of CENTCOM, because of his views on Iran.









Bush Appoints General Petraeus

George Bush relieves Fallon, a no-nonsense war hero, with David Petraeus, a perfumed prince of Jewish Lineage.









Is There Anything To This?

I am sure if you had millions of people, with information access and communication back in 1939, things would have been seen differently then. What's changed is you are analyzing events as they happen. It's not some court historians writing history books 40 years later.

How crazy is Bush? He invaded Iraq, and killed millions of Arabs, so Israel could eventually control the Mid-East's oil supply. There are 4,000 dead Americans, and 30,000 maimed, because Israeli propaganda artists said Saddam Hussein had nukes, and was going to attack America

Will the USS Kitty Hawk be the 2008 version of the USS Liberty?





The Kitty Hawk Scenario

Admrial Fallon Is Relieved

Nuke In American

An Iranian Attack Scenario

 Judicial Index
