Judge Sentences Nifong To Prison






Nifong Off To One Day In Prison








His Jail Photo





Two Innocent Zionists





Barry Sheck Wants Ten Million Each

Attorneys Brendan Sullivan and Barry Scheck met Wednesday with Durham officials to discuss the possible settlement with the players. They stressed that the money — about $10 million each for David Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann over five years — must be accompanied by legal reforms, the person close to the case told AP.





Don't Get The Evan' Family Mad

The power of Zion went all out in this case





Our Future Leaders

Are we going to sacrifice them for an Gulf War vet who danced to get food for her children.





No District Attorney Will Ever Again Go After A Zionist

After the national torture shown on Nifong, any prosecutor would be crazy to go after a Zionist.








What Really Happened?

Did a fraternity house of young Zionists brutally beat and rape a 'Schwartzer' (Yiddish for nigger), or is Nifong an anti Semitic nut? Did Nifong take on world Jewry, the Duke Alumni, and the Zionist media over a 28 yr old stripper?

'Stories' flew the Schwartzer got offered a lot, everything from tuition, large sums of money, etc. Then we know the young girl had a child, which is odd because the Zionists would splash that picture everywhere, if it was a black child?






What Happened In This Duke Case?

That girl was raped and beaten
Nifong is just a nut seeking glory


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Nifong breaks down
The Never Ending Saga
Interesting blog on Duke
$2 million bribe to drop charges
Media and the Duke Rape Case
The original Duke case
Sigmund Freud on Rapists
Natalee Holloway
Judicial Index