Jewish Student At Duke Accused Of Rape








Duke University





Seligmann Comes From Exclusive Essex Fells, N.J.








So What If He Is Jewish?

If he was a white kid, he would be jailed, tried, and convicted. The only interesting thing here will be the media cover-up of his race, and how he will eventually receive special justice.









Seligman is described as a 'Gentle Giant', a good boy, from a good family.









Life Of Privilege

Seligmann went to Delbarton Academy, an exclusive New Jersey school.

Rev. Luke L. Travers, headmaster of the school, in a prepared statement said, " I believe him innocent of the charges ."








The Prosecutor

District Attorney Mike Nifong, who will try Seligman, can kiss his career goodbye.









Aren't We Blessed

Jewish felons, rapists, killers, kidnappers, arsonists, and they won't see a day in jail.




Peter Braunstein

Phil Spector

Albert Durst Moseley







How Can They Get Away With It

The first thing one does is hit your sayanim list on the internet, this father appears to hit his summer camp buddies from 30 yrs ago. On something this odious, and public, the ADL will step in.

There is no way that the Zionists will watch a 'Duke Student' go to jail for sodomy, rape, attempted murder.









Aren't They Special

Seligmann is just one of hundreds of Jewish criminals that will never face justice. Three Jewish church arsonists in Alabama, Durst the NY serial killer billionaire, etc., will never set foot in a jail.

Watch how this 'Good boy' from Duke scoots around the legal system.





Nifong breaks down
The Never Ending Saga
Interesting blog on Duke
$2 million bribe to drop charges
Media and the Duke Rape Case
The original Duke case
Sigmund Freud on Rapists
Natalee Holloway
Judicial Index