Mike Nifong Drops Rape Charges

Another case of special justice for Chosen People?





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And The World Just Gawks


Rape Charges Dropped

The girl that was allegedly raped has changed her story, now she says the boy's 'tallywackers' weren't inserted in her vagina.

The rape charges were dropped and Nifong has stated:-"The "case will go away" if the accuser ever says one of the players she identified did not attack her. I've said I'm not interested in prosecuting somebody that's innocent. But until she tells me that, until she tells me these are not the right guys, we're prosecuting this case."


Duke University's President

"I am greatly relieved for the students and their families that the most serious of the charges has been dropped," said Duke President Richard Brodhead in a statement. "Given the certainty with which the district attorney made his many public statements regarding the rape allegation, his decision today to drop that charge must call into question the validity of the remaining charges."


Spare The Children

"The reality is, what else could the DA do?" said Stan Goldman, who teaches criminal law at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. "Once the DNA evidence came out last week, I can't imagine how they could sustain a rape charge."

Even so, the changing story hurts Nifong's case on the other charges, Goldman said. "It strikes me that a case based on this particular complaining witnesses' credibility appears to be in jeopardy," he said.


Good News Says Wendy Murphy

But Wendy Murphy, a former prosecutor who teaches at the New England School of Law is elated that justice will prevail. Murphy said. "The trial would be a sideshow about the victim's sex life."







Special People Mock The Legal System

Nifong would have never ever brought rape charges unless it was an airtight case. The only witness, a second stripper, got amnesia a month ago, and now the victim has amnesia. This same thing happened in the 1913 Leo Frank case.

The media's reaction will be to portray a terrible injustice to the boys,  which oddly confirms the theory of special justice. The stripper/victim just had a baby, no doubt a very light colored child, with rumors of a very large trust fund. She probably has two choices, one a life of security, no doubt a secure federal job with all the benefits, or a life of miserable harassment.

In the meantime five soldiers died in Iraq, while neocon hatchlings at Duke strut their stuff.





Media and the Duke Rape Case
The original Duke case
Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index