Expect Bloodshed In Budapest








On March 15th They Celebrate The 1858 Revolution





Hungary Is Sick Of Judeo Bolshevik Control








Two Hundred Israelis Soldiers Arrive In Budapest





Worries Over The March 15th Celebration






Staged Hoax

Shots were fired at Hungary's police headquarters in Budapest February 13, 2007, most suspect Judeo Communists used this as an excuse.


Jewish Soldiers Arrive In Budapest

The Bolshevik controlled government of Hungary is so worried about fiscal unrest they have brought in Israelis to protect the Jewish elite.



Meet By Parliament Minister

The Israelis were met by Hungarian Parliament by Mr. Laszlo Mandur, before they drove to the synagogue.


Billeted In Downtown

The 200 Israeli thugs, posing as a  “military delegation”,  arrived in four buses - windows covered – to the center of Budapest to a huge city block sized synagogue.

They entered through a garage for fear of violence.


Placed In View of Demonstrations

Obviously the intention is to house them there in the center of the city, within a few hundred yards from the spots where all the action will be played out on the 15th of March.

Hungarians won't stand for these animals using their children as human shields. Locals partisans have made it plain that if any children are shot by snipers. or used as shields, there will be deadly consequences. 


Israeli Commander Won't Talk

Exactly what is their function?


At Least Fifty Are Snipers

Officials worry the Jewish soldiers will try and provoke a situation by bombing a police station, or killing street police like they did to Yvonne Fletcher.



A similar event

Last year a U.S. military transporter with a few hundred soldiers was brought in to rescue Prime Minister, Mr. Gyurcsany and his family and transport to Israel.


Local Jews Worried

The local Jewish organizations are openly promoting to their members to spend the very long weekend starting on March 15th in a foreign country.


People Are Sick Of Bolsheviks

The local Judeo-Bolshevik government increasingly depends on 30,000 policemen to survive from week to week. It just might turn out to be a very long and hot summer this year.


Cesspool Of Jewish Agents

Over the centuries the Bolsheviks have infested the government, schools, banks, arts, universities.


David Irving To Speak

David Irving will be delivering public speeches and signing his books in Budapest, starting on the 12th of March. He is scheduled to speak at Heroes Plaza on the 15th.


Celebrating The 1848 Revolution

March 15 is Hungary's national holiday, marking the beginning of the 1848 Independence revolution against Habsburg domination


Expect Riots On The 15th

National holiday of independence, Hungarians sick of Jewish control, Irving to speak, and Israeli snipers on rooftops. Looks like Hungarians will be made an example of.



Israeli Ambassador

David Admon says that anti-Semitism is growing in Hungary, Jews were frightened by Budapest's crowds last year. The 200 uniformed soldiers are there in uniform just to show support.









It's Odd For Israelis To Expose Themselves

For ninety years the Judeo/Bolsheviks have used their Communist state of Russia as the bad guy. The world accepted the mysterious Evil Empire without looking at who really were the conmen behind it all.

In Hungary the people are so sick of the Judeo control, the recent economic measures (wealth transfers), they are actually going after the Jewish ruling class. Israel has decided to step in before this spreads to Germany, which is really ripe. Then you have Australia and Canada, who are really becoming sick of the 'Gilded Class'.

You take an event like the Port Arthur Massacre, expose it through the internet, suddenly a pattern is visualized.  When Australia's economics start to deteriorate, like Hungary, the torches and pitchforks will come out.








Hungry 2006 riots

  Zionist buys Hungary's national airline for $900k

Hungary Heroes Day 2007

Hungary background

Judicial Index