Newspapers Call Irving 'Belligerent And Brassy'

 In one his first press conferences Mr Irving pulled no punches, covering everything from Mel Gibson, to his past life.

The judge that released him said David Irving has undergone an "impeccable conversion", but news sources say otherwise.



Irving Shocks The Public

Mr Irving told a press conference that he supported the drunken anti-semitic comments made by Mel Gibson that Jews were responsible for all modern wars.

Mel Gibson is the Hollywood superstar who was arrested by a Jewish policeman, and made defamatory remarks about Jews during the height of Israel's Lebanon massacre.



Lord Janner Poo Poos David

Lord Janner, president of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said Mr Irving's release was "unwarranted", but added that his reputation was "in tatters" and his comments should be ignored.

"He was branded a racist by the judge in a British libel case and it is sad that his unwarranted release has attracted so much attention. His latest comments were totally to be expected and should be totally ignored." Much has been written of the shlemiel Janner, who shleps around in his constant pursuit of  young shmeckles, but all this is alleged.



Very Very Angry

David Irving came under fire after he boasted about his success as an author during the 1970s by referring to his cash purchase of a "nigger brown" Rolls-Royce.


Eric Moonman, President of the Zionist Federation

The former Labour MP, said: "He served only 13 months of his three-year sentence. But if he had served 10 years I don't think that would have altered his thinking.

"His latest comments suggest that he is a racist, to Jews and coloured people."


Irving States He Is A Historian, Not A Holocaust Denier

Mr Irving said the fact that he was known as a anti-Semitic Holocaust denier made his "blood boil".

He said: "I am not a Holocaust denier. Nobody in their right mind can deny that the Nazis killed millions of Jews." But he claims there is no evidence Hitler knew about the Holocaust, that fewer Jews died at Auschwitz than is commonly believed, and that the "real killing centres" were elsewhere.


Irving Reflects On The Jewish Reputation

"They (Jews) should ask themselves the question, 'Why have they been so hated for 3,000 years that there has been pogrom after pogrom in country after country?' and it's the one question they seem to be very shy of," Irving said.










Tormenting This Literary Giant Backfires

Because of his reputation as one of WW-2's foremost historian, he gets mountains of publicity. Oddly the Zionist media, who by following Irving's every move,  keeps pouring gas on a raging fire.

At least justice was served by Irving's release. Hopefully his large anonymous backers, and thousands of readers, will lend their financial support.




Natalee Holloway
Electronic Trigger
John O'Neill

 Judicial Index