Irving's First Post Prison Interview


Irving Reflects On His Career

Everybody has crossroads in their lives where they have the alternative of taking the right-hand fork or the left-hand fork. There have been several such forks in my life, and I’ve always taken the right track. But, looking back I can see turnings that I shouldn’t have taken.


Irving's Finest Hour

However, when I started to write my Hitler book, it was the most important turning I took. It was back in 1964 when I decided to write the biography of Adolf Hitler.


A Different Kind Of Historian

"I decided to write that biography the way I’ve written all my books, which is based entirely on original, primary sources. If you write from primary sources, then you are bound to come up with a different picture and a different perspective than historians who just copy what other historians have written."


His Crusade Against International Jewry's European Base

It's difficult to write Real History because there is legislation against it in different countries.   In France, for example, the legislation makes it a criminal offense to dispute the history that was laid down in the Nuremburg trial in 1945. In Germany, the law is called Defaming the Memory of the Dead, and in Austria, the law is called The Reactivation of the Nazi Party. 


Holocaust Chiseled In Stone

Irving says people have the right to explore it. "You don’t have to buy the whole package that’s put in the shop window."


Was Tehran The Proper Venue?

"I wasn’t impressed by the Tehran Holocaust Denial Conference. I read about it in the paper; I was still in prison of course. I wasn’t invited and I wouldn’t have attended if I had been invited. I don’t think it’s useful to have a conference about the Holocaust in the Arab world."



Real Holocaust Plotters

"I spent the last eight years researching Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler and it’s become increasingly evident to me that he was the principal architect of the Holocaust along with Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister and Martin Bormann."


In 2106 Hitler's War Will Be Legendary

"My books about history are the ones that will still be around in 100 years from now, long after I’m dead and gone. Scholars will be told, ‘If you want to find out about the Nazi period, then the only true version, the only true book to read, is a book by David Irving."









Is The Holocaust That Complicated?

Auschwitz was a work camp, others like Mauthausen were prisons, Theresienstadt was a town for artistic Jews, and the Reinhard Camps were mainly fabrications. The Nuremberg trials consisted of Jewish interrogators, Jewish Prosecutors, and Jewish Judges.

At the 'Doctor's trial' the main exhibit was a Delicatessen clerk in a high altitude experiment. The Jewish prosecutors took a picture of a Brooklyn kid, hanging off a steam pipe of a basement, in an American parachute. If they tried this in a real court the prosecutors would have been arrested. At the Malmedy Trial, the defense council Major Everett was so appalled at the Jewish court that he went to General Clay, who over turned all the verdicts.  Everyone was so disgusted at these young Yale Jews, they was an attempt to prosecute them.

At the Belsen trial  they took a naive beautiful 19 yr old postal clerk, Irma Grese, and claimed she shot 30 Jews everyday for sport. The Jewish prosecutors claimed she took three Jews, and skinned them alive. They eventually turned her into the Hollywood legend of the 'Nazi She-Wolf'.

The entire holocaust revolves around two Russian propagandists, fifty crazy camp criminals,  twenty five pictures of a RR station and twenty pictures of typhus victims.

The reason they arrest a 'Real Historian' like Irving is they don't want him writing about this.






Natalee Holloway
Electronic Trigger

 Judicial Index