Terror Strikes Orlando As Nazis March






They Marched In A Black Neighborhood








February 25, 2007 - Orlando

Neo Nazis marched through a black Orlando neighborhood. The march's purpose was to highlight illegal immigration, very similar to the NYU Republicans fiasco, 'Catch an Illegal', also staged by a Zionists.






Switch The Blame On Orlando Organizers

As Zionists are being uncovered as the provocateurs in these silly scams, they scream "FBI infiltrates Nazi March."

The SPLC contends that their mole is an FBI informer, therefore the FBI organized the rally.



This Is A Nazi?

The identity of the FBI informant and march organizer, David Gletty of Orlando, came out in a hearing Wednesday concerning the arrests of two white supremacists charged with conspiracy to distribute cocaine.



Other Marches Were 'Frightening'

In the Toledo Farce, the Nazis marched through a black neighborhood and taunted 'Black Gangsters.' In an odd move the local branch of the 'Crypts' holstered their glocks, went down to Izzie Blume's hardware, and got placards and paint.

Privately Chief Goldfarb admitted it was all staged. "Only the idiot Goyim would buy that story."



Here Are Real Black Gangs

I sort of doubt these guys would be painting placards.


Researchers At The SPLC Are Outraged

They deny any involvement in the OKC bomb, KKK, or Neo Nazi groups.

"Accusations of Jewish involvement in Hate Hoaxes, Nazi marches, and the KKK are insulting."







This Isn't Complicated

Zionists brought the original slaves to America for profit and multiculturalism. Today's massive immigration had it's roots in the Hart Cellar immigration act of 1965. The purpose of these rallies do is stir the pot of the Zionists race wars, and identify potential resistance leaders.

If I had the Zionist media  covering my rallies (2,000 articles), I would focus on Danny Lewin, the USS Liberty, Israeli saboteurs in Iraq, Rachel Corrie. I would be protesting the 3,000 dead in Israel's war, for Iraq's oil.








Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index