
The L0pht is not a traditional internet service provider. We don't have dialup lines or support personnel who can can tell you which way to insert your floppy disk so you can download your file there. We are mainly an information provider.

We offer Premium FTP Accounts so you can have better access to our extensive archives without using anonymous FTP. UNIX Shell Accounts are available if you already have telnet access through an account at school or work and desire a private, personal account. We also have Web Publisher Accounts so that you can put a home page up on the Web.

Accounts have a minimum of 3 months signup. The minimum account is 3 x $5 = $15.

Premium FTP Account - $5 per month

The Premium FTP Account gives you access to the L0pht FTP Archives with a username and password. You will not have to wait for one of the 5 anonymous FTP slots to open up to get at our files.

We have a new form that that allows you to use your username and password to access the FTP archives from your web browser.

UNIX Shell Account - $5 per month

The UNIX shell account allows you full access to the internet. You can use e-mail, ftp, news, gopher, and lynx. This also gives you 5 Megabytes of disk space.

WWW Home Page Account - $10 per month

This account provides a link from our WWW server to your home directory on our system so that you can publish your own home page. It includes all the features of the full shell account.

Contact us to set up an account or for further inquiries.