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Left - Brian:  An MRI Scan showing a brain implant
Middle - Robert Naeslund:  A brain implant being removed; R.N. after implantation.
Right - Ed Kats and Family:  Two implants in Jay Kats' brain.

More Implants:

implant in mind control survivor   Blanche Chavoustie    implant   Janine Jones    implant    Tracey Mitchell

 Shortcut to Mind Control Knowledge:
the Napa Sentinel Mind Control Series

MCF handouts you can distribute
MCF International Visitor Statistics - read in 60 countries
   mind control, ritual abuse, cults, brainwashing, Satanism, resources, articles, implants, conspiracies, Illinati, abuse

Preface -- Announcing a few important things:

Introducing a list serv for victims of Mind Control. Now victims/survivors and their families can interact with each other to discuss issues of mind control or government experimentation. All potential forum members must go through a screening process to join this forum. Guidelines will be strictly enforced to protect the comfort of survivors. 

Subscribe to mindcontrolforum
Powered by groups.yahoo.com

MCF recently acquired its own domain. If for any reason the MCF main web site is ever down, visit our mirror site at: MCF Mirror site Be sure to book mark both locations of MCF so that if one is ever down for any reason, you can have access to the alternate site.

MCF is sponsored by More Than Conquerors Online Forums. See Introducing the Mind Control Forum for more details.

New e-mail address for MCF: mindcontrolforum@hotmail.com  

Important: Read about MTC's battle to keep the Mind Control Forum and our own web site up on the net: The Battle Against Censorship and Content Thievery

Signatures needed to get a survivors' page in the Washington Post
Barbara Hartwell: Urgent Appeal for Contributions to Legal Defense and Research Fund.

1998 Human Experimentation Bill alert
Some Upcoming Conferences listed
Wayne Morris  offers the CKLN-FM Series  to your local station
mind control, ritual abuse, cults, brainwashing, Satanism, resources, articles, implants, conspiracies, Illuminati, abuse

Readings Against Mind Control

mind controtanism, resources, articles, implants, conspiracies, Illuminati, abuse    

Table of Contents

This Page:  An Introduction to the MCF

MCF - Introduction
Introducing the Mind Control Forum
Getting Help
Navigating the Site
Contributing items and stories
          MCF Handout

Key Pages:  The Four Sections of the MCF

Collection of mind control studies, stories, and important documents.
Revealing letters between victims, their supporters, and authorities
CKLN-FM radio series
Letters between victims, their supporters, and authorities
MindNet browsable archive
News and What's New
What's New at the MCF - keep up with new additions
Important announcements.
Current stories, developments, revelations, and goings on.
Subsection:  Current Activism and Conferences
Resources / Other Sites
Helpful online documents and lists of printed resources for researching
Links to important web sites
Online document archives - collections
Lots of first-hand stories by the victims of mind control, many with email links.
More coming in all the time!
Perhaps the most dramatic section of the site.

Introducing the Mind Control Forum

Since February of 1999, More Than Conquerors Online Forums has sponored, updated, and hosting the continuing work created by Ed Light (the creator of the original Mind Control Forum). MTC intends to continue adding content on a regular basis to increase the available articles, stories, and information that is greatly needed on the net regarding the topic of Mind Control and related issues. Ed Light retired in 1999 and searched for an appropriate host to maintain the his work. MTC intends to honor all survivors and Ed himself by not only maintaining, hosting, and managing this wonderful resource, but by adding content as appropriate.

Contacting MCF: The original MCF was created and operated by Ed Light. Now that Ed is retired, please understand that the new hosts of MCF are not qualified to answer extensive questions about Mind Control. If you need assistance, validation, or are performing research, please utilize the extensive information on this site. Including the many links to victim's who accept direct content or from the resource section. MTC will do our best to provide up to date information on the MCF web site. We will also post victim's stories as quickly as we can. We manage online forums for Ritual Abuse survivors, many who have mind control elements in their histories. But we are not equipped to offer anyone advice or information related to the complex issues of Mind Control or Mind Control Experimentation.

E-mail: mindcontrolforum@hotmail.com 

To learn more about More Than Conqueror's Online Forums, please visit our web site to learn more about us: More Than Conquerors Online Forums

Founder of MCF: (Original Introduction from Ed Light who is now Retired)

Ed Light   More Than Conquerors has taken over the maintenance of this web site, as I'm overwhelmed after over three years of its growth. They have lots of people to work on it. Best wishes to you all.  

Hi, I'm Ed Light, born 1947, one of many captives of the mind-control "cabal's" microwave anti-personnel projects. As I typed this I was being forcibly zapped (click to see an x-ray of the result).

The Mind Control Forum, was headquartered in California, and was my personal contribution to the resistance to the plutocracy's mind control conspiracies. It's aim has always been to provide plenty to read in the way of background, current events, and victims' and supporters' stories!

Since it's inception in the winter of 1995, the Mind Control Forum has had the blessing of many contributors. It now has over 80 victims' personal stories, and exceeds 10 megabytes. Although it has been grueling keeping up with the many contributions coming in, due to my continual electro-shocking, it's awesome to realize that the site has become a major player in the abolition of covert human rights abuses of the human mind.

Many thanks to all the contributors and supporters whose work makes up the body of this site.

In a time in which American elites are taking over the world under the guise of economic progress, may "Big Brother" lose and pay all human rights abuse victims and non-consensual experimentees back for their time and suffering.

If not, the book 1984 will become a reality.

mind control, ritual abuse, cults, brainwashing, Satanism, resources, articles, implants, conspiracies, Illuminati, abuse 

Getting Help

If you need help from an activist with networking or finding information and resources, try the Resources section for organizations offering help.


Navigating the MCF Site

You're on the Home Page, which leads to the four Key pages. These are listed in the Table of Contents, near the top of this page.

At the bottom and top of the Home and Key pages is the following navigation bar leading to each:

Home   Archives   News   Resources   Victims

Notice that the name of the page you're on is italicized.

The key pages link to documents and other sites and contain introductions to many of them.

Other MCF web pages you get to (usually from the Key pages) have this at the bottom:

  Mind Control Forum

Clicking on it from one of them takes you to the top of the Home Page (this page), where you'll find the navigation bar under the pictures.

Text files found in the Archives section leave you on your own. Just click your "back" button to backtrack to a webized page, or choose a page from your browser's history list.

Be sure to add this page to your browser's bookmarks so you can get back easily after following a link out to other sites.

mind control, ritual abuse, cults, brainwashing, Satanism, resources, articles, implants, conspiracies, Illuminati, abuse

Submitting Material for Publication

Mind control victims and supporters, to have your stories or announcements published here send them to Carrie Dawn of MTC & MCF Sponsor, mcf@mindcontrolforum.com  . Please be sure to state in your e-mail the purpose of your contribution. You can have a hyperlink to your email address associated with your material. Please have stories/items formatted, spell-checked, and proofread; if they are very long, you can use headings and sub-headings and list them in a table of contents at the top. Also, please include a separate short introduction.

You can send your picture or other graphics to go with your story as a computer file.

If you need help, try the help link, or someone from the Victims page who seems compatible. Also scan the Resources section for helpful small organizations.

Please read the page at the end of the following link:  File Formats to Send.

Thanks for visiting, and check back again!



MCF Handouts

The first handout [spiel.htm - MISSING] is at Eleanor White's [Raven] . 

The MCF's own handout occupies one letter size page and is a web page incorporating the top of this Home Page and the table of contents.

It's available in two forms. You can load it from here and print it: HANDOUT.HTM.


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