Human Rights Watch
LetterWriting Campaign
Progress Report

March, 1997


Current Update (below) - March 1997
Original Appeal

November 1997 Update

March 1997 Update

While the Human Rights Watch is not at present committing to an investigation into allegations of weapons testing programs using electromagnetic technologies and mind control, they have a new report on their investigation of human rights abuses of migrant workers and women prisoners in the United States, (available upon request from HRW for a fee). Mr. Arkin has found that all of your letters are stating the same basic human rights abuses and he is still avidly researching this topic.

He has written several freedom of information act requests as a result of the information we have sent. The government replies will take time and he encourages us to keep up the good work. Your input has been convincing! He in particular would like any documention of the Soviet use of electromagetic weapons. He will be completing his report on acoustic weapons this spring and a report on directed energy weapons this summer.

Please continue to send him any helpful research leads and allegations. While he has not replied to all of your letters, a specific request for a reply would be answered.

The address is:

Human Rights Watch
Mr. William Arkin
1522 K St NW #910
Washington, DC 20005-1202


Please contact Cheryl Welsh at   if you have any questions or comments.


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