Carole Sterling


Letter to MCF
Letter to the Star Beacon
List of Symptoms
Outcome of Symptoms

Also see Carole Sterling's Apparent Suicide

Letter to MCF

Carole Sterling
Washington, D.C.

July 10, 1997

Mr. Ed Light

Dear Ed,

I am a victim of mind control and have been tortured as of December 1995. Please find enclosed a copy of what was published in the Star Beacon, in October 1996, with its two addendums.

I spoke to Cheryl Welsh who strongly advised me to get your Mind Control on the Web Site package. Please find enclosed my check for $5.

I certainly look forward to receiving it from you. If you haue any other information that you recommend, please do not hesitate to let me know.




Letter to the Star Beacon

[Two notes from Carole Sterling's letter are in brackets.]

The Star Beacon
October 1996, Page 2

Incident at Mesquite, Nevada conference

[The 5th International UFO Congress]

Dear Star Beacon,

I am writing about something that happened to me which goes back to December 1995.

I went to a conference in Nevada. The day following the last night at the conference, I noticed that I had an injection mark on the base of my spine which was sore. Then the nightmare started three days after my return to Washington, D.C. An irregular pulsing and humming sound - which at first seemed impossible to tell what direction it came from - seemed louder when I was lying down, was crushing me with pain. The oppression was unbearable; shockwaves, like a beating, were particularly painful in the head and in the areas where I had scars or surgery. It reverberated in those areas as well as in the area just behind the ears (the mastoid bone area, filled with air pockets).

It totally scrambled my brain, leaving me unable to think properly, simply functioning on sheer shock and horror, with total incomprehension of what was going, on. It actually was debilitating. The room felt like a torture chamber.

This forced me out of my home. I desperately went to my relatives' home five blocks away. This began in their home, too. As I lay down trying to sleep, I heard two sharp cracking sounds on the television set and the same thing started again. This time I was better able to notice that whatever this was it was primarily directed to the left side of my head. The effects were so intense. My flesh felt as if it were being kneaded like dough; the glands under my chin were excruciatingly painful, as was the area next to the knees where I had had scars.

When I moved to the other room this started again after a few minutes; the two. cracking pops on the television glass, followed by the excruciating pain. As I said, this seemed to be zeroing in on the left side of my head. What I did - maybe too late - was shield my head as best I could with aluminum wrap, which I could hear cracking like popcorn in a microwave.

The intensity of this horrifying experience lasted for three days. It followed me like radar, zeroing in on me, to two other friends' homes a few miles away, where I had gone to because I was trying to get away to avoid the pain.

Since then, I have felt extremely ill, with recurring excruciating symptoms every day. [However, for one day only, on May 29, 96, I was back to my normal self.] The left part of my brain is where these symptoms seem to be localized. However, nothing has shown up on an MRI or EEG. I believe that the technology used, be it some type of a frequency assault, some sort of directed energy, in addition to whatever was injected in me, has caused damage to my brain which feels irreversible because I have been living with this debilitating and excruciating pain for the last eight months so far. The pain, which feels like an extremely sharp sciatic pain localized in the left side of the brain, is accompanied by stupor, memory loss. My brain feels scrambled, at times far worse than at other times. The only improvement is that my hands, which were quite numb and stiff, are back to normal as of two weeks ago.

Needless to say, this is something I no longer discuss with some family members or doctors, as they think it is so far-fetched, they just do not believe me. Only very few people do I discuss this with. Writing this has been an effort of sheer will, at a time - usually the early hours of the day - when the symptoms are not as severe. I am trying to get better physically and get rid of the pain, hoping that somewhere there are individuals who are familiar with this kind of technology and can help me.

Carole Sterling

Editor's Note: Direct correspondence to Carole to The Star Beacon, P.O. Box 117, Paonia, CO 81428-0117, and I will forward mail to her.

[Carole Sterling is deceased, a possible suicide.]


List of Symptoms

Carole Sterling

July, 1997

Addendum to. the Star Beacon letter published in October 1996, page 2


Outcome of Symptoms

Carole Sterling

July, 1997

Addendum to the Star Beacon letter published in October 1996, page 2

Give me liberty or give me death!


The Apparent Suicide
of Carol Sterling

From : Carole Price
ICQ UIN number 2015206
(512) 346-0205

Also see Carole Sterling's story, from her letter to the MCF.
The Outcome of Symptoms there explains any possible suicide.

Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997

I heard today from two sources, including Carol Sterling's brother, that she committed suicide and was cremated this past Tuesday. She apparently left a suicide note and died of an overdose of some sort.

Although I have networked with Carol for almost a year, I recently met her in person at the Surveillance Expo in Tyson's Corner, Va. Her death will be a great loss to all who have networked with her. I will miss her kindness, her tenancity in trying to come to terms with the electronic mind control harrassment, and her courage in not giving in to those who did not believe her. Carol refused to accept the diagnosis of mental illness being forced upon her by her family and associates.

Carol was in her forties, the surviving twin of another twin who committed suicide while in her teens claiming someone was "trying to take over her mind."

In Virginia, I tried to convince her sister that there was such a thing as electronic mind control. Her sister simply could not fathom it. Carol had a difficult time and was practically under house arrest by her family. She used to sneak calls out to me and others when they were not in earshot, ever fearful of being discovered. She confided in me at the Sheraton restaurant that she was practically a "cyborg." She was experiencing synthetic telepathy, physical torture, sleep deprivation and "death threats, among others."

To me it seemed she was a classic case of mind control. I don't know how far back this originated but Carol was literally taken out of life after she had attended a Mufon convention. She encouraged me to warn others that Mufon was not what it seemed. She then lost her relationship to her boyfriend and had such severe pain and fatigue that she was almost totally incapcitated at times. She felt that she had been tagged or targeted in some way at Mufon and she felt that she had figured out who the doubleagents were.

Why was Carol tortured and tormented in this way? Was she an earlier experiment that someone was fearful that she would expose? Or was she just in the wrong place at the wrong time and some organization thought they now had an ET cover for any experiments? Carol did not believe in aliens. Carol was a christian who believed, based on her own experience after Mufon, that the bible was true and that Armaggedon, the Milennium was now at hand, and that evil was destroying good. I am not surprised Carol believed that. My first thought in seeing her was that she had the face of a nun. Pious, sincere, emotive. She was distraught at the tragedy that had overtaken her. I think she died of a broken heart. She was never one to lash out, to get violent, or to curse, though one might say she had every right to.

What happened at Mufon? Did someone discover that she had implants? Did some "other" agency shut her down?. Or was she just easy prey? You know, fit the profile of someone whom it would be easy to take out? Was Carol in effect murdered?

When I first heard the news I hoped against hope that her family was lying and that they were trying to separate her from the other "Crazies" who would now be told she was dead.

Fellow victims of these atrocities and others, I implore you to do more. We have to inform the public and prevent tragedies like these from occurring again. We cannot rest until this evil is exposed.



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