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Contact Us

Sorry, but we have no immediate plans to support Netscape, Macintosh, or other platforms. We just don't have the personnel to mount another development effort right now.

Our e-mail address is We can't guarantee technical support and may never be able to respond to your inquiries. If Bugnosis doesn't work, then try uninstalling it; several methods are listed in our FAQ. However, we do eventually read the email sent to us.

If you are reporting a problem with the Bugnosis software or its installation procedure, please tell us (1) the version of Windows and (2) Internet Explorer that you have installed, and (3) describe the problem as specifically as possible. If you have Bugnosis installed, then please report also (4) its "Build number". You can find this by right-clicking within the Bugnosis analysis window, selecting "About...", and reading the brief text that appears in the window. It will say something like "Build 1,0,0,12".

For inquires that don't have to do with technical support (such as media or redistribution questions), please put the word "inquiry" in your email subject line. That will help route it to the right place.


Copyright © 2003, David Martin.  Funded by the Privacy Foundation.