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Please read the following before installing.  The installation link is at the bottom of this page.


The Bugnosis software makes no representation or warranty with respect to functionality, merchantability, or suitability for a particular purpose, nor any other representation or warranty whatsoever. Bugnosis users assume all risk associated with the application.

You are permitted to install Bugnosis from the Bugnosis Web site, and you may use Bugnosis solely via the graphical user interface described in its documentation, for personal, research, and/or business purposes. You may copy Bugnosis for backup purposes. Any other use of Bugnosis, including automation, repackaging, redistribution, and mirroring of the software or its Web site requires written permission.  Contact us for more information.

Intended Use
Bugnosis is designed to work on Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, and XP with Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater installed. It does not work with Netscape, Opera, Lynx, or any other Web browser.

Privacy Policy
When installed, the Bugnosis software monitors the Web pages and e-mail viewed on that computer and makes its analysis available to the user of that computer. Bugnosis does not transmit this information over the network or otherwise automatically store the information, for example, on disk files. However, the user may choose to manually save the information by selecting "Save", "Send to", "Print", etc.

Bugnosis partially relies upon an internal, evolving database regarding certain businesses and their privacy practices. In order to keep this information up to date, Bugnosis will periodically ask users if they wish to download new settings from the Bugnosis Web site. This reminder can be disabled through the Bugnosis options pages. When a user downloads new settings, the Bugnosis site will receive a record of the user's computer contacting the Bugnosis site, indicating the requesting computer's IP address and the time of the request (as is typical with most Web transactions). We may use this information to investigate a software, security, or legal problem, but under ordinary circumstances the information will not be used.

Technical Support
We cannot guarantee technical support. If Bugnosis doesn't work, then try uninstalling it. Click here to contact us. We will attempt to respond to your inquiries.

Identification of Web Bugs
Bugnosis attempts to reveal the presence of Web bugs, but makes no claim about their purpose. For example, Bugnosis may identify a Web site hit counter as a Web bug. Click here for other examples of Web bug use.

To Proceed Installing: Click Here


Copyright © 2003, David Martin.  Funded by the Privacy Foundation.