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June 9, 2022

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Zionist Massacres - Picture Archives...
Zionist Massacre, October 12, 2021
Zionist Massacre, November 8, 2021

Jew Watch vs. U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
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  •  NEW   Breaking Jewish News, June 9, 2022
    | Israel's Foreign Ministry Allegedly Seeks to Educate Zionist Agents Worldwide to Penetrate and Disseminate Misinformation Concerning Internet YouTube Documentaries on Israeli History and Current Events Including Many Highly Rated Videos Prepared by Frank Weltner, Journalist and Librarian at The Jew Watch Project | Same Methods of Operation Used by FBI on William Jefferson as on Most Others--Infiltration and Intimate Provocation of the Perpetrator by Agents With the Aim of Allegedly Creating False Evidence to Take Them Down | 3 Turkish Soldiers Killed by Remotely Detonated Kurdish Landmine | Iraq Demands Turkey Firing Artillery into Its Northern Border Towns | Jewish French Prime Minister Sarkozy Says There is No Place for Turkey in the European Union | Israeli Terror Tanks Bulldoze Gaza Concentration Camp | Zionist CIA Holding 39 Detainees from Many Nations in Hidden Nazi Torture Prisons | A New War in Iraq? | Anti-Semitic Broadcaster Hal Turner Claims Proof from Red Cross that Holocaust Numbers are Frauds, Only 271,301 Died, Not 6,000,000 | Rabbi Goldstein Speaks Against Atheistic Zionism, MP3 Audio | The Jew Watch Project's Archive of Current and Past Zionist News Videos | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links | All World Today Radio Programs | Archive of Frank Weltner's Jew Watch Project News and Comment Videos

MP3 Radio: | The Zionist Road to 911 More on 911 & Zionism |
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