Frank Weltner Presents...
Scholarly Library of Facts about Domestic & Worldwide Zionist Criminality

The Jew Watch Project Is The Internet's Largest Scholarly Collection of Articles on Zionist History
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2007  |  JAN  |  FEB  |  MAR  |  APR  |  MAY  |  JUN  |  JUL  |  AUG  |  SEP  |  OCT  |  NOV  |  DEC  |  ALL 2007  |
2006  |  JAN  |  FEB  |  MAR  |  APR  |  MAY  |  JUN  |  JUL  |  AUG  |  SEP  |  OCT  |  NOV  |  DEC  |  ALL 2006  |
  2005  |  NOV  |  DEC  |  ALL 2005  |


December 31
AIPAC May Regret Being Sued by Its 2 Alleged Spies | Israel Bracing For Hamas Winning East Bank Election | Mossad Sets Up War: Says Iran Will Have Nukes Soon | Sihks Want Justice for Hate Crime Outside Station | Mossad Attack on Iran Difficult but Not Impossible | Jewish U.S.A. Colonial Empire - The Iraqi Resistance | Menorah Smashing Called Hate | Nuclear Israel May Spew Its Racial Hate at BBC | Mossad Propaganda on the Cruel Occupation of Iraq | Israel Murders Two More Palestinians | Zionist Hate Mongers Plan 200 Anti-Palestinian Homes | Pro-Semitic ACLU to Videotape Police Arresting Blacks |
December 30
Abramoff's Trail of Jewish Murder & Fraud | Abramoff's Sins & Synagogues - Mother Jones Biography | Jews Buy Off FBI Probe of 3rd Largest Israel Bank | Nader Defies ADL's Malicious Slander | ADL vs. Congress, Christianity, and Majority Rule | Hateful Radical Zionist Heads $400 Million NPR Budget | Nazi Public Service Riles Cadillac Michigan Elitists | DA Panders to ADL, Prosecutes Little Kids as Adults | ADL Commits Hate Act By Re-Writing Bible Textbook | 11,000 Public Menorahs in U.S. & Only 6 Vandalized | Menorah Torchlight Parade by Jews Intimidate Moslems | Gentiles Now Hated for Having Their Own Newspaper |
December 29
Will Neocons Be Executed for Their Murders? | Events in 2005 That Jewish Racists Liked | 'Forward' Blames Jews for Holocaust Bashing | 'Israel, Stop Artillery Attacks on Gaza,' U.S. Says | New Crimes of the U.S. Jewish Neocons  | Jewish Hate and Intolerance vs. Christian Majority | ADL's Supremacist 'Hate Crime' B.S. | Israeli Jets Bomb Lebanon | Palestinian Kills 1 Israeli Soldier, 2 Bystanders | New Hanukkah Flip for London's Mayor | ADL & Its Pet Christians Rally 4 Gays | ADL European Hate Scam B.S. Stench in Harwich |
December 28
JUDGE DEPORTS DEMJANJUK! Jewish Hate Rises! | Tolerance Museum Violates Palestinian Graveyard | Why Iran is Not an Anti-Semitic State | Jewish Museum Exhibit Stirs Anti-White Racism | Synagogue Graffiti Triggers the 'Un-Canadian Lie' | Israel Was Built on a Lie | L'Express Says Everything is False About 'Gas Chamber' | Israel Economically Tortures 'Jews in Poverty' | Globalist B.S. Replaces Hitler in UK Textbooks | Israel Bombs Palestinian Lands Creating Mayhem | Spielberg 'Munich' Falsehoods Exude Bigger Nose | Israel 'USA Traitor' in New GPS Power Grab |
December 27
Jewish Hate Crime Against Palestine's Fishermen | A Is for Apple; Z Is for Zundel | Matt Hale's Federal Torture Continues | Israel's Hasbara Fights ADL's Anti-Christian War | Racist Israel Foists Ethnic Exclusion Policies | 228 Jewish Homes Boost Ethnic Cleansing | Jerusalem's Zionists Surround More Arab Land | Semites Forecast USA's Jewish Economy in 2006 | Greenspan's Judeo-Economic Errors | Zionist-Neocon's Many Anti-Arab Hate Crimes | Jewish Neocons Planned the War 25 Years Ago | Why Israel Is The Reason For The Iraq War |
December 26
If Israel Destroys Our Election We Won't Vote... | Washington Post's AIPAC for Xmas Story | Menorah & Nativity Damaged. Which is Hate? | Jewish-Owned Malls Offer 50% Price Cuts | 'Christmas' Holiday in Chicago That City of Hate | Tel Aviv's Anti-Semitic Abuse of Old Jews | Nazi Nuremburg Comes to New Life in 2006 | Tel Aviv's 'Springtime for Hitler' in Hebrew | Jerusalem Post's Jewish 'Victim' Rant | Di Canio Says, "I Am Fascist, Not Racist" | U.S. Secures Haifa Against Nuclear Smuggling | How One Jewish-Christian Family Copes |
December 25
Catholic Patriarch: Israel Is A Huge Prison | Sharon Returns to Head of 'Occupied Palestine' | Jews Let 30,000 Christians Into Bethlehem | Israel Claims Its White Slavery Is Down | Israel Detains Aussie Peacenik as 'Security Threat' | AIPAC Pushes Bush Toward Iran War | Nazi Voice Mail Message Nets 60 Days in Jail | Old Nazi Tried - No Witnesses - No Recollections | Today's Rejuvenated Jewish Conspiracy | Congolese UK Postman Steals from Jews | AIPAC & Its Spies Charge Each Other Publicly | Menachem Begin, Israeli Terrorist |
December 24
| ADL Demands EU Ban Iran's President | Wrecking Christmas & European Traditions | Jew Neocons & Holocaust II | This Christmas Card Was Unapproved by Jews | Domestic Snooping Caused by Jew-Neocons | Wolfowitz in Brazil: Keep It a Jungle | Homeland Security: Prelude 2 Jew-Con Disaster | Judeo-Con CEO Chertoff Embarrassed by FEMA | Why We Know Josef Stalin Was A Jew | Meet Mr. Perle, Jewish Iraq War Instigator | Gentile Students Refuse to Wear Jewish Star | UK Jew Geek Gets $Millions Off Iraq |
December 23
Adolph Hitler's Gun For Sale on Ebay | 4,000 Hear 'The World Without Zionism' | Nazi Shrink Dr. Gross Dies | Jews Murder German Prisoners of War | German NDP Victory Faces String of Defectors | Israel Says Palestinians Cannot Vote | U.S. Democracy Lacks Credibility | Movie Producer May be Jailed in Holland to Suit Jews | President Eisenhower Was A Jew | Florida Jewish Holocaust Claimers Meeting | Jewish Warsau Letter - Fraudulent Urban Legend? | Visit Jew Watch News Archive |
December 22
Jewish Firefighter Sues Dearborn | ADL Tells Europe: 'End Iran Ties' | Hitler Dominates UK History Courses | NY Immigrants: Anti-American Immigration Good | Nazi Spam Coming January 6th | A Review of Spielberg's 'Munich' | UK Driver Suspended for Nazi Salute | Edgar Steele's Response to the ADL | Norway Prosecutes Free Speech of Nazi | Estonian, 22, Fined for Posting "Burn the Jews" | Upstate NY Says 'Stop Illegals' | Artist Creates $15,000 Semitic Dolls ||
December 21
Saddam: "U.S. Tortured Me!"  | Shin Bet Agents Will Testify | Bethlehem Walled Off by Israel for Xmas | Iran's New Cruise Missiles | ADL'S Nose Sniffing Dover PA  | 'Munich' Leaves Mossad 'Cold' | Introducing the Italian Soccer Nazi | One Man's Jew Is Another's Anti-Semite | Hate 4 Christmas by ADL | Army: Wicca OK - Jesus Taboo | Jewish Synthetic Bio Industry 2 Mfg. Life | Nazi Santa |
December 20
ADL's Diversity Hate Children | Holocaust Researchers Meet Prison | ADL vs. Spielman's "Munich" | Foxman's Hate vs. Evangelicals | America's Jewish Sports Supremacists | Cleansing Norway of Jews? | Introducing the Italian Soccer Nazi | Nazi Case Lost in Jewish Puppet Australia | Netanyahu Now Leads Likud Party | The Jews Behind White Slavery | Israel Sodomized Lebanese Man |
December 19
Arial Sharon Rushed to Hospital | "Christ-Free" Christmas | German Court Acquits Nazi | Israel's 312 Ceasefire Violations | Zionist Anti-Islamic 'Hate Speech' | White Nationalist Christmas | Racist Jews Trashing Christmas | Zionist War Monger: IMF's Wolfowitz | Chinese 'Good Nazi' Memorial | JDL: Earl Krugel's Murder Suspicious | L-Express: Auschwitz Gas Chamber Is A Lie | EU Hates Palestinian Hamas |
December 18
Zionist Regime Losing Power | 1,000's Attend Howard Stern's Rally | Zarqawi Was Mistakenly Released | Senate Stops Neo-Con Patriot Act | Hamas Wins in West Bank Elections | Bronfman Visits Racist Hillels | Jew Oligarchs Guilty of Fraud | Jewish Terrorist Killed in Prison | Racist Jewish Sovereignty Spiel | Jew's Orgs Against Christians | Anti 'Non-Semite Hate' Flourishes | Zundel Could Destroy the EU |
December 17
Brits Outraged by Nazi Humor | Jew Corps Fund Alito Opposition | Jew Fox: 'Any Fence to Stop Mexicans from Taking over the Southwest USA is Shameful' | Anti-White Hate Groups Bash Alito | Iranian Pres: Holocaust a Fraud | See the Jewish Red Cross Sign | 4 Part FOX Jew Spy Videos | Do You Live in Jew Jersey? | Holocaust Anti-Deniers Slap Iran | Israel Breaks Arab Treaty | Xmas Grinch a Jewish Turncoat? | Jewish Diversity Crumbling |
December 13-16
Jew Eugenicists Mix Species | 700 Policemen Protect Nazi Rally | Jew Eugenics Destroys Labor | ADL's Anti-Christian Hutzpah | Israel Mobilizes Against Iran | Spielberg Film Untrue? | Hamas Cancels Ceasefire | Nazis Rally in Toledo Again | Nazi Radio Covers March | Rabbi Wants Iran Sanctioned | Christian Right Warns ADL | Toledo Nazis Facing Cold Times |
December 8-12
Hitler Comedy Coming to Israel | Racism Rampant in Israel | Greedy Jewish Oligarchs Parcel Out Russia | Jewish Christmas Grinch | Israel Ruining Gaza Elections? | "Win in Court & Get Deported" | List of Jews in White House | Jew Watch Radio News | ADL's Next Guilt Toy | Nazi Party Worm Infects World |Christmas Jail 4 David Irving | 'Close Israel' Says Kiev University |
December 5-7
Anti-Jew Heretics Being Jailed | Jordan Hotel Bombs Mossad? | ADL Working Against Christians | Pope First Citizen of Bethlehem | ADL: Ukraine Freedom NOT! | Schumer: Iraq Elections Forced Nukes for Xmas Or Yet More Mossad Disinformation? | Spielberg's Peace Delusions | Netanyahu: Let's Hit Iran! | Disney's Jew CEO Robert Iger | Oy! Vey! Xmas! Rhetoric | Le Pen, 'Gas Chamber Mere Detail' |
December 1-4
Who Rules Anti-Immigrant Assns? | Jews - Missile Attack Gaza | Jackie Mason: 'I Love Xmas' | Why Jews Dominate Porno | JEW: Those Anti-French Moslems! | Jews: Tax Extremists R Menace | Israelis Kill Retarded Teen | 'Jews Will Rape Gaza Again' | Semitic Anti-Arab Hate Spewed |Barbie's Non-Aryan Jewish Roots  | Europeans vs. Jews VIDEO | Harvard Jew: "Kill All Aryans!" |


2007  |  JAN  |  FEB  |  MAR  |  APR  |  MAY  |  JUN  |  JUL  |  AUG  |  SEP  |  OCT  |  NOV  |  DEC  |  ALL 2007  |
2006  |  JAN  |  FEB  |  MAR  |  APR  |  MAY  |  JUN  |  JUL  |  AUG  |  SEP  |  OCT  |  NOV  |  DEC  |  ALL 2006  |
  2005  |  NOV  |  DEC  |  ALL 2005  |

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