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March 31, 2007
| Released Female Sailor:  I've Been Sacrificed to the Selfish Needs of the Blair and Bush War Mongers | Oil Spikes at $69, the Fabulously Reward for All of This Pro-Israeli War Mongering | New Zionist City's Guilliani 'A Part of the Problem' During 911 | War Lord Blair Attempts to 'Spin' Sailor Apology Video as 'Disgusting' and 'Illegal' but Does Not Find Much Traction for His Position |

March 30, 2007
| America's Disgraceful War for AIPAC's Dirty Little Israel: Bombers Kill at Least 122 in Shiite Markets in One of Iraq's Deadliest Days | The Deadliest Days in America's Needless and Immoral War in Iraq | Iraq's Citizens Increase Their Deadly Attacks in Green Zone | American Army May be Crippled by Equipment Shortages for Years After the Immoral War | Mayor Bloomberg Turns to the Politics of War Mongering | Arab Leaders Offer 'Guarded' Peace Plan, U.S. Terror Nation Pleased | Israeli Zionazi State Rejects Peace with Palestine, Sec. Condoleezza Rice Drives into Ditch | Israel Rescues Palestinian Village Where Floods Killed 5 | Israel Fires Into Gaza, Saying Rocket Attack Was Near, Offers No Proof | Christian Zionist Movement Offers Even Larger Wars and New Holocausts for Jews | Out of the Dark, Israel Nazi State Diplomatically Insults The Vatican and the Pope | War Mongering Israel Hungrily Slobbers as Western Nations Sanction Iran | Film Raises Questions About Israel's Misuse of Military Power | UN Committee Urges Israel to Revoke the Citizenship Law, Dismantle the Wall, Bind the Jewish National Fund to Anti-Discrimination Principles, and Recognize the Unrecognized Villages | Israel Bolsters Troop Levels inside Syria's Precarious Golan Heights | Green Peace Slams Israeli Terror State's Illegal Nuclear Horde | Israel's Clashing Perspectives |

March 29, 2007
| Pro-Zionist Blair Calls Video of British Prisoners "Totally Unacceptable" | Russians Report U.S. Empire Troops Near Iran Preparing Another for War for Israel | Saudi King Slams 'Illegitimate Occupation of Iraq' | AIPAC Court Considers 'Silent Witness' Method to Shield Defense Secrets | AIPAC Gives High Awards to 6 Yeshiva Students for Excessively Promulgating Pro-Israeli Terror State Propaganda | Wexler Disagrees with George Soros | Secretary Rice Pulls Back, Jewish Lobby Pressure on Democratically Elected Hamas Government Recognition Hoped for Yields Evil Fruit | Britain Must Accept Arrest in Iran Waters | 12 Killed in Iraq Attacks One Day After 120 Slaughtered in Northern Town | New Iraq Sweeps Shove Hundreds of Detainees into Crowded, Cruel Prisons As Pro-Zionist America's War of Anti-Moslem Horrors Escalates | Angry Iraqi Police Illegally Murder Sunnis | Military Enslavement Issue: Involuntary Draft of Ex-Marines | Republicans Whose Supporting Cast of Clients Feast Well On the Profitable Iraq War See President's Immoral Veto as Way to Keep their Supporting Banksters in the Green | Jewish Reportress in the Darkening Ruins of Sunni Baghdad |

March 28, 2007
| Hated U.S. President George Bush Who Lied to Start a War Now Threatens Non-European Iran with Dangerous European Convoy of Aircraft Carriers | History:  U.S. Navy Started Because of Piracy on the Barbary Coast | Jewish Neocons Inside the Bush Administration | Blair's Gulf-Of-Tonkin Canard:  Troops Were Never in Iranian Territory | Ominous Silence in Iran | Anti-Defamation League Which Regularly Demonizes Many Groups, Allegedly Accuses Jim Robertson of Emulating the ADL in this Respect | Oil Spikes on Rumors War Has Broken Out Between Pro-Zionist European Colonial Powers and the Non-Zionist Republic of Iran | Blair Warns Iran of 'Different Phase' If Britain's Border Crossing Troops Are Not Released | NY Times Iran Study Guide | Senate Keeps Pull Out Date in Iraq Bill | 66 Killed as Truck Bombs Strike Markets in Iraq | U.S. Occupation Leaders Who Murdered Approximately 700,000 Iraqis and Destroyed Iraq's Infrastructure in the Last 4 Years, Calls the Kettle Black by Criticizing Iraq's Government for Not Spending a Measley $12.5 Billion It Controls to Repair Less than 1% of the Damage Done by U.S. War Crimes | Acting Surgeon General:  Long-Term Military Morale a Concern for Neglect of Its Wounded |

March 27, 2007
| Internet Wins:  No One Sure If Newspapers in Ten Years Will Publish on Pulp Paper | Sean Penn Gives Rave Anti-Bush Speech to Roaring Crowd | MP3 Audio of Sean Penn's Speech | German Neo-Nazi Happenings Up, But Only 1,100 Acts of Violence in a Nation of 82 Million Fewer Than 1 in 75,000 Persons Commits Such Acts | 3rd Jewish Zionist Elected to Aussie Parliament, but the Miniscule Minority of Aussie Jews Still Whine | Aussie Jewish Zionist Election News | 'Noble Jew' Hitler Saved in New Politically Correct Anti-Hitler Book | Bistro Sues Former Mashgiach in Kosher Libel Spew | The Last Jew in Afghanistan | Churchill: Jew Lover? Jew Hater? | R.I.P. Chester Cohen, 67, Jew Who Loved Christmas | 2,781 Soldiers Dead Since Capture of Saddam | 25,000 Soldiers Wounded in America's Worthless AIPAC War for Israel | Jewish and Non-Zionist, He Explains Why ADL and Israel Overuse the Term 'Anti-Semitic' and Cause Much of the Problem Through Unwise Actions | Nuclear Master Races in U.N. Increase Penalties for Nuclear Poor Iran for Wanting to do the Exactly the Same as They Have Done | David Irving Visits Auschwitz, Says No Gas Chambers Existed, but Zionist Nations Won't Even Consider This Scholar's Knowledge Base | Let's Be Open-Minded and Serious. If the Holocaust Stories Reflect Honest Reality of German Genocide Against the Jewish People, How Could these Survivors be Around to Meet 62 Years Later? They Lived in those Same Concentration Camps. The Germans Were Supposed to be So Relentless in Killing Jews. Wouldn't They Already Be Dead? |

March 26, 2007
| Jews for Le Pen | Class Struggle in the Zionist State | Four Hours of Free Holocaust Research Videos | 5 Non-Jewish G.I.'s Die in Lost Iraq for Zionists Who Donate to AIPAC | Iran Seeks to Bring Iraq into Its Field of Influence in Its Fight with the Dangerous Colonial Military Power of the U.S. Terror Nation | 130 Helicopters Lost in Iraq, Afghanistan | U.S. Military Deaths at 3,240 Non-Jews in the 'Going Nowhere War' for Jews Who Support Israel Over America | War Monger Cheney Rules Out Early End to Zionism's War in Iraq | Zionist America's Occupied Iraq After 4 Years of Killing | The Impeachment Chronicles: Latest Reported Iraq Death Toll, 1 Million Non-Jews, All of Them Killed by AIPAC's Jewish Politics in the White House | 17 Corpses Found in Baghdad | Can American Jews Unplug the Jewish Lobby? | Jerusalem Institute Questions Post-Diaspora Kitniyot Abstinence |

March 25, 2007
| 1,000 Rally in Oakland, Call for End to America's Unwise War for Israel | The AIPAC Girl, Nancy Pelosi, Leaves Iran War In Bush/Cheney Hands | Israel Awaits U.N. Chief | Israel Offers Yet Another Fake Truce to Muck Up Peace Process | World Nuke Powers Lobby U.N. To Maintain War Monger Monopoly | News Report: If You Want to Be Mideast Diplomat, Do Not Have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes | Israel's Jewish Russian Billionaire King Maker is in the Wings | Israel's Only Non-Jewish Moslem Governmental Official Is Sole Spokesman for Peace | Water Babies | U.N. Sec. Gen. Checks in with Mubarak of Egypt on Peace Talks | No Plans to Alter Arab Position, Israel Must Pull Back to Pre-1967 Borders | George Soros Scoured for Suggesting Negotiating with Duly Elected Government of Hamas | Britain Bans Military for Using Cluster Bombs that Don't Self-Destruct | Iran: Brits Admit Illegal Entry into Iran Territory | U.S. House Votes for Pull-Out Date, Bush Rants About Unlimited Kill Time | 60 Iraqis Die in Person Delivered Bombs | Iran Unrepentant Over Holding Brit Troop Border Spoilers | Democrats Pass Deceptive Iraq Funding Bill | Soros Won't Take On AIPAC (Yet) |

March 24, 2007
| Is Abe Foxman Ruining the ADL? | Zionist Controlled America Does Not Prosecute Illegal Aliens Until their Sixth Arrest | Egypt:  Zionists Must Accept Mecca's 'Land for Peace Plan' Before Negotiations Continue | Peres: Israel Wrong to Start Lebanon War | Israel Turns Gaza into a Jewish Guarded Virtual Prison | Gilad Shalit Spectacle Going Nowhere | Oh, Me, Oh, My... ADL Says Anti-Semitic Incidents Are Declining... Can It Be?... | Students Go to the Jew's ADL Camp to Envision a Jewish Vision of a Distorted America, a 'Nation of Immigrants', While Time Runs Out for the Naive, Stupid Europeans Who Are Quietly Allowing Themselves to Be Replaced by Other Races by Zionist Authored Laws | The Jew Watch Project Joins the ADL in Soundly Condemning Anti-Semitic Wall Drawings Scrawled Outside a Jewish Alderman's Office in Chicago | To Fill the Void from Declining Anti-Semitism, Jewish ADL Turns to Critiques of Anti-Immigrant Bias Among Americans to Keep the Jewish Caldrons of Hate Accusations Against the Majority Boiling | The Disgusting Zionist Destruction of a Once Very Livable Republic of Iraq | Iran Seizes 15 British Soldiers |

March 23, 2007
| Jewish Billionaire George Soros: 'Demolish the Wall of Silence Protecting AIPAC'  | AIPAC Undermining American and Israeli Best Interests | U.N. Chief Ducks as Bomb Blasts Green Zone | Zionist Elites Gang Up to Maintain Vicious Monopoly, Cadaver Upstart Youtube | European Commission President Warns ADL and Other Bolshevik Inspired Political Correctness Propaganda Efforts 'Are Killing Our Freedoms' | Zionist Bill to Legalize Mexican Scab Labor Slides Us Toward National Genocide | Bolton Defends Zionism's Deadly War Against Hezbollah's Occupation Resistance | Split Emerging Between Israel, U.S., and Europe Over Approach to Palestinians | Racist Israel to Paint Palestinians as Vile, Evil Beings for Just Wanting to Come Back Home | Hooters Heads for Israel. Is It Kosher? | Dershowitz Offers Sober Assessment of Israel's Lesser Place in the World | U.S. Officials: Iraq Reconstruction Best With Problems But Improving |

March 22, 2007
| New Gallup Poll Shows 77% of American Jews Oppose War | Olmert Unlikely to Survive Inquiry into Lebanon War | 'No Hamas Leader Will Ever Recognize Israel' | Non-Jewish Christian News Loses All Religious Credibility as it Reveals Abject Hostility and Prejudice Toward Arabs as Oppressors and Its Support For the Disgraced Zionist Terror State | Intolerance and Racism Increases in Israel as 39% Prefer Not to Live with Arab Neighbors | Reform Jewish Movement--Note the Utter Chaos of Religious vs. Secular Jews in Israel and Reform's Scramble to Gain More Influence | Can American Jews Unplug Dangerous and Subversive AIPAC? | Poll: More than Half of Israelis Support Right of Diaspora Jews to Criticize Israel | British Muslim Leader Moves Towards Reconciliation with Jews and Using Their Successful Manner of Integrating into the U.K. | Jews Barred from Renting Apartments in Nice, France | Israel Continues to Ask World to Boycott Palestine for Israel Who Is Sadistically Occupying and Abusing that Nation | U.S. Envoy Defies Israel by Holding Talks with Palestinian Envoy | Olmert, Perez Testimonies on Lebanon War Will be Released in April | PM Olmert Fumbles and Tumbles |

March 21, 2007
| Iraq's Illegal Colonial Government Follows Orders of its Zionist Masters Who Control the United States, Hangs the Former Deputy of the Legally Elected Government of President Saddam Hussein | Jury Gives Out 10-Year Sentence for G.I. Who Ordered His Troops to Release and Kill Escaping Iraqis | Iraqi Casualties Monday | Read the List of AIPAC's Jewish Demands Which It Arrogantly Places upon the Non-Jewish People of America | ADL Counts only 1,554 Anti-Semitic Incidents in U.S.A. or Only 1 Incident for Every 193,050 Americans | "Jewish Comment" Withdraws Its Alleged Slur Against Galloway Rather than Go to Court to Defend It |

March 20, 2007
| White House Zionists Seeking Gonzales Replacements | Gonzales Support Collapses | AIPAC'S Treasonous Conference in Washington DC | The Four Unspeakable Truths: What Politicians Won't Admit About Iraq | Australian Detainee at Guantanamo Writes of Beatings by America's Thug Guards | More than 100 Arrested Nationwide Protesting the War for Israel and Its Zionist AIPAC Operative in Washington DC | Anti-Hillary Movie | Israel Declares Lebanon Expedition a War for Financial Savings | Israel Issues Faked Documentary Saying Israel Murdered Israeli POW's When In Fact Israel Was the Killer of Egyptian POW's | 4 Years, Still No Handle on War for Israel |

On Assignment

March 18, 2007
| Former French Prime Minister Attacks Jewish Lobby as Essentially Selfish, Unrealistic, and Dishonest | War for Israel Enters New Violent Realm with Chlorine Gas Dirty Bomb Injuring 356 Citizens in Baghdad | 'More Pampering for Israel, Anyone?' | Passports Requests to America's Emerging Fascist Regime's New Passport Regulations Up 44% with 10 Week Waiting Period | Iran Vows to Defend Nuclear Program, Warns U.S. Terror Nation Not to Make Any 'Stupid Move' | Delays in Power Plant Program Strengthens Iran's Resolve | Thanks to President Bush's Illegal War for Israel, Iran Now Plays an Ever Increasing Economic Role Inside Iraq, Weakening America's Mideast Hegemony | Russia Soon to Stand Tall Against Present U.S. Fascist Regime's Aggression | American Terror State's Fascist Hate for the Lost U.S. Colony of Iran Is the Major Problem in Resolving Issues with Teheran | Iran-Armenian Oil and Gas Pipeline to Begin Operation on Monday Giving Armenia More Independence from Russia's Cruelly Capitalistic Oil Pricing Hegemony | Indonesian Academics Praise Iran's Challenges to the West's Colonial Aggression | Known Liar White House Pretends Lost Memory of Attorney Firings, Support for Gonzales Among Republicans Takes Huge Dive |

March 17, 2007
| Politicians, Bankers, Corporate Zionists and Non-Zionists Alike Threatened by House of Prostitution Wanting to Sell and/or Publicize the Names of Its Johns | Jewish Markets Reeling, Real Estate Bubble Areas Soon To Crash with 40%-50% Declines | Zionists Eschew Palestinian Government Without Recognition of Israel's Right to Its Many Stolen Lands, Apartheid Walls, No Right to Return, Genocide of Arabs, and Destruction of Moslem Heritage | Human Rights Group: Israeli Terror State's Thugs Must Cease to Use Children as Their Human Shields | World Jewish Congress Infighting Ends with Firing of Israel Singer | Israel: Solana Should Focus on Syrian Terrorism, Not Golan Withdrawal | Egyptian Protest Over Illegal Murder by Israeli Thug Army of Its Prisoners of War |

March 16, 2007
| Petty Government Goons Trend Toward Internet Censorship | Adolf Hillary: As A Self-Confessed Zionist, Ms. Clinton Sees U.S. Troops Staying in Iraq In Yet Another AIPAC Regime | Obama's Totally Disgusting Speech at AIPAC Represents His Total Sell Out of American Interests in the Middle East Just to Make the Rothschild Banking System Salivate Over His Presidency | Text of Obama's AIPAC Speech, Notice the Racist Anti-Arab Overtones Cloaked in the Acceptably Bigoted Hate Word 'Hezbollah' | Text of Many Speeches at AIPAC by Other Well-Paid American Sell Outs to the U.S. Israel Conspiracy Giant | Revealing New AIPAC Leadership Speeches by Some Alleged Unregistered Agents of a Foreign Power | Dr. Robert Faurisson, Respected Holocaust Truth Historian, Sues for Defamation | Iranian Jew Elected Beverly Hills Mayor | Democratic Missteps in Handling Iraq War Indication of Insidious Subversion of the Donkey Party by AIPAC's Money Operatives | Iran Against '300' - Stumbles into the Cultural Blind Side with 'Psychological Warfare' Accusation over an Entertaining Comic Book Movie | Iran Says U.S., Israel Threaten Security of the Middle Eastern Nations |

March 15, 2007
| Zionist Neocons Struggle to Keep Lost Iraq War Off Front Page by Tossing the Department of Justice to the Washington News Whores | Firing of 8 Attorneys Puts Attorney General Hernandez in the Congressional Hot Seat | U.S. Israeli Empire Army Commander Allegedly Orders G.I. to Unchain, Then Kill Escaping Non-Jewish Prisoners in Baghdad | Corruption of Law:  Prosecutors Allegedly Obtain Typical Legalized Bribery Agreement with G.I. Who Will Then Receive only 18 Year Murder Sentence in Return for Cooperating in Cases Against Comrades | Monopolist Media Jews at Both Viacom and Google/YouTube Argue Over Freedom of Press v. Copyright Issues in Pursuit of Money | Lord Black, Owner Emeritus of The Zionist Jerusalem Post and other Media Properties, Begins Trial for $80 Million in Alleged Looting of the Hollinger Media Empire | Zionist Controlled Dems Pass Same Budget as their Zionist Republican Counterparts | Google to Frustrate Zionist FBI Goons, Will Purge Search Records Sooner  to Protect Anonymity of Users | Gonzales In Trouble as Tide Turns Against 'Team Texas' | Terrorist Paranoia Hits Chiquita Banana Company with $25 Million Fine for Aiding Terrorists in Protection Shakedown | Zionist Engineered Political Correctness Fetishes Have Entered the National Culture, Cause Exponential Increases in Frivolous Harrassment Complaints for Little or Nothing, Offering Lucrative Lawsuits Against American Deep Pocket Corporations for Thousands of Zionist Attorneys | World Powers with U.S. Israel Empire Financial and Trade Ties Increase Their Sanctions Against Iran in Newest Triumph of Wills for the Rothschild Banking Order |

March 14, 2007
| AIPAC's Deal with the Christian Zionist Devil | Jew Murray Rothstein alias Sumner Redstone of Viacom Sues Youtube | Hillary Calls for Attorney General Gonzales to Resign Over Bush's Politicized Firing of Attorneys | State Department Cast Scapegoat Chief of Staff to the Wolves over Firing | Building the New Nazi Ubermensch | Evil Zionazi Thugs Invade Nablus, Round Up Non-Jewish Inferior Palestinians for Torture and/or Arrests | Syria and Iran Work Against International Conspiracies of the U.S. and Its Zionist Masters | Jews Trashing Jews Engaged in Rebellious Fights Against Zionism | Jewish Anti-Defamation League's Abe Foxman Casts Hateful, Bigoted Ad Hominem Attacks Against Leaders of Christianity | Saudi FM Slams Israel on Peace Plan Terms | U.S., Israel Storm Out of U.N. Conference Like Teen Brats After Iran Said Israel Has Nukes and Is the Problem |

March 13, 2007
| Halliburton Outrageously Scrambles to Move Its Entire Operation to Dubai | America's Nazi War Criminal President Asks Congress for 8,200 More Troops in Addition to the 21,500 Cannon Fodder Troops Already Approved in the Mideast War for Israel | AIPAC's Covert and Overt Ops | Russia Delays Iran's Nuclear Plant Due to Slow Payments | U.S. Withdrawal Strategy includes Questionable Training of Iraq Army | Israel Pulls Its Naked Ambassador from El Salvador | Vice President Cheney Affirms in Public to AIPAC that America Readily Accepts Zionist Control of its Government and Policies | Chavez Launches Biting Attack on Zionist America's Capitalist Plans for the World | Mexico Has the Audacity to Object to Non-Zionist Americans Briefly Crossing the Border into Mexico to Put Out a Fire, While 3,000,000 Mexicans Cross Thousands of Miles into America over the Same Border Every Year |

March 12, 2007
| Winston Churchill Wrote Jews Were 'Partly Responsible' for the Antagonism They Suffered | Attack on Holy Moslem Pilgrims in Iraq Kills 32 Non-Jewish Innocents in America's War for Israel | U.S. Terror State Now Conspiring with Israel and Saudi Arabia | Al-Qaida's Zawahiri Lashes Out at Hamas Over "Surrendering to Israel" | Israel Wants Olmert Out, Elections Now | German Bishops See Racist Israel First Hand | Syria Fed Up With Zionist Games, Deploys Thousands of Missiles Near Israel | Egypt Investigating Claims Israel Murdered 250 Soldiers in Desert in 1967 War | Israeli PM Predicts Attack on Iran | AIPAC Speaker Hopes US Gets Nuked After Israel Provokes War with Russia |

March 11, 2007
| AIPAC Meets in Washington DC to Further Force the U.S. Government to Embrace The Inhumane Israeli Fascist Menace | Laughable Christian Zionism's Gluttonous Minister John Hagee to Speak to AIPAC | Israeli Fascists Unveil Army Robot for Safe Long Distance Killing of Human Prey | Israel Unveils Potentially Deadly Unmanned Heron-UAV Drone Capable of 30 Hour Flights | Jews Riled as German Bishops Draw Direct Parallels Between Germany's Warsaw Ghetto and Israel's Gaza-West Bank Concentration Camp | Iranian Official Kidnapped in Turkey by U.S. Israel Empire, Possibly Tortured | Elitist New York Times Advocates Rich People Leave Second Homes in 'The Hampton's' for Israel | Inhumane Israel's Zionazi Occupation Forces Use Palestinian Teens as their Human Shields | Egypt Bars Israeli Diplomat Upon Pain of Incarceration for Personally Murdering 20 Captured Egyptian Soldiers In Sinai | Israeli Thug Minister Admits Making Mistakes, Egypt Will Not Sever Relations with the Israeli Terrorist Nation | Democrat Party Faithful Angered by Inability of Their Party to Follow Through For Fast End to the War for Israel | German Woman and Son Captured, Will be Killed Unless Germany Withdraws in Ten Days | U.S. Commander in Iraq Says Military Cannot Handle the Job of Protecting Captive Colony from Harm | Administration Lying on Iraq, Experts Say No Progress |

March 10, 2007
| U.N. Agrees With The Jew Watch Project, Tells Israel to Stop Its Atrocious Settlements, Roadblocks, Walls, Tortures, Harassments, Killings, Bulldozings Aimed at the Occupation Inside Arab Nations | Israeli Army Thugs Accused of Using Palestinians/Arabs as Human Shields | European Colonialist Powers Hysterical to Have Israel Recognized by Palestinians | Olmert Admits War in Lebanon Planned Years Before the Ruse about the Non-Existent Kidnapping Of Israeli Started |

March 9, 2007
Gutless Democrats Propose Another Non-Binding Demand to Pullout in Far Distant 2008 | U.S. Hate State Presents Deceptive Waste-Of-Time Case Against another Arab, Demonstrating America's Pro-Israeli - Anti-Moslem Bigotry | China Proposes Landmark Law Legalizing Private Property as It Slowly Emerges from Communist Theory | New Commander in Iraq Won't Rule Out More Troops | Non-Jewish Americans Can Go to Hell: Jews at AIPAC Work Against Non-Jewish American Interests in Hard Line Against Iran | Zombi American Media Just Reports Idiot Ideas of Jewish Southern Poverty Law Center without Questioning their Veracity |

March 7-8, 2007
| Deadly Bacteria Rampant in Israeli Hospitals | Hamas Suddenly Promises 'Total Ceasefire' for End to Boycott, Israel Skeptical | Israeli Occupation Force Arrests 18 Palestinian Youths, Calling them 'Activists' | Liar Israel Says It Did Not Kidnapped Iranian General Who Disappeared in Turkey, Says Israel Does Not Kidnap People |

March 6, 2007
| "My First Visit to Auschwitz," by a Jewish Investigator | Report -- Hitler Hired by Old Illuminati Elitists to Start World War Two: 'Was Not Even an Anti-Semite | Aussie Jews Challenge Zionism | Jews Barred from Renting Apartments in Nice, France | Abolish Law of Return, Absorb Arabs into Israel's System | Buried Alive: Life Inside the Entombment Wall | Jerusalem's Intolerant Museum of Intolerance | Examining Jerusalem's Jesus Tomb | Zionazi Israel Wants to Put Even More Financial Screws onto the Fledgling Democracy | Israel Contracts to Supply U.S. Regime of Terror with Armored Vehicles for its Colonial Adventures in Iraq | Palestinians Rush to Stock up on Food and Water Before Israeli Murder Army Returns to their Gaza and West Bank Concentration Camps After Purim | Poll: World Sees Israel and Iran as the Two Most Negative Nations on the Planet | Killing 2,000 Arabs in Lebanon War Made Zionism's Militarist Thugs Extremely Horney:  Pregnancies Increase 35 Percent | Killings in Iraq Continue Unabated Despite Pro-Zionist U.S. Crackdown | Civilian Deaths Continue to Rise in U.S. War Against Afghan's Civilization | NY Observer: Libby Trial Exposes Neocon Shadow Government |

March 5, 2007
| The Day Rupert Murdoch Bet His Entire Media Empire and Won | Israel and U.S. Nuclear Terror States Conspire as the Mideast's Most Aggressive Colonialist Allies to Deny Iran the Sovereign Right to Nuclear Discovery | Iran Issuing New High Denomination Currency with Nuclear Symbol | Iran Ready to Strike Against the West Using Pre-Planted Operatives in Case of War | 'Israel Could Move Dozens of Settlements' Which are Really Military Strongholds in the Palestinian Concentration Camps | Egypt Summons Israeli Ambassador to Explain The Israeli Terrorist State's Alleged Murder of 250 Captured Soldiers at the End of the 1967 War | Zionist Israeli Terrorist Thugs Wound 3 Palestinians, Kidnap 2 Others | South African and Israeli Apartheid Compared Around the Globe | Kuwait Seeks Total Ban on Trade with Israel | Patriots Against the Cruel U.S. Fascist Occupation of Iraq Post First Video |

March 2, 2007
| White House Jewish Neocons Want War with Iran No Matter How Much Cost | Human Rights Groups Accuse Israel of Using Palestinians as Human Shields in War Time | A Worthless Obama Licks Up Under the Israeli Zionist Foe | 5 Palestinian Teenagers Kidnapped Near Gaza Border by the Israeli Terror State | 1,400 Propagandized Christians and Jews in Oregon Rally Irresponsibly for the Vicious Israeli Terror Nation | U.N. Forces Israel to Release an Innocent Teenager Kidnapped by Uniformed Jewish Army Thugs in Lebanon | Russia Wants Israel to Join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty | Israeli War Mongering State, Stuffed to the Gills with American Weaponry, Fears Peaceful Syria Is Being Supplied the Same Way by Russia | Israel Moves Toward Solar Energy | Iran Kills 17 Rebels, Loses 4 Soldiers | Already Discredited United States Highly Vulnerable to Mideast Devastation If It Attacks Iran Even in the Smallest Manner | Liar McCain: U.S. Victory in Iraq Is Possible | Iraq Disaster Roundup: At Least 10 Killed, 17 Injured, 14 Kidnapped | 3,161 American Dead for Selfish Little Israel's AIPAC Traitors | Colorado State University Honors Unproven Claims of 12 Million Dead in Holocaust With Very Little Supporting Forensic Supporting Evidence |

March 1, 2007
| How Jews Started World War Two | Palestinian Concentration Camp Borders Ordered Closed by the Occupying Zionist Master Race During Holidays | Jewish Master Race Pulls Out of Nablus After 5 Days of Occupation Hell | Israel's Real Intention is Long-Term Control of Arab Lands and Nations | Fatah Accuses Israel of Attempting to Achieve Normally Impossible Political Advantages Through Its Illegal, Deadly Militaristic Methods | Israeli Blood State Comes Begging in Washington DC for Even More and Deadlier Military Weapons with Which to Murder Even More Arabs and Blacken America's Mideast Reputation Further | Israeli Terror State, Known for Deception, Reports that Syria Has Moved Its Military Infrastructure Close to Israeli Border Which Of Course Makes No Sense As ThisWould Make Syrian Assets Easier to Steal or Destroy by the Israelis in a Swift Border War | Nearly 1,000 Government Staffers Gather for Zionist Propaganda While on the Government's Dole Presented by Known Rabid Zionists in AIPAC's Annual Pro-Zionist Mideast Policy Seminar |


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