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January 31
| State of Union Address Cloaks Zionism, Neocons, AIPAC Spies, Jack Abramoff, Irwin Liebowitz (Scooter Libby) | Police Yank Cindy Sheehan From Hall | Pro-Zionist Rice Criticizes UN On Iran | Hamas Will Not End Violence Against Israel | Israel and Hamas Face Consequences of Win | Two Zionist Industrial Spyware Conspirators Deported to Israel for Trial | Jewish Black Holocaust | 'These Pigs on the Face of the Earth' | High Risk Game of Nuclear Chicken | Florida Hits Second Place in ADL's Hate State Sweepstakes | Hamas Victory Is Good News | AJC Mourns Anti-Majority Racist Coretta King | Minority Jew Will Lead Majority's National Prayer Breakfast | Jewish Anti-American Spy David Greenglass | Pro-Zionist Bush True Enemy of America | Zionist Dominated Voice of America Discusses Hamas Pros and Cons | Jew Harshly Criticizes Mossad in New Book | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links |

January 30
| AIPAC Spy Case Might Weaken Jewish Hegemony in USA | Mossad Pushes 'Islamofascist Hate' Inside Christian Churches | Rabbis Whine About Hamas | Wolfowitz Streamlines World Banking Hegemony | Rothchild Family Mansion For Sale | Jews Attack Sports Fan Speech Freedoms in Roman Sports Stadium | Hitler Was a "British" Agent | Proper vs. Improper Uses of Anti-Semitism | Racist ADL Hate Manual Propagandizes Denver Children | Jewish Media Property Alleged to Have Attacked Christian Conservatives | Swastika Painted on Sleeping Gang Leader's Forehead Causes Prison Fight | Newspaper Puts Safe Jewish Spin on Nazi Rally in Seattle | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links |
January 29
| Iran Can Support Hamas Without USA | Jewish Fed Chairman Must Act Fast | Jews Dominate Family, Women & Sex Issue Organizations | Fatah Leader Fears Assassins | Israel Talks Tough | Chaos at Saddam's Zionist Show Trial | New Middle East Reality Cannot Be Ignored | Did Mossad Kill Wrong People in Munich? | Anti-Semitism Finds Expression in Russia | 'We'll Never Recognize Israel' | Bush Gets Warnings To Hide Nothing About Super Zionist Jack Abramoff | Unilateral Pullout Policy Threatens Israeli Terror State | Terrorists Target Israel's Annex--the USA | Bush Has No Clue About Middle East | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links |
January 28
| Terrified Diplomats Face Hamas | Judeo-Citizen Greenstein Now Jewish Federation Leader | Hamas More Popular Than Hitler | Atheist ADL Hate Talk Surrounds New Bill to Return Ten Commandments | Israel's Known Shin Bet Terrorists | Zionist Racism Lobbies Boston | Adolf Hitler's Paintings For Sale | Hamas Wants Its Militants in Palestine's Army | Christians Say, "We Voted Against What Israel Has Done" | Iran's President Ahmadinejad's Nationalism | Hamas Vows to Work with West | Jewish Controlled Fashion Industry | Cindy Sheehan Threatens Diane Feinstein | Europe's Leaders Remember Vanishing Holocaust As Auschwitz Numbers Decline from 4.5 Million to Less than 1.5 Million | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links |
January 27
| Frightened Israel Hunkers Down | 2% Jewish Minority ADL Guilty of Gentile Harassment | Hamas Surveys Its Catbird Seat | $46 Million ADL Hate Scam Offers Stingy $5,000 Reward | Hamas Has No Plan to Recognize Israel | The Tyranny of Israel Over America | Jewish Actor Ben Affleck Sells Kisses in UK to Buy Diapers for Baby | European Nations Still Conspiring Against Palestinian Voters | Fatah Activists Riot, Burn Cars, Demand Its Corrupt Leaders Resign | Exiled Hamas Leader Rejects All Compromise | Jews & the U.S. Government File # 5 | 14 Israeli Political Prisoners Elected | Mosque Riots Between Followers of Fatah and Hamas | Discussion of Arab Politics, Anti-Semitism, and Middle East Power | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links |
January 26
| Anti-Zionist Hamas Wins Palestinian Landslide | Zionist Co-Conspirator Condoleezza Rice Disgusted by Hamas Victory | President Bush Rejects Hamas Party's Anti-Zionism Mandate | War Declared on Zionist Dominated Spy Ware | Israel Tried to Kill Bin Laden in 1996 | Zionism's ADL Spewing Pro-Mossad / Anti-Hamas Hate to Entire World | Stopping the Iranian Bomb | 'Zionist USA Applies Inconsistent Democracy Overseas' | Iran Accuses Colonial Powers in Iraq of Causing Explosions | 'Iran Nuclear Issue A Mossad Deceit to Blackmail USA in Higher Funding' | 'Hamas Leader Says, 'Recognizing Israel Not on Our Agenda' | Pro-Zionist & Hate-Driven ADL Successfully Forces the World Economic Forum to Grovel Before Its Miniscule Minority Feet | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links |
January 25
| Fatah vs. Hamas Election Close | Europe & America Seek Weak Iran | 'The Jewish Banker Conspiracy' | U.K. Accused of Bombing Iran | Iran Can Put Israel into 'Eternal Coma' | A Neutered Israel Lobby | Martyrs Brigade Missile Targets All Israeli Cities | AIPAC Spies Frightened by Franklin Sentence for Spying | Jews Control Union & Career Associations | Worried Israel Pulling Out Everywhere But 'Prefers' Negotiations | Panicky Israel Scrambles to Rapidly Complete Apartheid Fences | Anti-Semitic Ethiopian Hate & Wife Bashing by Jews | Dead Silence on Israel's Nukes | Palestine's Stolen Youth | Iran Accepts 'Qualified' Russian Nuke Deal | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links |
January 24
| Jewish ADL Hate Crime Law Applied to Collegiate Gay Razing Fun | Iranian President Sees End of World Order | America's Mossad Torture Chambers | Israel Not Up Beat on Its Future | Zionist Puppet Bush Warns Iran | Israel's Ringworm Children Horror Story | Israel's Foreign Minister Mum on Future of Hamas | Super Zionist's Closest Congressional Phonies | Israel Prepares For War Against Iran | Israel's Poverty Problem | Major Zionist Philanthropist Dies | Iran Threatens Israel's Power in Middle East | 5th Annual Israeli Divestment Conference | Zionist Propagandists Meet in Amsterdam | ADL Spins Alito Victory Into Crazed Fund-Raising Canard | ADL's Abraham Foxman 'Didn't Know' Disgraced Lobbyist Who Attended Same Party...Developing... | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links | January 23
| Palestinian Elections May Have Significant Impact | Conviction of Jewish Spy Franklin May Doom Jewish Lobbying | Norwegian Israeli Citrus Boycott Fails | Palm Beach Post Justifies Its Jewish Focus in Mostly Gentile City | Archive of the Russian Mob | The Jewish People Who Openly Hate Evangelical Christians | ADL's Communist Diversity Propaganda Swallowed Whole Hog by El Paso Reporter | What If Hamas Wins? | Anti-Nuclear Plot Against Iran Thickens | Margaret Sanger Ultimate Zionist Eugenicist | Why Five Jews--Kinsey, Sanger, Dewey, O'Hare, Duranty--Are In Ten Worst Americans List | Jews Pluck another Anti-Gentile Hate Leaf from the Auschwitz Shrub | Miniscule Number of Anti-European Jewish Hate Mongers Attack Peaceful Gentile Russia's Nazi Tolerance | French Comic Burns Jewish Slave Trader Feet on Fire of Public Opinion |
January 22
| Probing the Abramoff-Bush Hang Nail | Israel Bombing Iran 'Fatal Mistake' | Jewish Fund-Raisers Depressed by Drop in Anti-Semitic Acts in France | Israel Mulls Response to Hamas Win | Venezuelan Intellectuals Offer Jew Pandering Anti-Chavez Rants | Remembering Jewish Spy Martin Sobell | Hamas Tests Its Political Balloons | Intolerance Spewed against Anti-Semites by Ukrainian Jew | Acting Zionist Leader Olmert Has Had Enough of West Bank's Reactionary Settler-Fascists | Putin Asks Russia's Legislature to Outlaw Anti-Ethnic Activities | Newspaper Publisher Condemned to Hang by Nuremberg Tribunal | Jewish Diamond Merchants Fly to Israel | Mossad Disinformation Expert Claims Iran Gives $100 Million a Year to Hezbollah | Hamas Will Win Big Before & After Elections |
January 21
| Israel Warns Iran | Assad Says Israel Had Arafat Killed | Israel on Alert as Hamas Leads Poll | Mossad Deceptions May Fuel Imminent Iranian War | Human Rights Watch Condemns Israel | Israel Blames Iran & Syria for Bombing| U.S. Injects $$$ Against Hamas in Election | Light 12-Year Sentence for AIPAC Spy Franklin | Northwestern University Arrest of Moslem Swastika Painter Pleases ADL Spies | Israel Prepares to Bomb Iran's Nuclear Plant | Dangerous Nuclear Double Standard | Hamas Recognition of Israel | Palestinians Doubt Future Will Improve | Israel's Decapitation Policy |
January 20
| Israel Accuses Iran and Syria of Planning Recent Tel Aviv Bombing | U.S., Israel & Europe Brace for Hamas Victory | Simon Peres - Parts of Jerusalem are Negotiable | AIPAC Jewish Traitor Spy Franklin Sentenced to 12 Years | Israel Facing Too Many Problems at Once | 'Munich' Dud in Israeli Theaters | Iran Urges Hamas to Fight On | Israel's Support for Middle East Democracy Fizzles in Public | Israel Removed from U.N. Map | Nuclear Insult to Iran from Israel's Arsenal | Arabs Fear Iran & Israel Nuclear Arms | Germany Says Israel's Nuclear Bombs Are No Reason for Iran to Have Them | Wiping Israel Off the Face of the Earth |
January 19
| Abramoff Elicited Dishonest Rabbis to Improve His Declining Image | Pro-Zionist AP Press Spins Zionist Colonial Invaders as 'Victims' & No Mention of 100,000+ Palestinians Murdered | Millions Reported Stolen in Iraq by Jews | Israel Continues to Abuse, Arrest & Harass Palestinians Running for Parliament | Hamas Possibly on Brink of Historic Political Role | Both Senators Running for Delay's Job Have Received Approved Zionist Propaganda Training During Pre-Paid Trips to Israel | History of Black Listing of Israeli Corporations by Arab States | Jews Lead Mayor by Nose to Israel's Zionist Mind-Control Seminar | View the Archived Pictures of the 35 Zionists Who Appeared on 3 News Shows One Night | Racist Immigrants in Pro-Zionist U.K. Use Typically Jewish Tactics in Demands for Google Become Intellectually Dishonest | Reuters Gives Pro-Zionist Anti-European Spin to Germany's Desire to Reverse Population Declines By Outrageously Mentioning its Nazi Past | Youthful Palestinian Hero Gives His Life to Blow Away 15 Zionists at a Fast Food Restaurant in Tel Aviv |
January 17 & 18
| Colorado University's Zionist-Approved Diversity Propaganda Opposed by Its European Victims | Hilarious Confessions of 'The Rogue Jew' | Teenage Gentiles See a Zionist Courtroom Racially Packed with Non-Europeans | History of Jewish Pornographers | Jews Perform for MLK Day Promoting Zionism's Anti-Majority Coalition | Anti-White Propaganda Arguments Spewed from Hate-Filled Zionist Mouths by ADL Spin Artists in Vail | Jews Exploit 12-Year-Old-Boys to Further Their Racial Divisiveness Rhetoric & to Pose as Victims of Hate Crimes | Czech Gets Suspended 'Thought Crime' Sentence for Not Affirming Zionism's Crumbling Holocaust Myth | Jewish-Russian Spies - Julius & Ethel Rosenberg | Jewish-Russian Mafia Oligarchs Using Expensive Public Relations to Cover Criminal Allegations | Rabbi Spins Lone Attack by Drunk Student into Racist Rhetoric Promoting Intolerant Persecution of Russia's Nationalist Parties | Laughingstock Germany's Anti-Democratic Ernst Zundel Show Trial to Restart Feb. 9 |
January 16
| Jack Abramoff's $10,000 Question | Racist Israeli Parliament Arrogantly 'Permits' East Jerusalem's Vote & Bans Hamas Party in the Lead | First Suspected Case of Bird Flu Hits East Jerusalem | Graphic Israeli Atrocity Pictures From Inside Occupied Palestine | Cutting Through Jewish Media Lies to Face the True Martin Luther King, Jr. | Day One Begins in Britain's Anti-Free-Speech Trial of Innocent BNP Members Using UK's Newest Draconian-Jewish-Written Race Laws | France Rejects Israel's Demands on How France Must Deal with Iran | Graphic Death Pictures in Zionist-Corrupted America's Inhumane War Against Iraq | Zionist Influence Intensifies inside US Puppet Pakistan | Russia Plays Peace-Maker in Jewish-Promoted Iran Nuclear Crisis | Iran's President Asks Lifting of CNN Ban for Spreading Jewish Lies about Iran's Nuclear Program | Jewish Run U.S. State Dept. Threatens Palestinian Aid If Hamas Is Seated in Its Parliament |
January 15
| Zionist Settlers in Hebron Hurl Nazi Salute at Israeli Soldiers | Hamas vs. Fatah | Israeli Soldiers Use Force to Interfere in Islamic Right to Worship Close to Jerusalem | Newest Lists of Jewish Populations by Country | Adolf Hitler 'Hate Crime' Is Possible 'Hoax' by Russian / Jewish Suspects | Chavez Says Simon Wiesenthal & ADL Engaged in Disinformation | Jewish Hatred of Gentiles by Israel Shahak | Arrested Synagogue Right Wing Stabber Shows All of the Signs of a Jewish Provocateur | Zionist Genocide of Palestinians Has Long History | 600,000 Jews in France Focus on 2 Measly Anti-Semitic Events Which Represent Only 1 Event Out of Every 300,000 Jews | Angry & Vengeful Zionist Turns Racist Against Palestinians Voting | World War Two: White-Fascism vs. Judeo-Communism | Israel's Parliament Spins a Positive Stance While Still Interfering in Palestinian Election |
January 14
| 'Judeo-Christian Jerry Falwell Said He Conspired With Zionist Israel Against a U.S. President in Vanity Fair Article' | NY Muslim Leader Agrees with Iranian President's Holocaust Doubts | Jews Running US State Dept. Stop Spain's Sale of Jets to Venezuela Anti-Semite Chavez | State Dept.'s Zionist Controllers Embarrassed That Saddam's Trial Judge May Step Down | ADL's Anti-Christian Hate Offends Judeo-Christians | German Secret Service Issuing Mossad Passports | Shin Bet Criticizes Local Police for Shielding Suspected Jewish Hate Crime Thugs Who Beat Up Palestinians & Vandalized 120 of Their Olive Trees | Sharon's Hard Line Comes Home to Roost | Newspaper Shamelessly Over-Exploits a Few Legal Anti-Zionist Flyers | Shelley Winters Dead Won Oscar for the Anne Frank Movie | American Films Use 'Zionist Persuasion' Techniques Mistakenly Titled as 'Nazi Techniques' in Newspaper |
January 13
| Jack Abramoff's Illegal & Scandal-Ridden Jewish Ventures | Zionist NY Daily News Gratuitously Attacks pro-Hitler Russian for Not Liking Condoleeza Rice | Ariel Sharon's Condition 'Frightening' | Re-Introducing the Jewish Mafia Gangsters of America | Pro-Zionist NATO Opposes Iranian Nuclear Equity | Zionist Apartheid in the Middle East | Britain Interrogates Israeli Ambassador for Illegal Money Laundering | Zionists Find Very Little Resembling Anti-Semitism | Jewish Russian Soccer Oligarch Alexandre Gaydamak Spurs New Zealand Sports Gangster Controversy | Nazi Memorabilia Marketing Case Shows French vs. USA Jurisdictional Issues | Racist U.S. Justice Dept's 'Office of Special Investigations' Pushes to Deport Innocent White Nazi Soldier But Has Never Attempted to Deport Russian Jews Who Ran the USSR's Cruel Gulag System | Mostly Anti-Zionist Moslems Criticize Germany for Preferring European Immigrants |
January 12
| ADL Orders Russia to Destroy Its Neo-Nazi Parties | Jews Rant for Russia to Blame Entire Political Parties for the Lone Act of One Single Madman | Bush Pro-Zionist Administration Lobbies for Israel's Ehud Olmert | ADL's Childish / Racist Rant Against United Church of Christ | Jews Oppose Re-Christianization of Judeo-America | Sharon's Physicians Criticized for Medical Treatments | Jewish Agency for Israel Accepts $50 Million from Known Jewish Arms and Diamond Dealer | West Bank Jews Seek Secession from Israel | Racist Post Modern Colonizing Zionists Call for Total War Against Palestinians | Two Largest Pro-Israel Law Firms Merge |
January 11
| Cowardly / Cruel Moscow Skinhead Shamefully Knifes 8 Jews in Semitic-Owned Building | Hamas Blinks, No Longer Calls for Israel's Destruction | Israel Bans Super Zionist & Jew Blesser Pat Robertson | Moslem Persecuted by British Court for Semitic Views | Israel Watching Bird Flu in Near-by Turkey | Have New York City Jews Adopted Upstart Shicksa Hillary Clinton? | Flap Over Young Jews' Visits to Holy Land | Zionism's Diamond Industry Reaches $6.7 Billion in 2005 | Hajj Pilgrims Ponder Hateful Zionists as Post-Modern Colonialism | Israel's Holocaust Industry Panty in Wad over Iran's Doubts | Zionist Colonial Prison Fence Separating Palestinians from Jerusalem Approved | Media's Over-Reporting of Israel Analyzed |
January 10
| Iran Unlocks Nuclear Reactor - First Step in Nuclear Bombs | Jewish Bankers Prepare for Mortal Asian Flu Pandemic, Dying Millions | Diplomats in Zionist Bank Dominated 3rd World Nations Work for Immigration to Destroy U.S.A. | Howard Stern, the Four Letter Jew | The Ugly Side of Ariel Sharon | The Butcher of Beirut | Jews Led the USSR including the Red Army, KGB, Red Commissars, Siberian Gulags, and the Red Revolution | Christian Apologist Defends Pat Robertson's Sharon Remarks | 'Shady' Shin Bet Claims Thousands of Rifles Smuggled into Gaza for Rebels | Russian Jewish Mafia Gangsters Bring Terror to Australia and New Zealand | Jack Abramoff is Not Alone Among Jewish Looters in Washington | Overly Jewish Judiciary in Judgment Upon Gentile Alito | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links |
January 9
Israel Bans Hamas Campaigns in East Jerusalem | Hate Riot by Israel's Racists | Netanyahu Seeks to Dismantle Sharon's Party | 2 Million Hadj Pilgrims Chant 'Death to Israel' | 'Ben Laden Ordered Israel Strike' | Israel Profits Diplomatically As Iran Nuclear Crisis Escalates | How Christian & Jewish Zionists & Terrorists Undermined the USA | 'Palestinians Won't Miss Sharon' | Islam Doesn't Need American Democracy Shoved Down Its Throat | Abramoff Abused Judeo-Christian Religion to Funnel Bribes to Tom Delay's Aide Hirsch: 'Stop Nuclear Strike Plans for Iran Now' Nazi Salutes in Hitler's Home Town Subject of Probe
January 8
| Jewish Faithful Shamed by Orthodox Jew Jack Abramoff | Orthodox Abramoff's Corruption Scandal Ends Delay's House Leader Position | AIPAC's 2 Jewish Spies Scandal Calls into Question Political Wisdom of Receiving Jewish Lobby's Bribes | Corruption by Jews, Christians & Others Cause USA Disgrace | 'AIPAC & America's Democracy Hypocrisy' in Moslem's News Column | Tense Israel Awaits Doctors Plan to Lift Sharon's Coma & Assess His Mental Abilities | Israel Shamed into Allowing East Jerusalem Vote | Israel Rifts Exposed as Jewish Sects Argue If Sharon Worth Prayers | Israeli Facing Political Gridlock? |
January 7
| CIA-Mossad Sponsored “Rebels” Attack Iran’s Border | Latest Ariel Sharon News | Iran Might Receive Low Grade Plutonium from Russia in Compromise | Will Israel Continue Ariel Sharon's Policies? | Toledo Man Victimized by Racist Black Gangs & Who Was Connected with Peaceful Nazi Protests Now Faces Police Harassments | Arab Film Critics Applaud Spielberg Movie | Abramoff -- End for White House & Congressional Politicians? |
January 6
| Jew Watch's Huge Archive Safely Transferred To New Server in Time | Jew Watch's Scholarly Website Faces Vicious Hate from the Boca Raton News & Its Stick Figure ADL Crony | Latest Arial Sharon News | 'Sharon Is a War Criminal and Should Die Violently' | Jewish Congressmen and Senators Apologize for Corruption of the Government | White House Condemns Pat Robertson's Statement that God Justly Punished Sharon | ADL & Others Inspired by Gay Nazi Holocaust Exhibit | Bombed Zionists Sue NY Bank for Funding Hamas | Mossad Says Bombings Will Increase During Sharon Chaos | Why Russia & Turkey Lose in Any Exit by Sharon | Totally Truthful Remarks by Chavez Are Nonetheless Called 'Anti-Semitic' | America's Darkening Covenant With Israel | Jack Abramoff's Orthodox Jewish Pseudo-Hasidic Homberg Hat |
January 5

| Jew Hate Crime Threatening to End Jew Watch | Latest Arial Sharon News | Sharon's Condition Destroys Many of President Bush's Plans | Major Israeli Parties Seek to Exploit Crisis | Angry ADL & Christian Evangelicans Exchange Words | Jewish Lobbyist's Developing Story | Tyco Admits Paying $1.6 Million to Abramoff | Wolfowitz & Globalism's Growing Disappointment in The Chad | Zionist Moguls Plot to Take Over Mexican Presidency | Mexican Jews Import Illegal U.S. Funds for Fox's Election | Disillusioned Jews Migrate Back to Russia From Israel & USA | Desecrating Religious Cross Is Not a Hate Crime | Cold Weather Damage To a Menorah Not a Hate Crime | Florida Jewish Leaders Gloat Over Anti-Christian Court Ruling |
January 4
| Prime Minister of Occupied Palestine Who Is A Known Lebanon War Criminal Clings to Life on Respirator...Developing... | Sharon Suffers Massive Brain Hemorrhage & Surgeons Attempt to Remove Blood From Sharon's Brain | All Governmental Powers Have Been Transferred to Arial Sharon's Deputy, Ehud Olmert | Palestinians Jubilant About Sharon's Sudden Decline | Sharon's Party Uncertain of its Future | Israel's Jewish Nazis Perpetuate Their Anti-Palestinian Hate Crimes | Worried President Bush Belatedly Returns "Jewish Jack Abramoff's" Tainted Contributions | Israel's Murderous Mafia Continues its Gangland Stabbing and Killing Missions | Israel to Declare War on Terror Against Its Semitic Mafia Leaders | Israel's Streets Rocked by Artillery Shelling by Mafia War Between Jewish Gangster Kingpins | ADL Demands 'Special Treatment' for the Jews by Using the Racist 'Semites-Only' Hate Crime Card | Racist Jews Seek a Seemingly Eternal Inquisition for Elderly Man with No Memory in Estonia | World Scholars Who Back Iran's Position on the Holocaust Hoaxes | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links |
January 3  

| Jack Abramoff - The Jew Who Bought Off Washington | NATO Leaking Unverified Nuclear WMD Reports | ADL Takes Impressionable Student Leaders on Propaganda Brain Washing Tour to Israel | 16-Year-Old Impressionable H.S. Student Taken to the Holocaust Museum in Another ADL Domestic Propaganda Program | Israel Stops Palestinian Campaign | Suspicious Anti-Semitic Graffiti Caused Little Synagogue Damage But Got Huge Propaganda Return | Iran's President Says Anti-Israel and Anti-Holocaust Statements Are Part of a Planned New Moslem Movement | NY Times Story Plays to Jewish Supremacists by Raising WMD Tensions | Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejead's Anti-Israel Statements Printed & Examined | Racist Jewish Lobby Sends 'Disturbing' and  'Dangerous' Letter to Democratic Congressmen | 2nd New Unverified NATO WMD Report Leaked Which Further Begs the Question 'Is a New Zionist World War Starting?' | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links |
January 1-2

| Israelis Bomb Fatah Then Spread Mossad Disinformation, | Only 1 Jew in 10,000 Hate Crime Victims, | Israel's Great Racist Wall Called Everything but a Wall, | Churchill Wanted to Strap Hitler to Electric Chair?, | Jewish Lobby's Media Hate Rant Against the White House on Iran, | Jews Flock to Raunchy Jew Theatres All Over East Coast, | Jews Staged their Own Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes, | Only 334 Hate Victims Among 580,000 Jews in Florida, | An Article on 'New Anti-Semitism' Invented by Israel, | Racist Jews-Only-Race-Rally to be Held in New Orleans, | 'Jew Speak' Style Sheet For Journalists, | Hundreds of Previous Jew Watch News Links |

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