Contacting the National
Bioethics Advisory Commission

by Cheryl Welsh

August 1977

National Bioethics Advisory Commission
6100 Executive Bouldevard Suite 5B01
Rockville, MD  20892-7508
Telephone: (301) 402 4242.

This is a must see website:

C.A.H.R.A., Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse recommends contacting this governmental
commission about stopping nonconsensual human experimentation using electromagnetic and behavioral technologies. There are meetings scheduled throughout the United States and they are open to the public. Cheryl Welsh is encouraging victims, survivors and other interested people to speak out and attend the meetings!

Protection of Human Research Subjects and Creation of National Bioethics Advisory Commission. This executive order signed by President Clinton is in effect until October 3, 1999. "Purpose. The National Bioethics Advisory Commission will provide advice and make recommendations to the National Science and Technology Council, other appropriate entities and the public, on bioethical issues arising from research on human biology and behavior, and the applications, including clinical applications, of that research. ...As a first priority, the commission will direct its attention to consideration of: A. Protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects: ...the Commission also may accept suggestions for issues for consideration from both the Congress and the public. ...The Commission is authorized to solicit information from relevant human research subject groups. ...In order to augment the expertise present on the Commission, the Secretary of Health and Human Services is also authorized to contract for the services of non-governmental consultants who may conduct analyses, prepare reports and background papers or prepare other materials for consideration by the Commission, as appropriate. ...An annual report shall be submitted to the National Science and Technology Council and the appropriate committees of Congress."

This is a great opportunity for victims as a group to have nonconsensual experimentation addressed.

Mind Control Forum