Two aircraft flying over Baltimore-Washington International Airport

Two aircraft flying over Baltimore-Washington International airport.

The Silent Sentry™ Product

Silent Sentry™ is a surveillance system that utilizes multiple broadcast radio signals to passively detect and track airborne objects in real-time, using a continuous wave (CW) technology.  Unlike conventional, pulsed radar, this CW technology updates positional and heading data on all aircraft in the surveillance area eight times per second.  This rapid, real-time update rate provides enhanced situational awareness for those who require precise and accurate knowledge of an aircraft's position.   

The Silent Sentry product family employs an architecture that is expandable and scalable.  The use of commercially available products makes it a low-cost, highly reliable, alternative to conventional radar.  These products include:

The Edge Product Family, by Autometric, Inc., combines high resolution digital terrain, imagery and maps to provide three-dimensional awareness and visualization of the trajectories in the operating environment.

High capacity, parallel processors by Silicon Graphics, Inc. provide power for the signal data processing and the quality resolution for the graphical user interface.

The first member of the product family is the Fixed Site System,  a real-time system which exploits continuous wave signals, providing complete airspace coverage.  

The Rapid Deployment System provides flexibility and performance to military, scientific and other users that need surveillance for only limited periods at a given location, or that need to rapidly relocate the system.


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Silent Sentry | Benefits | Performance Validation | Product | Fixed Site System | Rapid Deployment System | News
Lockheed Martin Mission Systems
Lockheed Martin Corporation

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Aviation Week Technology Innovation Award

Copyright 1998 Lockheed Martin Mission Systems All rights reserved.
Last modified: August 26, 1999