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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 090699

  Analyzer Pleads Innocent

contributed by Weld Pond
Analyzer (Ehud Tenenbaum), and three other teenagers pleaded not-guilty yesterday to penetrating computer systems of the Pentagon, NASA and the Israeli Parliament. Analyzer's lawyer said that since there was no notice declaring the sites off limits no crime was committed. A trial date has not yet been set but the defendants face a maximum of three years in jail if convicted.

USA Today
HNN Archive for June 9, 1999- Analyzer Starts Computer Security Business
HNN Archive for February 10, 1999- Analyzer Indicted

  'Thursday' Hits Banks in UK

contributed by TurTlex
The Word Macro virus 'Thursday' which attempts to delete users files on December 13th, has been reported to be spreading among financial institutions. After being reported at eight financial institutions in Europe its threat level has been increased to 'high'. There is concern that this virus may be confused as a Y2K bug due to its attack date.

ZD Net
HNN Archive for August 27, 1999 - Japanese Bank Mails Virus to Investors
Network Associates - 'Thursday' Description

  Chinese Man Sentenced to 18 Months for Computer Intrusion

contributed by evil wench
The Guangzhou Intermediate Court has found Lu Xuewen, 25, guilty of stealing system accounts and breaking into the main systems of ChinaNet, a major Chinese ISP. The security breaches occurred in January and February of 1998. Xuewen has been sentenced to 18 months in jail. (Better than a sentence of death.)

South China Morning Post

  New Y2K Problem - 9999

contributed by wperko
Organizations around the world are bracing in anticipation of next Thursday. September 9, 1999, or '9999', was once used by early programmers as an end of file tag. Some people have theorized that older computers may misinterpret the date code and stop working altogether. Some organizations like electric companies and the US Transportation Department will be using the date to help prepare for January 1st.

USA Today

  Presidential Hopefuls Don't Care About Privacy

contributed by evil wench
The Center for Democracy and Technology has released a study of web sites of the top eleven presidential candidates. Only Vice President Al Gore and Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) had a readily accessible privacy statement on the front page of their web sites. Most of the eleven candidates have mentioned the importance of privacy in the coming years.

Center for Democracy and Technology - A First Test: The Candidates and Their Privacy Policies

  Scottish Minister Secures Site

contributed by info
The security of the Scottish Minister's web site has finally been tightened. The modifications come days after the site was warned that it was open to attack. The warning was issued by Secondary DNS Con, a UK security convention.

HNN Archive for August 17, 1999
Secondary DNS Con - Original Press Release

  Prisoners to Fix Computers For Schools

contributed by Weld Pond
The State of Maine Correction Center has started a program to teach inmates how to fix computers. The program is modeled after a similar program in California. The systems are donated from companies and then given to local schools after they have been upgraded. Prison officials said that there is no software involved so that the prisoners do not have the opportunity to learn how to become infocriminals or how to break security codes. (So if there is no software involved how do they test what they fix?)

Excite News

  The Other Side of the HotMail Hole

contributed by Weld Pond
While Microsoft is still casting its magic spin wand over the whole HotMail mess one reporter found the hole and used it to spy on her arch enemies. Then she realized that maybe using the hole wasn't such a good idea.

Salon Magazine

  More HNN Features in My HNN

contributed by Thomas
Many thanks to helpful HNN reader who has written an awesome news ticker that will display HNN Headlines in your system tray. Check it out on the My HNN page.

I Want My HNN

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