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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


Below are original articles written by HNN administrators or submisions from affiliates.


Buffer Overflow Archives
1998 | 1999 | 2000

  The Name Game: Groking the Love Bug

Written By: McIntyre
May 10, 2000

The media frenzy surrounding the ILOVEYOU or 'Love Bug' virus/worm has resulted in several contridictions within the press. Even the National Bureau of Investigation can't seem to gets its facts straight. Things like names, relationships, and damage estimates would seem to be pretty standard and easy things to report on, or are they?

The Name Game: Groking the Love Bug

  The DeCSS case and how to change a Big Business (BB) in today's world

Written By: Dr. Z
February 15, 2000

Dr. Z sent us this interesting article on exactly how people should try to defeat the MPAA action against DeCSS. Definately some things here to think about.

The DeCSS case and how to change a Big Business (BB) in today's world

  Buffer Overflow: Have Script, Will Destroy (Lessons in DoS)

Written By: Brian Martin
February 10, 2000

So what exactly is going on out there? What are these denial of service attacks that are taking down high profile sites left and right? What makes these sorts of attacks succeed? Why hasn't anyone been caught yet? Will anyone get caught? How do I protect myself? Who's fault is it?

Everyone seems to have questions but no one seems to have answers.

Have Script, Will Destroy (Lessons in DoS)

  CERT warning? What, me worry?

Written By: Coris Neme
February 7, 2000

Last weeks CERT advisory covering cross site scripting has left a lot of people wondering what exactly CERT is up to. Considering the problem is years old and already patched by most applications is CERT just spreading FUD?

CERT warning? What, me worry?

  The Japanese Panic Project

Written By: YT Cracker
January 31, 2000

Japan's Defense Agency moved to barricade itself against computer hackers on Friday, saying a wave of attacks on government web sites this week could represent a 'grave threat' to national security. With a look at what seems to be the most reported on story of last week by the mainstream media (Reuters did nine separate articles) YT cracker took a cursory look at the some of the systems in the domain. What he found probably won't shock anyone who has been around for a while but everyone else may be surprised.

The Japanese Panic Project

  Buffer Overflow: A Well Known But Overlooked Threat to Hackers: Themselves

Written By: Carole Fennelly
January 14, 2000

Last Monday's Buffer Overflow article about the threat of scene whores caused a lot of heated email to arrive here at HNN. In response we have posted this rebuttal from Carole Fennelly, SunWorld columnist, to the article.

A Well Known But Overlooked Threat to Hackers: Themselves

  Reform the AV Industry

Written by: Render Man
January 13, 2000

How bad is the AV Industry? Does it need to be reformed? Does scanning for one piece of software because of the intent of the author and not the user make sense? How about scanning for legitimate security tools simply because they have extreme power when used by malicous people?

Reform the AV Industry

  A well known, but overlooked threat to Hackers. Scene Whores.

Written By: Erik Parker
January 10, 2000

What is sure to be an extremely controversial article, Erik Parker from MindSec Security, has identified what he feels is a major threat to the underground scene, the Scene Whore.

A well known, but overlooked threat to Hackers. Scene Whores.

  Gangly Mentality:The story of the great Y2K swindle and what is to come.

Written By: YT Cracker
January 7, 2000

What do billions of dollars, billions of useless books, and billions of prophetic statements have in common? If you guessed the now infamous Y2K rollover, you are correct. Just because Y2K has come and gone does not mean that we can relax and breath a collective sigh of relief. Now is the time to gear up for the real challenges that lay ahead, security.

Gangly Mentality:The story of the great Y2K swindle and what is to come.

  New Era

Written By: evenprime
January 3, 2000

Y2K has come and gone and left most people pretty much unscathed. The massive effort to clean up messy code over the last few years looks like it has paid off. What can be learnd from this? How can this be applied to writing secure software for the coming millenium?

New Era

Buffer Overflow Archives
1998 | 1999 | 2000

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